315-Exposing The AI Invasion: Timeless Voyager Series Podcast with host, Bruce Stephen Holms WATCH ON OmniversityTV: https://youtu.be/3X2tFlhHMAk Full Report on NewsInsideOut.com: https://newsinsideout.com/2024/02/315-exposing-the-ai-invasion-timeless-voyager-series-podcast-with-host-bruce-stephen-holms/ Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre joins the Timeless Voyager Series Podcast with host, Bruce Stephen Holms. His principal social contributions have been founding the science of Exopolitics through his many books. It all started with […]
International Tribunal: Emergency Injunctions stopping COVID vaccines, 5G world-wide; Sentences Pandemic Perpetrators Bill Gates & George Soros to Life Imprisonment without Parole. WATCH ON TRUETUBE@NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TrueTube/DMSWubJ TRUETUBE BLOG [For social media posting] https://exopolitics.blogs.com/truetube/2020/12/international-tribunal-emergency-injunctions-stopping-covid-vaccines-5g-world-wide-sentences-pandemic-perpetrators-bill-ga.html NEWSINSIDEOUT ACCESS THE TRIBUNAL JUDGMENT: NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND JUSTICE http://www.peaceinspace.org https://exopolitics.blogs.com/international_criminal_co/ Judgment of the Tribunal in the matter of Genocidal Technologies Pandemic On the Indictment: Genocide & Crimes against Humanity by 5G-Pandemic Perpetrators
International Tribunal: Emergency Injunctions stopping COVID vaccines, 5G world-wide; Sentences Pandemic Perpetrators Bill Gates & George Soros to Life Imprisonment without Parole. WATCH ON TRUETUBE@NewTube: https://newtube.app/user/TrueTube/DMSWubJ TRUETUBE BLOG [For social media posting] https://exopolitics.blogs.com/truetube/2020/12/international-tribunal-emergency-injunctions-stopping-covid-vaccines-5g-world-wide-sentences-pandemic-perpetrators-bill-ga.html NEWSINSIDEOUT https://newsinsideout.com/2020/12/international-tribunal-emergency-injunctions-stopping-covid-vaccines-5g-world-wide-sentences-pandemic-perpetrators-bill-gates-george-soros-to-life-imprisonment-without-parole-watch-on-truet/ ACCESS THE TRIBUNAL JUDGMENT: NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND JUSTICE http://www.peaceinspace.org https://exopolitics.blogs.com/international_criminal_co/ Judgment of the Tribunal […]
NewsEvolution: USA2020 & The Pandemic Illusion and Global Governance – Decarbonization; Depopulation; Globalization
NewsEvolution with Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre: USA2020 & The Pandemic Illusion and Global Governance – Decarbonization; Depopulation; Globalization WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/4CLTLeC3w50 https://www.brighteon.com/c8ee4b4f-829b-41f3-b862-90828f8f6b3a WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO https://newsinsideout.com/2020/06/newsevolution-usa2020-the-pandemic-illusion-and-global-governance-decarbonization-depopulation-globalization/ Patty Greer (Photo) http://www.C60EVO.com ESS60 is not “very expensive. For example, when an authentic person seeking health maintenance purchases a monthly subscription, the cost per […]
SALLIE ELKORDY: Why COVID-19 Vaccines are Unsafe & Must be Stopped!
SALLIE ELKORDY: Why COVID-19 Vaccines are Unsafe & Must be Stopped! WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/COZpwCYh5ZMD/ NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/05/sallie-elkordy-why-covid-19-vaccines-are-unsafe-must-be-stopped/ Why COVID-19 Vaccines are Unsafe & Must be Stopped! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1026397407762438 45 Percent of Surveyed American Adults Doubt Vaccine Safety https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/vaccines-vaccination/45-percent-surveyed-american-adults-doubt-vaccine-safety 1. What’s in the COVID-19 VACCINE itself? YIKES! https://is.gd/ZH4fdf “Vaccine Free America with Sallie Elkordy” RBN Saturday […]
UK’s Prince Charles, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and Google’s Ray Kurzweil: Entrained Robotoids for Off-planet invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence dubbed “Iggy”?
UK’s Prince Charles, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and Google’s Ray Kurzweil: Entrained Robotoids for Off-planet invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence dubbed “Iggy”? AI Expose on major media likens invading sentient plasma Inorganic Intelligence (“Iggy”) to sci fi movies By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – Less than a week after an […]