Factual Response to Penny Bradley’s You Tube Libel and Slander of Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON NEW TUBE: https://newtube.app/TrueTube/TWnQe0s FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM COVERAGE: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/06/factual-response-to-penny-bradleys-you-tube-libel-and-slander-of-futurist-alfred-lambremont-webre/ Vancouver, BC – ALFRED: Thank you! I will take a look. I have no recollection of any untoward incident with Penny Bradley. In Light and Life, Alfred 🙂❤️ FRIEND: I wouldn’t be […]
NATO in Dallas: New analysis of Dallas Police Chief ‘Democracy-Changing’ sniper incident remarks
By Jon Kelly NewsInsideOut.com Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to YouTube on July 8, 2012, purports to reveal evidence of globalist intervention behind a sniper incident during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas, in which five police officers are reported dead. Dallas Police Chief David Brown spoke to reporters during a […]