INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL ISSUES CEASE & DESIST ORDER AGAINST WHO & 194 member nations carrying out genocide & crimes against humanity through fraudulent “WHO Pandemic Treaty + International Health Regulations + Codex Alimentarius” NEWSINSIDEOUT: GENEVA, SWITZERLAND -On February 26, 2023 an International Tribunal lawfully carried out Service of Process of a Cease & Desist Order Against […]
International Tribunal enforces against Canada and United States officials for intentional Pandemic genocide.
International Tribunal enforces against Canada and United States officials for intentional Pandemic genocide. INTERVIEW with Tribunal Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [17 mins] NEWSINSIDEOUT: WATCH ON RUMBLE: WATCH ON ODYSEE: WATCH ON BRIGHTEON: Judgment of the Tribunal in the matter of Genocidal Technologies Pandemic On the Indictment: Genocide & Crimes against […]
TWO REMEDIES AGAINST SPIKE PROTEIN EMITTED BY VAXXED PERSONS: “”Alfred, I have proof that a vaxxed person can transmit something horrible to others.”
TWO REMEDIES AGAINST SPIKE PROTEIN EMITTED BY VAXXED PERSONS: “”Alfred, I have proof that a vaxxed person can transmit something horrible to others.” FRIEND: “Alfred, I have proof that a vaxxed person can transmit something horrible to others. Friday I had a root canal done, but had to go to a specialist an hour’s […]
Kevin Galalae: The pandemic Illusion and global governance – Decarbonization; Depopulation; Globalization
Kevin Galalae: The pandemic Illusion and global governance – Decarbonization; Depopulation; Globalization WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: The pandemic Illusion and global governance Kevin Galalae 10 June 2020 “It is by now statistical fact that there is no pandemic. A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide […]
Gary Peter Carlson: Pray for Earth’s Planetary Ascension – PM Trudeau has a Draco reptilian soul & 2nd human lowest soul score of 3; cooperates with evil “public health” Matrix
Gary Peter Carlson: Pray for Earth’s Planetary Ascension – PM Trudeau has a Draco reptilian soul & 2nd human lowest soul score of 3; cooperates with evil “public health” Matrix WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: References Gary Peter Carlson Gary Hi! It has been publicly reported that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is taking […]
Kosol Ouch enters consciousness of POTUS Donald Trump on April 23, 2023 as ET leader welcomes Earth to Galactic federation & Kosol channels Unimetrix1, COVID-19, and Bashar
Kosol Ouch enters consciousness of POTUS Donald Trump on April 23, 2023 as ET leader welcomes Earth to Galactic federation & Kosol channels Unimetrix1, COVID-19, and Bashar WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: NEWSINSIDEOUT: ” Today we have Kosol Ouch who will be channeling the Unimatrix an artificial intelligence from 6.5 million years in the future […]
Melania Trump’s Prophetic ‘Pandemic Dream’ Leaked in 2018 Suggests Parallel Universe at Haunted White House
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on April 9, 2020, reveals how U.S. First Lady Melania Trump’s encrypted sleep talking-like messages disclosed specific “Pandemic Dream”-like foreknowledge of COVID-19 over one year before the virus became a national public health emergency in America. Encoded futuristic remarks discovered within the President & First […]