US Chrononaut & Mars Explorer Andrew D. Basiago: Time Travel & Life on Mars – Live Streaming in Argentina/Crononauta y Explorador de Marte Andrew D. Basiago – en Vivo en Argentina [English with Spanish Interpretation/Ingles con Traduccion en Español] WATCH ON/VER EN YOU TUBE READ ON/ LEER EN NEWSINSIDEOUT: Project Pegasus Project Mars Andy […]
International Press Conference (30 participants)/Conferencia de prensa internacional (30 participantes)/Conférence de presse internationale (30 participants)
International Press Conference (30 participants)/Conferencia de prensa internacional (30 participantes)/Conférence de presse internationale (30 participants) AUG. 21, 2021 NEWSINSIDEOUT: EXOPOLITICS.COM: Documento para medios y periodistas que deseen participar: Tenga en cuenta que la versión en inglés contiene una bibliografía exhaustiva de publicaciones recientes sobre divulgaciones gubernamentales, militares y científicas de la existencia de ovnis. “La […]
USAElection2020; Trump & the Moon; Natural & Common Law Tribunal to stop 5G Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: NewsEvolution
USAElection2020; Trump & the Moon; Natural & Common Law Tribunal to stop 5G Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: NewsEvolution WATCH ON TRUETUBE/NewTube: NEWSINSIDEOUT TRUETUBE BLOG NewsEvolution’s Patty Greer, Alfred Lambremont Webre, and NASA’s Shehnaz Soni discuss (1) USA’s Election 2020, (2) Donald J. Trump, NASA, and the Moon, and (3) the Natural and Common […]
MARS RESEARCH – Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd – 2000-Present
MARS RESEARCH – Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd – 2000-Present Books Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law In the Universe by Webre JD MEd, Alfred Lambremont EXOPOLÍTICA: LA POLÍTICA, EL GOBIERNO Y LA LEY EN EL UNIVERSO (Spanish Edition) by Alfred Lambremont Webre DAS OMNIVERSUM: Transdimensionale Intelligenz, hyperdimensionale Zivilisationen und die geheime Marskolonie (German […]
Andromeda Council: Earth is already on a positive timeline.
Andromeda Council: Earth is already on a positive timeline. By Alfred Lambremont Webre Andromeda Council: Earth is already on a positive timeline. By Alfred Lambremont Webre Peace Portal, BC-WA – In a December 18, 2019 letter by to Tolec of the Andromeda Council’s Joint Earth Council, the Andromeda Council’s representative was asked […]
FAQ – QUESTION Why is weather warfare Hurricane Dorian occurring at this time?
QUESTION Why is weather warfare Hurricane Dorian occurring at this time? ANSWER Hurricane Dorian as a weather warfare DEW directed energy Weapons event & associated DEW driven mass shootings are timed by the Chronogarchy to overwhelm the public mind and airwaves with catastrophic and fearful memes, specifically to block the Barcelona-based public presentations and interviews […]
PREGUNTA ¿Por qué está ocurriendo la guerra climática por el huracán Dorian en este momento?
PREGUNTA ¿Por qué está ocurriendo la guerra climática por el huracán Dorian en este momento? RESPUESTA El huracán Dorian como una guerra climática El evento de armas de energía dirigida por DEW y los tiroteos masivos asociados a DEW son cronometrados por la Chronogarchy para abrumar la mente pública y las ondas con memes catastróficos […]
ET Space craft hovering over July 20, 2019 Pine Ridge All Nations Lakota Sundance fulfills Xico Xavier 50-year prophecy: No WWIII & Humanity will join peaceful Galactic Community: Mia Feroleto
ET Space craft hovering over July 20, 2019 Pine Ridge All Nations Lakota Sundance fulfills Xico Xavier 50-year prophecy: No WWIII & Humanity will join peaceful Galactic Community: Mia Feroleto VEA REPORTE EN ESPAÑOL MAS ABAJO LISTEN TO TRUETUBE.CO INTERVIEW WITH MIA FEROLETO & ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE Pine Ridge Reservation, Lakota Territory – In this […]
#DISCLOSURE #LIFEONMARS #MARS BASES #SSPSECRETSPACEPROGRAM “It’s time for MARS & Mars Explorers to sue for Life on Mars Disclosure in US Federal Court!”
#DISCLOSURE #LIFEONMARS #MARS BASES #SSPSECRETSPACEPROGRAM “It’s time for MARS & Mars Explorers to sue for Life on Mars Disclosure in US Federal Court!” WATCH ON Presentation at the VII Annual MARS Conference Sept. 7-9, 2018 Silver City, NM Presentation by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Chairman, MARS Advisory Board Mars Anomaly Research Society […]
Integrating Ascension & Life on Mars Disclosure: Laura Eisenhower & Alfred Lambremont Webre –
Integrating Ascension & Life on Mars Disclosure: Laura Eisenhower & Alfred Lambremont Webre – WATCH ON PART I: Ascension Update with Laura Eisenhower, Cosmologist, Target of Mars Colony Abduction Attempt PART II. “It’s time for MARS & Mars Explorers to sue for Life on Mars Disclosure in US Federal Court!” “It’s time […]