Disclosure 2.0 [June 12, 2023] International Academic & Civilian UFOlogical Community Response WATCH FREE LIVE STREAMING ON OmniversityTV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNri601g_uY WATCH ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1OdKrzqOgLOKX WATCH ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v2tllnk-uapufoetinterdimensional-disclosure-2.0-and-response-june-12-2023-starting-.html NEWSINSIDEOUT REPORT https://newsinsideout.com/2023/06/omniversity-net-uap-ufo-et-interdimensional-4-hours-live-streaming-disclosure-2-0-international-community-response-monday-june-12-2023-click-links-below-starting-at-11am-pacific-2pm-eastern/ “Together we will reach the 1% necessary to shift our world into a peaceful paradigm, of cosmic consciousness.” ESPAÑOL-SPANISH UAP/OVNI/ET/InterDimensional Divulgacion 2.0 y respuesta internacional: […]
EXPOSE/DEFEAT THE GERMAN DVD INFILTRATION AT NASA and in Exopolitics, including (1) unlawful COINTELPRO GERMAN DVD disinformation by Dr. Bernard Fleck, NASA/ESA German spokesperson, who on NASA German DVD infiltration instructions, uses anti-Martian propaganda to attempt CIA Durant Report of the Robertson Panel dismissal of Obama Whitehouse 2011 public official denial by National Security Council Spokesperson Tommy Vietor that US President Barack Soetoro-Obama was in 1980s secret CIA Mars Jump Room & Explorer Program, and (2) Dr. Michael E. Salla, German DVD Infiltrator in Exopolitics who in 2012 an subsequent years carries out COINTELPRO GERMAN DVD disinformation against Mars Explorer & US Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago & MARS Chairman Futurist Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
EXPOSE/DEFEAT THE GERMAN DVD INFILTRATION AT NASA and in Exopolitics, including (1) unlawful COINTELPRO GERMAN DVD disinformation by Dr. Bernard Fleck, NASA/ESA German spokesperson, who on NASA German DVD infiltration instructions, uses anti-Martian propaganda to attempt CIA Durant Report of the Robertson Panel dismissal of Obama Whitehouse 2011 public official denial by National Security Council […]