War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity – Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11 War on Terror, Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: Law & Tribunals of Conscience NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/10/war-crimes-genocide-crimes-against-humanity-iraq-afghanistan-9-11-war-on-terror-genocidal-technologies-pandemic-law-tribunals-of-conscience/ Hi! As you asked about my history of serving as a Judge on 3 Tribunals of Conscience over the years, here is a record of my experience. As you know, Private Tribunals of Conscience Their History […]
Ole Dammegard, Counsel to International Tribunal, discusses 4D Soulutions for a New Humanity on a New Earth
Ole Dammegard, Counsel to International Tribunal, discusses 4D Soulutions for a New Humanity on a New Earth WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: https://www.brighteon.com/0a8ec841-2a5f-4de6-874c-b539eb4681c4 WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: https://rumble.com/vjllxx-ole-dammegard-counsel-to-international-tribunal-discusses-4d-soulutions-for.html Tribunal-Peaceinspace.org: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/international_criminal_co/2021/07/ole-dammegard-counsel-to-international-tribunal-discusses-4d-soulutions-for-a-new-humanity-on-a-new-earth-1.html NEWSINSIDOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2021/07/ole-dammegard-counsel-to-international-tribunal-discusses-4d-soulutions-for-a-new-humanity-on-a-new-earth/ Ole Dammegard, Of Counsel to the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice at www.peaceinspace.org, in this wide-ranging interview with Tribunal Chief Judge Alfred Lambremont […]
Colin Rivas: HAARP y causa electromagnética remota de la pandemia del “coronavirus” – Hipótesis
Colin Rivas: HAARP y causa electromagnética remota de la pandemia del “coronavirus” – Hipótesis MIRA EN TRUETUBE @ NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TrueTube/ZhqYAHh Los futuristas Colin Rivas [España] y Alfred Lambremont Webre [Canadá] exploran la hipótesis de que HAARP y una ionosfera armada se utilizan en la medicina de energía inversa remota para crear los síntomas de una […]
Colin Rivas: HAARP & Remote electromagnetic causation of the “Coronavirus” Pandemic – Hypothesis
Colin Rivas: HAARP & Remote electromagnetic causation of the “Coronavirus” Pandemic – Hypothesis WATCH ON TRUETUBE@NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TrueTube/w8CCD4K Futurists Colin Rivas [Spain] & Alfred Lambremont Webre [Canada] explore the hypothesis that HAARP & a weaponized ionosphere are used in remote reverse energy medicine to create the symptoms of a “Coronavirus” Pandemic, in concert with a deep […]
FAQ – QUESTION Why is weather warfare Hurricane Dorian occurring at this time?
QUESTION Why is weather warfare Hurricane Dorian occurring at this time? ANSWER Hurricane Dorian as a weather warfare DEW directed energy Weapons event & associated DEW driven mass shootings are timed by the Chronogarchy to overwhelm the public mind and airwaves with catastrophic and fearful memes, specifically to block the Barcelona-based public presentations and interviews […]
UPDATED ARTICLE! Fiancée: Exopolitics/UFO investigator Craig R. Lang was targeted & murdered at the February 2018 International UFO Congress using exotic weapons to stop his disclosure investigations
By Alfred Lambremont Webre Listen to TrueTube-NewsInsideOut Interview: https://vimeo.com/279368703 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – In a recorded 11:17-minute July 10, 2018 telephone statement with Alfred Lambremont Webre of TrueTube.co-NewsInsideOut.com, the fiancée of the late Exopolitics/UFO investigator Craig R. Lang, has stated prima facie substantive reasons why she believes that: -her husband-to-be Craig R. Lang was […]
How our Telus wifi downgrade from 5G to 2.4G avoided genocidal EMF frequencies in our home
By Alfred Lambremont Webre Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – The Monday after my participation in the June 23-24, 2018 Abort5G-BanDEW COMMUNITY CALL TO ACTION SUMMIT, I telephoned my local Internet Service Provider (ISP) Telus.com and asked them to downgrade our wifi from 5G to 2.4G for health reasons (We are renting and so cannot hardwire our […]
Obama UN Speech seeks to activate WWIII, UN Agenda 21 & depopulation; Is Obama Auditioning for UN Secretary General or Martial Law Occupier of United States; Exposing Obama’s covert role as Illuminati Mahdi?
Obama UN Speech seeks to activate WWIII, UN Agenda 21 & depopulation; Is Obama Auditioning for UN Secretary General or Martial Law Occupier of United States; Exposing Obama’s covert role as Illuminati Mahdi? Links to articles exposing the true actions and intent of the geopolitical actor known as Barack Obama. These issues were raised by […]
Leuren Moret: Putin vs Global Terrorism, Global RFDE/HAARP Attack, Chemtrail Attack On Net Security Conference, Dana Durnford, US/Canada Fukushima Persecution, Castro’s Game – Pope And Patriarch-One World Religion
Leuren Moret: Putin vs Global Terrorism, Global RFDE/HAARP Attack, Chemtrail Attack On Net Security Conference, Dana Durnford, US/Canada Fukushima Persecution, Castro’s Game – Pope And Patriarch-One World Religion By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH INTERVIEW ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In her March 3, 2016 NewsInsideOut.com interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist […]
PART I-Exposing Predatory Pathogenic Off-Planet AI Artificial Intelligence ~ Restoring Love sourced Humanity – A Multi-Part Symposium
PART I-Exposing Predatory Pathogenic Off-Planet AI Artificial Intelligence ~ Restoring Love sourced Humanity A Multi-Part Symposium NewsInsideOut.com VANCOUVER, BC – Part I of Three-Part Symposium Exposing Sentient, Off-planet Predatory, Pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence and offering Soul and Love-based solutions for restoring an increasingly robotized human society. WATCH PART I OF EXPOSING AI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYMPOSIUM […]