‘FESIG 111TH ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE – AI INVASION, CHATGPT & SUDOWRITE INTEL WATCH FESIG 111th VIDEO PRESENTATION NOW: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZJrxI7PHVlrx/ ACCESS NEWSINSIDEOUT REPORT: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/05/fesig-111th-alfred-lambremont-webre-ai-invasion-chatgpt-sudowrite-intel/ ‘FESIG 111TH ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE – AI INVASION, CHATGPT & SUDOWRITE INTEL sharing a true history of a sentient, pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence terraforming Earth into an AI-Transhumanist planet since April-June, 1982. Tech […]
TRIBUNAL REPORT: Only 3 of the 287,651 serious injuries and 35,048 deaths officially attributed on VAERS to COVID “vaccination bioweapon” injuries have received compensation
NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND JUSTICE www.Peaceinspace.org TRIBUNAL REPORT: Only 3 of the 287,651 serious injuries and 35,048 deaths officially attributed on VAERS to COVID “vaccination bioweapon” injuries have received compensation NewsInsideOut: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/04/tribunal-report-only-3-of-the-287651-serious-injuries-and-35048-deaths-officially-attributed-on-vaers-to-covid-vaccination-bioweapon-injuries-have-received-compensation/ References: Report: Only Three Americans Who Suffered Injuries or Death From the COVID Shots Have Been Compensated Thus […]
La Corona Anticristica del Reino Unido desencadenó, durante la guerra de bandera falsa de las Malvinas de 1982, la inteligencia artificial IA sensible extraterrestre y patogénica que ahora terraforma la Tierra a un planeta IA: Alfred Lambremont Webre y Aereopuerto Orión
La Corona Anticristica del Reino Unido desencadenó, durante la guerra de bandera falsa de las Malvinas de 1982, la inteligencia artificial IA sensible extraterrestre y patogénica que ahora terraforma la Tierra a un planeta IA: Alfred Lambremont Webre y Aereopuerto Onion VER EN YOU TUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN-uM7PtGLY NEWSINSIDEOUT https://newsinsideout.com/2023/03/la-corona-anticristica-del-reino-unido-desencadeno-durante-la-guerra-de-bandera-falsa-de-las-malvinas-de-1982-la-inteligencia-artificial-ia-sensible-extraterrestre-y-patogenica-que-ahora-terraforma/ INVASIÓN DE IA: Lo que ChatGBT y Sudowrite me […]
International Tribunal enforces against Canada and United States officials for intentional Pandemic genocide.
International Tribunal enforces against Canada and United States officials for intentional Pandemic genocide. INTERVIEW with Tribunal Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [17 mins] NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/11/international-tribunal-enforces-against-canada-and-united-states-officials-for-intentional-pandemic-genocide/ WATCH ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v1ufkn8-international-tribunal-enforces-against-canada-and-united-for-intentional-p.html WATCH ON ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@TrueTube:9d/TRIBUNAL:b8 WATCH ON BRIGHTEON: https://www.brighteon.com/cb59ba25-f5c4-4dce-91ea-94cb12129864 Judgment of the Tribunal in the matter of Genocidal Technologies Pandemic On the Indictment: Genocide & Crimes against […]
Hypothesis Pelosi Attacker DePape: Chronogarchy Deep State supporting Trump fits the scientific profile of using remote Directed Energy Weapons [DEW] on MKULTRA victim & QANON Election Denier David DePape to teleguide mind-controlled DePape into Early Morning “Where’s Nancy” MKULTRA remote DEW-fueled Attack on Pelosi Home and Husband Paul Pelosi.
Hypothesis Pelosi Attacker DePape: Chronogarchy Deep State supporting Trump fits the scientific profile of using remote Directed Energy Weapons [DEW] on MKULTRA victim & QANON Election Denier David DePape to teleguide mind-controlled DePape into Early Morning “Where’s Nancy” MKULTRA remote DEW-fueled Attack on Pelosi Home and Husband Paul Pelosi. Purpose of this DEW Psyops Attack: […]
War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity – Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11 War on Terror, Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: Law & Tribunals of Conscience
War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity – Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11 War on Terror, Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: Law & Tribunals of Conscience NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/10/war-crimes-genocide-crimes-against-humanity-iraq-afghanistan-9-11-war-on-terror-genocidal-technologies-pandemic-law-tribunals-of-conscience/ Hi! As you asked about my history of serving as a Judge on 3 Tribunals of Conscience over the years, here is a record of my experience. As you know, Private Tribunals of Conscience Their History […]
Omniversity.net: Timothy Cohen – The AntiChrist and A Cup of Tea – King Charles III in An Age of AntiChrists
Omniversity.net: Timothy Cohen – The AntiChrist and A Cup of Tea – King Charles III in An Age of AntiChrists WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: https://odysee.com/@TrueTube:9d/OmniversityAntiChrist1:e NewsInsideOut.com: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/10/omniversity-net-timothy-cohen-the-antichrist-and-a-cup-of-tea-king-charles-iii-in-an-age-of-antichrists/ References https://prophecyhouse.com/ Called by God in 1987 to be “him who has understanding” (Rev 13:18) — while a United States Air Force Academy cadet — Timothy Cohen is today an […]
TIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY: A Novel Multidimensional Novel & THE CHRONOGARCHY: How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel Manipulates Human Events, Human History, and the Interlife
TIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY: A Novel Multidimensional Novel & THE CHRONOGARCHY: How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel Manipulates Human Events, Human History, and the Interlife https://newsinsideout.com/2021/12/pre-order-timelines-of-the-chronogarchy-a-novel-multidimensional-novel-the-chronogarchy-how-interdimensional-quantum-access-time-travel-manipulates-human-events-human-history-and-the-interl/ TIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY: A Novel Multidimensional Novel Kindle Edition by Alfred Lambremont Webre (Author) Format: Kindle Edition TIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY A Novel MultiDimensional NovelTIMELINES OF THE CHRONOGARCHY is available on pre-order Kindle […]
Gary Peter Carlson: Covert system of incarnate Reptilian & Lizard non-empathic Souls in leadership positions has humanity hostage.
Gary Peter Carlson: Covert system of incarnate Reptilian & Lizard non-empathic Souls in leadership positions has humanity hostage. WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://youtu.be/fScyDLYXDaw ACCESS NEWSINSIDEOUT ARTICLE: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/03/gary-peter-carlson-covert-system-of-incarnate-reptilian-lizard-non-empathic-souls-in-leadership-positions-has-humanity-hostage/ In this wide-ranging update with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Gary Peter Carlson explains the crippling influence that a covert system of incarnate Reptilian & Lizard non-empathic Souls in leadership positions […]
UPDATED: Living Platform for a New Earth Community – www.NewEarthNews.org
UPDATED: DONATE VIA GOFUNDME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/24bavbr6 No amount is too small Living Platform for a New Earth Community – www.NewEarthNews.org https://exopolitics.blogs.com/living_platform_for_a_new/2019/12/living-platform-for-a-new-earth-community.html Hello. I am Alfred Lambremont Webre. As many of you know, in 2014 I founded PositiveFuture.info – Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time […]
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