5G Educator Karen MacDonald scarified with DEW directed energy weapons, violating 4th Geneva Convention & ICC Genocide Article by Canadian telecom carrier, Saskatchewan & Canadian Governments, and RCMP/Saskatoon Police By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd WATCH PANEL ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51_22UxsX0Y ACCESS FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT REPORT 5G Educator Karen MacDonald scarified with DEW directed energy weapons, violating […]
Fuerzas siniestras dirigidas a periodistas, cineastas multidimensionalmente interesados y candidato presidencial estadounidense de 2016 con armas de energía dirigida [DEW], causando ceguera y parálisis
Fuerzas siniestras dirigidas a periodistas, cineastas multidimensionalmente interesados y candidato presidencial estadounidense de 2016 con armas de energía dirigida [DEW], causando ceguera y parálisis NewsInsideOut.com Por Alfred Lambremont Webre PEACE PORTAL ARCH, Blaine, WA – 8 de enero de 2018 – Informes documentados médicamente ahora están emergiendo públicamente de ataques de armas energéticas dirigida [DEW] […]
Melanie Vritschan seeks freedom for baby Amethyst Vritschan and exposes Belgian psychiatrists
Melanie Vritschan seeks freedom for baby Amethyst Vritschan and exposes Belgian psychiatrists. Melanie is Founder and President of the International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotisation of Living Beings [ICATOR.be] NewsInsideOut.com By Alfred Lambremont Webre Watch on OmniverseTV [Streaming] https://gum.co/rEUf Watch on ExopoliticsTV [You Tube] https://youtu.be/S-vitOHpIIg Support Freedom for Baby Amethyst Vritschan Baby Amethyst Vritschan’s […]
JIT/Press Release: Crimes Against Humanity Mount as Belgian Hospital Erasme Denies Healthy Activist Access to Newborn Baby, Citing Attorney-General’s Orders
WEBINAR: Visualize Amethyst/Melanie Vritschan safe from false Psychiatric charges by Belgian Attorney General WATCH ON OmniverseTV: https://gum.co/aMnTB JIT/Press Release: Crimes Against Humanity Mount as Belgian Hospital Erasme Denies Healthy Activist Access to Newborn Baby, Citing Attorney-General’s Orders Date: October 23 JIT Press Contact: Ramola D/ramolad.jit@protonmail.com JIT Founder/Lead: Dr. Katherine Horton/horton.jit@protonmail.com In an Oct 22 webinar […]
WEBINAR – Dr. Katherine Horton on “DEW Directed Energy Weapons & Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of forensic evidence of an electronic torture & robotization weapon”
WEBINAR – Dr. Katherine Horton on “DEW Directed Energy Weapons & Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of forensic evidence of an electronic torture & robotization weapon” NewsInsideOut.com – OmniverseTV By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH FREE WEBINAR ON OmniverseTV Watch PART I -Dr. Katherine Horton: Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of torture-robotization DEW [30 minutes] https://vid.me/TfySn Watch OmniverseTV […]
Now declassified & available online at MindTech-Enterprises.com! Russian Quantum Leap technology enhances RNA, DNA & health, cures diseases (e.g. diabetes, cancer 2), stops Bio-hacking/TI targeting
Now declassified & available online at MindTech-Enterprises.com! Russian Quantum Leap technology enhances RNA, DNA & health, cures diseases (e.g. diabetes, cancer 2), stops Bio-hacking/TI targeting NewsInsideOut.com By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH QUANTUM LEAP PANEL INTERVIEW You Tube https://youtu.be/caM8m207rvo Watch Russian Television RT Interview with Magnus Olsson [Seen by 13 million persons] Mind Control – Remote […]