The Exopolitical Origin of the Hebrew People: Ezekiel & Thiaoouba; Israel & Draco Reptilians The Morningstar Report: Robert Morningstar & Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health January 8, 2024 WATCH The Morningstar Report: ACCESS Full Report: Tuesday January 9, 2024 – An Exopolitical Origin of the Hebrew People is contained in […]
Trump: Evidence the AntiChrist would appear in 2023, as predicted by the Blessed Virgin Mary [Working Hermeneutics Hypothesis]
Trump: Evidence the AntiChrist would appear in 2023, as predicted by the Blessed Virgin Mary [Working Hermeneutics Hypothesis] WATCH ON NEW TUBE: With Alfred Lambremont Webre & Ted Mahr [Host] Full Report: September 1, 2023 REFERENCES ▪ “I WAS TOLD THE ANTICHRIST WILL APPEAR IN 2023” Host Dany Morone, Aereopuerto Orion, Buenos Aires […]
EXPOSE/DEFEAT THE GERMAN DVD INFILTRATION AT NASA and in Exopolitics, including (1) unlawful COINTELPRO GERMAN DVD disinformation by Dr. Bernard Fleck, NASA/ESA German spokesperson, who on NASA German DVD infiltration instructions, uses anti-Martian propaganda to attempt CIA Durant Report of the Robertson Panel dismissal of Obama Whitehouse 2011 public official denial by National Security Council Spokesperson Tommy Vietor that US President Barack Soetoro-Obama was in 1980s secret CIA Mars Jump Room & Explorer Program, and (2) Dr. Michael E. Salla, German DVD Infiltrator in Exopolitics who in 2012 an subsequent years carries out COINTELPRO GERMAN DVD disinformation against Mars Explorer & US Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago & MARS Chairman Futurist Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
EXPOSE/DEFEAT THE GERMAN DVD INFILTRATION AT NASA and in Exopolitics, including (1) unlawful COINTELPRO GERMAN DVD disinformation by Dr. Bernard Fleck, NASA/ESA German spokesperson, who on NASA German DVD infiltration instructions, uses anti-Martian propaganda to attempt CIA Durant Report of the Robertson Panel dismissal of Obama Whitehouse 2011 public official denial by National Security Council […]
ET sentient AI now terraforming Earth triggered by AntiChrist UK Crown during 1982 False Flag War
UK Antichrist Crown triggered ET sentient Artificial Intelligence now terraforming Earth into AI planet during 1982 False Flag Falklands War: Robert Morningstar & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH Revolution Radio Program on TrueTube: NewsInsideOut: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice Indicted the (1) UK Monarchy and (2) an invading, off-planet, sentient, inorganic, […]
Soul Analysis: Who is In Power in a specific Nation – Draconian, Lizard or Human Soul Leaders? Gary Peter Carlson
Soul Analysis: Who is In Power in a specific Nation – Draconian, Lizard or Human Soul Leaders? Gary Peter Carlson WATCH ON BRIGHTEON: WATCH ON RUMBLE: READ FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT ARTICLE: Who is in Power: Gary Peter Carlson: “ “I got the list of countries from List of countries and dependencies by population – Wikipedia and […]
Time Screen: The 100-year Chronogarchy secret plot to break apart America using Time Travel, Trump, and Treason was functionally stopped on January 6, 2021 when Vice President Michael Richard Pence (born June 7, 1959), an American politician who served as the 48th vice president of the United States from 2017 to 2021, neutralized the Insurrection against the US Constitutional 2020 US Presidential Election instigated and led by then US President Donald John Trump by properly validating the electoral college votes and declaring Joseph Robinette Biden elected 46th President of the United States.
2022 Diary: Tracking a Secret 100-year Chronogarchy Plot to Break Apart America by Alfred Lambremont Webre NEWSINSIDEOUT: ACCESS eBOOK NOW CONCLUSIONS Dear Diary, These are the conclusions you have reached by tracking each 2022 Diary Day: Time Screen: The 100-year Chronogarchy secret plot to break apart America using Time Travel, Trump, and Treason was […]
“Time Screen”: A Book Review by Tom Hansen, M.A., Ph.D.
“Time Screen”: A Book Review by Tom Hansen, M.A., Ph.D. BOOK REVIEW: “Time Screen” describes what may be happening because some humans on earth have access to technology that enables them to move forward and backward in time and, to at least some extent, have control over future events. For example, there are five recent […]
World Premiere: Life on Mars, Moon & Celestial bodies: Author Timothy Cohen
World Premiere: Life on Mars, Moon & Celestial bodies: Author Timothy Cohen WATCH ON EXOPOLITICSTV: NEWSINSIDEOUT: References Prophecy House Author, researcher, and hermeneutics Timothy Cohen presents a 5-hour World Premiere of a stunning transformation of the Cosmogony of our solar system, based on the evidence of flash fossils of advanced biological Life on […]
War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity – Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11 War on Terror, Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: Law & Tribunals of Conscience
War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity – Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11 War on Terror, Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: Law & Tribunals of Conscience NEWSINSIDEOUT: Hi! As you asked about my history of serving as a Judge on 3 Tribunals of Conscience over the years, here is a record of my experience. As you know, Private Tribunals of Conscience Their History […]
The hidden reptilian soul power structure: Gary Peter Carlson
The hidden reptilian soul power structure: Gary Peter Carlson WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: NEWSINSIDEOUT: