UK Antichrist Crown triggered ET sentient Artificial Intelligence now terraforming Earth into AI planet during 1982 False Flag Falklands War: Robert Morningstar & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH Revolution Radio Program on TrueTube: NewsInsideOut: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice Indicted the (1) UK Monarchy and (2) an invading, off-planet, sentient, inorganic, […]
Gary Peter Carlson: Two-step human awakening: (1) Governments & media are evil and lying (2) Are controlled by non-human reptilian souls
Gary Peter Carlson: Two-step human awakening: (1) Governments & media are evil and lying (2) Are controlled by non-human reptilian souls WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: References Gary Peter Carlson Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News: The views expressed by guests are their own. Copyright 2020-22 […] Leuren Moret – Solar eclipse $289 million Monsanto Roundup verdict benefits entire planet. 5000+ Lawsuits against Bayer-Monsanto are precedent for Activism-supported lawsuits against 5G, DEW, Vaccines, Chemtrails, Morgellons, Radiation, GMO & the entire millennial bloodline & Jesuit Genocidal Agenda against humanity and Earth
WATCH with Leuren Moret & Alfred Lambremont Webre: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – Independent scientist Leuren Moret, BA, PhD ABD, stated that the $289 million Monsanto Roundup verdict, rendered in San Francisco on Friday Aug. 10, 2018 during the run-up to the partial “Lion’s Gate” Solar eclipse, benefits the entire planet Earth. Now […]
Independence-Interdependence Day! Alfred Lambremont Webre Unplugged on July 4 2018 in Nevada City: An interview with Michael Axelman
Alfred Lambremont Webre on July 4 2018 in Nevada City Unplugged: An interview with Michael Axelman WATCH INTERVIEW ON Alfred Lambremont Webre on July 4 2018 in Nevada City Unplugged: An interview with Michael Axelman WATCH INTERVIEW ON ACCESS ARTICLE & ALL LINKS Full Sources of All Topics Covered in […]
Análisis exopolítico del muro propuesto en la frontera norte de México/Exopolitical analysis of the proposed wall at the northern border of Mexico
Análisis exopolítico del muro propuesto en la frontera norte de México Exopolitical analysis of the proposed wall at the northern border of Mexico: Spanish version – Links to English version below. English video coming soon! Entrevista de Francisco Arteaga al futurista Alfred Lambremont Webre 26 Febrero 2018 VER EN OmniverseTV/WATCH ON OmniverseTV VER EN […]
Crypto-Nazi Fidel Castro disclosed ‘alt-right’ attitude during 1959 ‘Face the Nation’ interview
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on November 26, 2016, exposes for the first time previously unheard audio revealing crypto-Nazi tendencies of former CIA-backed Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro. Sleep talking-like comments from a 1959 interview with CBS News “Face the Nation” sound cries of “Nazi” and “evil […]