EXPOSE/DEFEAT THE GERMAN DVD INFILTRATION AT NASA and in Exopolitics, including (1) unlawful COINTELPRO GERMAN DVD disinformation by Dr. Bernard Fleck, NASA/ESA German spokesperson, who on NASA German DVD infiltration instructions, uses anti-Martian propaganda to attempt CIA Durant Report of the Robertson Panel dismissal of Obama Whitehouse 2011 public official denial by National Security Council […]
Deep State front “Exopolitics Institute” unlawfully plagiarized & voted out Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre, calling Webre’s 2000-12 Exopolitics, Time Travel & Mars Colony reporting “Crazy” as directed by Deep State – Yet 20+ years later in 2022 lionizes Webre’s Early Whistleblower Time Travel & Mars Truth reporting in more hypocritical Deep State-driven interviews
Visual Fraud Evidence – “Exopolitics Institute” photograph on its current website on August 7, 2022 at https://exopoliticsinstitute.org/ of early Hawaii-based Exopolitics Conference, showing historical Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre [4th seated from left] and misleadingly titled, “Advisory Board The Advisory Board comprises the world’s leading scholars on the study of extraterrestrial life and its social, political […]