WATCH with Leuren Moret & Alfred Lambremont Webre: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – Independent scientist Leuren Moret, BA, PhD ABD, stated that the $289 million Monsanto Roundup verdict, rendered in San Francisco on Friday Aug. 10, 2018 during the run-up to the partial “Lion’s Gate” Solar eclipse, benefits the entire planet Earth. Now […]
WEBINAR: “No Vaccine in 2018!” with Dr. Viera Scheibner, Madame Ghis, Dr. Rebecca Carley & Sallie O Elkordy
WEBINAR: “No Vaccine in 2018!” with Dr. Viera Scheibner, Madame Ghis, Dr. Rebecca Carley & Sallie O Elkordy WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON OmniverseTV Streaming WATCH LIVE ON FACEBOOK WEBINAR: “No Vaccine in 2018!” with Dr. Viera Scheibner; Madame Ghis; Dr. Rebecca Carley; Sallie O. Elkordy is a Centenary Webinar Tribute […]