The Daily Herald, A Propaganda outlet of Pedocriminal and Luciferian [1] Dutch Monarchy protectorate Sint Maartin, adopts CIA anti-ET 1952 Robertson panel smear tactics [2] in attempt to provide political cover for its genocidal COVID Vaccination regime PART I The International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice, a private […]
Carina Sallberg: Pedocriminal network in Swedish Judiciary, Child Protection Service CPS, mandates adoption of mute boy by convicted pedo & commits objecting official Carina Sallberg to insane asylum
Award winning Swedish public official and Teacher Carina Sallberg By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd HELSINGBORG, SWEDEN – In a crimes-against-humanity level violation of international and human rights law and of the European Convention on Human Rights, a network of rogue judges under judge Nicklas Soderberg, a rogue judge at the Helsingborg District Court, Sweden,in […]
ARTICLES ON AI-ENTRAINED HOST DONALD J TRUMP BY ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE – 2015 to PRESENT 1. AI Sentient Inorganic Invading Artificial Intelligence – Articles, Interviews & Independent Panels by Alfred Lambremont Webre – 2019 Inteligencia artificial invasora inorgánica sensible: artículos, entrevistas y paneles independientes por Alfred Lambremont Webre – 2019 2. PUBLIC WARNING‼️I […]
Ole Dammegard with Tracker.One Conny Andersson to Swedish Pedo-Orgs: “Do the Right Thing & Return Anna’s Child to her!”
Ole Dammegard with Tracker.One Conny Andersson to Swedish Pedo-Orgs: “Do the Right Thing & Return Anna’s Child to her!” WATCH TRUETUBE.CO PANEL WITH Ole Dammegard, Conny Andersson, Anna & Alfred Lambremont Webre – VIDEO: VANCOUVER, BC – Swedish mother Anna, whose child was unlawfully taken from her by Pedocriminally-infiltrated child welfare organizations to whom […]
NewsEvolution: Laura Eisenhower interviews Amy Biank, whistleblower who exposed Brazilian healer John of God as cult leader and alleged pedocriminal, sexual abuser, and rapist
#NewsEvolution: Laura Eisenhower interviews Amy Biank, whistleblower who exposed Brazilian healer John of God as cult leader and alleged pedocriminal, sexual abuser, and rapist In this video Laura interviews the Whistleblower exposing John of God — Amy Biank. We will discuss the allegations being thrown at John of God in relation to sexual abuse, pedophilia, […]
ENGLISH/ESPAÑOL: Panel – Pedocriminal assassination of children/asesinato pedocriminal de niños
ENGLISH/ESPAÑOL: Panel – Pedocriminal assassination of children/asesinato pedocriminal de niños Panelists: Carine Hutsebaut, Author & Commissioner, Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, ITNJ Juan Lankamp, Author, Investigator & correspondent Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Judge, Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal WATCH PANEL ON PANEL en PANEL: […]
ANALYSIS: Secret Messages Confirm Sexual Assault in Christine Blasey Ford Testimony, Suggest Brett Kavanaugh Allegations Factual
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on September 28, 2018, explores multidimensional facets of Senate Judiciary Committee testimony from Stanford University School of Medicine research psychologist Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Granular audio analysis appears to partially confirm this Palo Alto University professor’s allegations she was sexually assaulted during […]
#NOMOREABUSE Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre stand up for Constitutional Free Speech
#NOMOREABUSE Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre stand up for Constitutional Free Speech WATCH ON Background for Roundtable PUBLIC NOTICE: by appears to be under organized unconstitutional surveillance and threat to its Bill of Rights & Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms protections against utterance of Hate speech against the […]
Peter Kling: 2020-21 End of Religion exposes Vatican planetary Child Trafficking Empire and Islam as a death cult, followed by 3.5 years of 666 Antichrist King of the World Prince William, as a Nibiru event and “King of Kings and Armies of the Heavens” show up around 2025 and 1000 years Divine Rule on Earth.
WATCH Roundtable with Author & Hermeneuticist Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre: Watch on Roundtable Update from Peter Kling: “Alfred Hi! “Came across some additional information regarding our future timeline and the Zionist-Vs-Jesuit agenda, which will bring the “Antichrist” and eventually will end with the King of Kings and Lord of […]
NewsEvolution/ with Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre – Eclipse Special: Pedo-Cabal-Conehead Downfall; Rise of new Femina Universalis human species
NewsEvolution/ with Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre – Eclipse Special: Pedo-Cabal-Conehead Downfall; Rise of new Femina Universalis human species WATCH ON NewsEvolution/ Happy Eclipse from a Well-wisher: “Recommendations from Vedic Astrology: Total Lunar Eclipse -July 27, 2018 at 1:21 p.m. PDT 10 degrees, Capricorn – Shravana Nakshatra “‘On Friday July […]
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