Hampstead Cover up: Evidence trail from Hampstead UK pedophile network leads directly to PM David Cameron By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH ON YOU TUBE NOTE: The normal Skype recording was intentionally interfered with by an outside agency. This is a backup recording and we urge viewer patience. You are witnessing an international information war […]
Part I: Exclusive Interview – Ella Draper & Abe Christie’s testimony on Hampstead pedophilia the UK Court excluded
Part I: Exclusive Interview – Ella Draper & Abe Christie’s testimony on Hampstead pedophilia the UK Court excluded By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH PART I ON YOU TUBE – [PART II COMING SOON] VANCOUVER, BC – Speaking with NewsInsideOut.com’s Alfred Lambremont Webre from an undisclosed location in Part I of a wide-ranging interview, Ella […]