Ethical ET adduction of US President Carter, Chrononaut Basiago, and Futurist Webre opened portal to Galactic positive future for Earth that Trump-Iran-Israel Reptilian Souls are attempting to close through manufactured war Ethical ET adductions of Carter, Basiago & Webre open portal to Galactic positive future for Earth WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: ACCESS NEWSINSIDEOUT & FULL […]
Was Trump High? Pause in Iran Hostilities Address Slurred by Evident ‘Covert Drugging’
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media January 8, 2020, offers new evidence supporting claims the U.S. President is being “covertly drugged” by Deep State handlers. Granular audio analysis of Wednesday’s Address to Nation on Iran suggests evident mispronunciations plus modulations in spoken pitch, volume and cadence in the […]
British Tanker Captured for Violating TSS, UNCLOS, Innocent Passage: Int’l Lawyer – TASNIM NEWS
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An international lawyer described the seizure of a British oil tanker by Iran as legal, noting that the UK’s “Stena Impero” was captured for violating the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS), United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and provisions of Innocent Passage. July, 24, 2019 – 16:53 “The ‘Stena […] Leuren Moret – Solar eclipse $289 million Monsanto Roundup verdict benefits entire planet. 5000+ Lawsuits against Bayer-Monsanto are precedent for Activism-supported lawsuits against 5G, DEW, Vaccines, Chemtrails, Morgellons, Radiation, GMO & the entire millennial bloodline & Jesuit Genocidal Agenda against humanity and Earth
WATCH with Leuren Moret & Alfred Lambremont Webre: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – Independent scientist Leuren Moret, BA, PhD ABD, stated that the $289 million Monsanto Roundup verdict, rendered in San Francisco on Friday Aug. 10, 2018 during the run-up to the partial “Lion’s Gate” Solar eclipse, benefits the entire planet Earth. Now […]
Law of One: Souls [like Trump’s?] will destroy Earth as Tiamat [Asteroid Belt] & Mars were unless Spiritually Awakened or removed
WATCH PART I WEBINAR WITH James McCarty, Transcriber, Law of One, L/L Research WATCH ON TRUETUBE: Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV FREE – ExopoliticsTV – [Enter $0 – You can also make a voluntary donation to help support the work of ExopoliticsTV] I – Law of One: Donald J. Trump’s unilateral abrogation of the […]
Sébastien Martin: Directed energy, neuro, scalar, & Reptilian weapons & how to confront them
Sébastien Martin: Directed energy, neurotech, scalar, pulsar, chemtrails, portal Extraterrestrial interdimensional weapons, AI & Archonic weapons, Reptilian weapons attacks and how Souls can ascend by creatively confronting these weapons, attacks & perpetrators WATCH on Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV: Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV FREE – ExopoliticsTV – [Enter $0 – You can also […]
US President strikes down Geneva conventions war crimes controls against US drone strikes on civilians
US President strikes down Geneva conventions war crimes controls against US drone strikes on civilians By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW ON ExopoliticsTV You Tube: VANCOUVER, BC – The U.S. President has eliminated war crimes controls on US drone strikes initiated in 2013 in order to secure compliance of US drone strikes with […]
PRESSTV- Intl Lawyer Webre – Iran & Hajj pilgrims can seek compensation for Saudi criminal negligence or targeting
PRESSTV- Intl Lawyer Webre – Iran & Hajj pilgrims can seek compensation for Saudi criminal negligence or targeting WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In this news interview with PressTV from Teheran, international lawyer Alfred Lambremont Webre outlines legal remedies available to Iran on behalf of the victims of the stampede at the […]
Syrian Refugees: Assad involuntarily cites ‘threatening prophecy’
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to YouTube on September 16, 2015, purports to reveal how Syrian President Bashar al-Assad recently recalled negotiations and an offer not unlike one reported issued by the U.S. government to the Taliban during talks concerning Syrian refugees. The death of Aylan Kurdi, like the […]
MH370: CIA front Inmarsat’s SIGNINT Iran nuclear missile secrets revealed
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video posted to YouTube on December 23, 2014, explores the PSYOPs role of Inmarsat and a complicit mainstream media in providing the CIA with means to mislead the public and sabotage search and rescue operations concerning the facts of MH370’s disappearance and location. Inmarsat’s Sr. […]