“Time Screen”: A Book Review by Tom Hansen, M.A., Ph.D. BOOK REVIEW: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/01/time-screen-a-book-review-by-tom-hansen-m-a-ph-d/ “Time Screen” describes what may be happening because some humans on earth have access to technology that enables them to move forward and backward in time and, to at least some extent, have control over future events. For example, there are five recent […]
Read the book that was secretly Time Travelled by CIA from 2005 back to 1971 to found a new science: “Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law In the Universe”
Read the book that was secretly Time Travelled by CIA from 2005 back to 1971 to found a new science: “Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law In the Universe” https://www.amazon.com/Exopolitics-Politics-Government-Law-Universe-ebook/dp/B007KPF2RO NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/12/read-the-book-that-was-secretly-time-travelled-by-cia-from-2005-back-to-1971-to-found-a-new-science-exopolitics-politics-government-and-law-in-the-universe/ The iconic book EXOPOLITICS https://www.amazon.com/Exopolitics-Politics-Government-Law-Universe-ebook/dp/B007KPF2RO that created the science of relations among intelligent civilizations was secretly Time Travelled by CIA using proprietary quantum access technology […]
Time Travel Expose of Chronogarchy asset PM Justin Trudeau has been viewed 163,000 times & yet Trudeau is still free!
Time Travel Expose of Chronogarchy asset PM Justin Trudeau has been viewed 163,000 times & yet Trudeau is still free! Video The counter shows This video of mine on Time Travel preidentification of Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister of Canada has received 163,000 views; 279,000 impressions, and reached 275,000 persons🌝👍 CLICK LINK TO WATCH VIDEO […]
Crop Circles are Soul Food: Crop Circle Update July 2022 – Philippe Ullens & Miguel Mendonça
Watch Video Panel Of Exclusive Crop Circle Photography & Interpretation: WATCH ON NEWTUBE: https://newtube.app/TrueTube/RlOUK0Z WATCH ON ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/crop.circle.soulfood:4faf523ad1d855e4085268a286ecc5dcc704b9d7 WATCH ON VIDYARD: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/MZqW5nrLcH2r8pMBhiZHnD? WATCH ON BRIGHTEON: https://www.brighteon.com/6fe71998-1f24-4981-9da0-f764424774bb WATCH ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v1cvsxf-crop-circles-are-soul-food-crop-circle-update-july-2022-philippe-ullens-and.html Full Newsinsideout Coverage: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/07/crop-circles-are-soul-food-crop-circle-update-july-2022-philippe-ullens-miguel-mendonca/ Philippe Ullens https://www.soulfood.photo Miguel Mendonça https://www.miguelmendonca.com https://www.sokamiru.com https://www.youtube.com/c/Sokamiru https://youtu.be/ii_eltU9ynM Omniversity Video courses [including Crop Circles]: https://www.Omniversity.info Research Campus: https://www.Omniversity.us
CHRONOGARCHY: Interdimensional reptilian/archonic soul faction infiltrates, using secret quantum access time travel technology to control Earth leadership structure in Government Heads of State, Religion, Banking, Military, Intelligence, Entertainment, AI Artificial Intelligence Technology, starting with Project Pegasus preidentified Presidents: George HW Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama [AKA Barry Soetoro], Donald J. Trump, Joseph Robinette Biden
Senator Joseph Robinette Biden [D-Dela – shown here in a 1983 photo] made a rare 1980 transcontinental trip to the campus of U.C. San Diego, CA where US Chrononaut and Project Pegasus time travel whistleblower Andrew D. Basiago was stationed, using the Montauk chair to time-travel predict the future dates on which that Bill Clinton […]
Conferencia de prensa sobre fenómenos aéreos no identificados OVNI / UAP 21 de agosto de 2021
Conferencia de prensa sobre fenómenos aéreos no identificados OVNI / UAP 21 de agosto de 2021 VER EN TRUETUBE: https://youtu.be/ABk2nBxuCzg NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2021/07/conferencia-de-prensa-sobre-fenomenos-aereos-no-identificados-ovni-uap-21-de-agosto-de-2021/ EXOPOLITICS.COM: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2021/07/conferencia-de-prensa-sobre-fen%C3%B3menos-a%C3%A9reos-no-identificados-ovni-uap-21-de-agosto-de-2021.html Comunicado de prensa de Ananda Bosman (organizador de la conferencia de prensa “JFK & the Alien Presence”, Copenhague de 1991. Coorganizador con garpan.ca de la conferencia de prensa sobre ovofología académica multimetropolitana […]
ET Interdimensional Experience: The Hero’s Journey & Zen Apocalypse – Chris Mathieu & Karen Holton
ET Interdimensional Experience: The Hero’s Journey & Zen Apocalypse – Chris Mathieu & Karen Holton ET Experiencers Chris Mathieu, Karen Holton and Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss their individual ET interdimensional Experiences, Heroes Journeys and Zen Apocalypses. WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/RKTas2sJmOk NEWSINSIDEOUT https://newsinsideout.com/2020/09/et-interdimensional-experience-the-heros-journey-zen-apocalypse-chris-mathieu-karen-holton/ TRUETUBE BLOG https://exopolitics.blogs.com/truth/2020/09/et-interdimensional-experience-the-heros-journey-zen-apocalypse-chris-mathieu-karen-holton.html Forbidden Transformation with Karen & Chris Chris Mathieu and Karen […]
Kraftwerkian Trance: E.T. Contact with Les Murzsa in Vancouver UFO Skywatch Field Notes
By Jon Kelly NewsInsideOut.com Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media August 9, 2019, shows skywatch highlights from Canadian UFO videographer Les Murzsa’s recent UFO documentary road trip to Vancouver, British Columbia. The self-documenting Extraterrestrial Contact experiencer who played a substantial role in forecasting Contact incidents involving additional videographers and witnesses returned to […]
NewsEvolution/EvolutionaryNews@TrueTube.co with Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre – Eclipse Special: Pedo-Cabal-Conehead Downfall; Rise of new Femina Universalis human species
NewsEvolution/EvolutionaryNews@TrueTube.co with Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre – Eclipse Special: Pedo-Cabal-Conehead Downfall; Rise of new Femina Universalis human species WATCH ON NewsEvolution/EvolutionaryNews@TrueTube.co: https://youtu.be/Kkb1Qt-Pn88 Happy Eclipse from a Well-wisher: “Recommendations from Vedic Astrology: Total Lunar Eclipse -July 27, 2018 at 1:21 p.m. PDT 10 degrees, Capricorn – Shravana Nakshatra “‘On Friday July […]
WEBINAR: The Buddha found enlightenment during full lunar Eclipse. Learn this ancient wisdom for your own enlightenment-Soul ascension during 2018-19 lunar eclipses, starting Jan. 30, 2018! Sheldon Moore
WEBINAR: The Buddha found enlightenment during full lunar Eclipse. Learn this ancient wisdom for your own enlightenment-Soul ascension during 2018-19 lunar eclipses, starting Jan. 30, 2018! Sheldon Moore WATCH WEBINAR ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/9Oy5E3sG8zs WATCH WEBINAR ON OmniverseTV Streaming https://gum.co/bQNwLG WATCH LIVE ON FACEBOOK Individual Ascension [Astronomical Enlightenment] & Tetra Blood Moon – Total Lunar Eclipse […]