US Chrononaut & Mars Explorer Andrew D. Basiago: Time Travel & Life on Mars – Live Streaming in Argentina/Crononauta y Explorador de Marte Andrew D. Basiago – en Vivo en Argentina [English with Spanish Interpretation/Ingles con Traduccion en Español] WATCH ON/VER EN YOU TUBE READ ON/ LEER EN NEWSINSIDEOUT: Project Pegasus Project Mars Andy […]
Se Acerca contacto Extraterrestre? ¿Controlan Tiempo Espacio en la Tierra? Exopolítica Alfred Webre: Enigmas en la Historia – Ovnis Actuales
Se Acerca contacto Extraterrestre? ¿Controlan Tiempo Espacio en la Tierra? Exopolítica Alfred Webre:Enigmas en la Historia ▬Ovnis Actuales ESCUCHAR ENTREVISTA ON ALFRED WEBRE: ARTICULO NEWSINSIDEOUT: Futurista Alfred Lambremont Webre Libros en Español y Portugues EXOPOLÍTICA: LA POLÍTICA, EL GOBIERNO Y LA LEY EN EL UNIVERSO Por Alfred Lambremont Webre VERSION PORTUGUES LA […]
ET Cosmos: Theresa J. Morris, Janet Kira Lessin & Alfred Lambremont Webre -Area 51 & TJ Meets Ronald Reagan
ET Cosmos: Theresa J. Morris, Janet Kira Lessin & Alfred Lambremont Webre -Area 51 & TJ Meets Ronald Reagan WATCH THIS EPISODE! 10/7/2022 Fridays at 5pmPacific/6pm MTN/7pmCentral/8pm Eastern/ Watch on ExopoliticsTV: Watch on Omniversity: Watch on Twitter: NEWSINSIDEOUT: LINKS: OMNIVERSITY – Social Media, Courses & Research in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences & Spiritual Sciences […]
Sign FREE Public Petition for an Earth Representative to the Regional Galactic Governance Council
Decloaking of Regional Galactic Governance Council vehicle over New York City, New York, Oct. 13, 2010 FREE Public Petition for an Earth Representative to the Regional Galactic Governance Council SIGN FREE PETITION NOW: I am a human resident of planet Earth and am signing this Petition of my own Free Will. I have read […]
Deep State front “Exopolitics Institute” unlawfully plagiarized & voted out Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre, calling Webre’s 2000-12 Exopolitics, Time Travel & Mars Colony reporting “Crazy” as directed by Deep State – Yet 20+ years later in 2022 lionizes Webre’s Early Whistleblower Time Travel & Mars Truth reporting in more hypocritical Deep State-driven interviews
Visual Fraud Evidence – “Exopolitics Institute” photograph on its current website on August 7, 2022 at of early Hawaii-based Exopolitics Conference, showing historical Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre [4th seated from left] and misleadingly titled, “Advisory Board The Advisory Board comprises the world’s leading scholars on the study of extraterrestrial life and its social, political […]
A POSITIVE FUTURE: Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on Lone Wolf Radio with Kiler Davenport and Cohost David Ray King
A POSITIVE FUTURE: Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on Lone Wolf Radio with Kiler Davenport and Cohost David Ray King LISTEN NOW: ACCESS FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT COVERAGE: ALFRED: “Support My Initiative to be an Earth’s Representative on the Regional Galactic Governance Council” Lone Wolf Radio with Kiler Davenport and Cohost David Ray King: Interview […]
Timeless Voyager Series with Alfred Lambremont Webre – Ep261 – Time Travel, The Chronogarchy, more.
Timeless Voyager Series with Alfred Lambremont Webre – Ep261 – Time Travel, The Chronogarchy, more. WATCH ON YOU TUBE: FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT COVERAGE: NEW Timeless Voyager Series interview with Futurist, Author, and Speaker, Alfred Lambremont Webre. He joins Host, Bruce Stephen Holms for an enlightening view of the incredible technologies that most people have never […]
TruthQuest: Alfred Lambremont Webre – Exopolitics, the Chronogarchy & the Omniverse land in Earth’s positive timeline
TruthQuest: Alfred Lambremont Webre – Exopolitics, the Chronogarchy & the Omniverse land in Earth’s positive timeline WATCH ON TRUTHQUEST: FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM COVERAGE: Alfred Lambremont Webre: English & Español Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre is a change agent whose principal activities are: (1) Exopolitics: founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) Omniverse: co-discovery of […]
Here are 25 reasons why I love the work I do! “Why work on books? Here are 25 good reasons”
Here are 25 reasons why I love the work I do! “Why work on books? Here are 25 good reasons” “When I am working on a book — writing, editing, ghost writing — I am in a flow state. This is deeply pleasurable. “I love words. So I love writing. So I love books. “I […]
ACIO: Advanced Alien Contact Intelligence Organization: Jessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks
ACIO: Advanced Alien Contact Intelligence Organization: Jessica Arael Marrocco / AndronETalks Watch on ExopoliticsTV: WATCH FULL COVERAGE ON NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: Today Jessica remains active as a psychic, interdimensional seer, Akashic record reader, radio host, podcaster, and owner of AndronETalks Radio. She does regular shows with Peter on her youtube channel discussing disclosure, planetary, and […]
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