Gary Peter Carlson: Earth & Light souls have planetary ascension on Dec. 21, 2020 at 10:22am PST WATCH ON TRUETUBE@Youtube: WATCH ON TRUETUBE@NewTube: NewsInsideOut: TrueTube Blog: In a 1 hour and 5 minute interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Gary Peter Carlson sourced that Earth and Unity Conscious Souls will have planetary […]
Telos visitor Lowell Johnson: While in Inner Earth Telos I was told Earth’s consciousness shift happens on Winter Solstice [12.21] 2020
Telos visitor Lowell Johnson: While in Inner Earth Telos I was told Earth’s consciousness shift happens on Winter Solstice [12.21] 2020 WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV In this exclusive Panel with Telos Inner Earth visitor Lowell Johnson, Venus contactee Robert Potter, and ET contactee and futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre, Telos visitor shares his experience with the […]
Now Streaming: Navigating the Omniverse to Disclosure and Fractal Density Ascension Within with Mother Earth
Now Streaming: ‘Navigating the Omniverse’ Workshop brings Conversation about Souls, Disclosure and Service to Others Online WATCH TRAILER ON YOUTUBE SIGN UP ON NEWSINSIDEOUT PLUS ($5 Rental/$25 Purchase) VANCOUVER, BC – May 16, 2016, marks the official release of an exclusive new ExoUniversity online streaming workshop taped in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on […]