Stop Reptilian Planetary Nuclear War: Sign Your Public Petition for an Earth Representative to the Regional Galactic Governance Council Watch Galactic Initiative Talk with Alfred Lambremont Webre: NEWSINSIDEOUT: Sign Your Public Petition for an Earth Representative to the Regional Galactic Governance Council SIGN PETITION NOW: I am a human resident of planet Earth and am […]
Alfred Lambremont Webre: 2020 & How to create a positive future for America & the World/Alfred Lambremont Webre: 2020 y cómo crear un futuro positivo para las Américas y el mundo
Alfred Lambremont Webre: 2020 & How to create a positive future for America & the World/Alfred Lambremont Webre: 2020 y cómo crear un futuro positivo para las Américas y el mundo WATCH ON NEW EXOPOLITICSTV CHANNELS! Watch on ExopoliticsTV Watch on ExopoliticsTV FREE – ExopoliticsTV – [Enter $0 […]
Law of One: Souls [like Trump’s?] will destroy Earth as Tiamat [Asteroid Belt] & Mars were unless Spiritually Awakened or removed
WATCH PART I WEBINAR WITH James McCarty, Transcriber, Law of One, L/L Research WATCH ON TRUETUBE: Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV FREE – ExopoliticsTV – [Enter $0 – You can also make a voluntary donation to help support the work of ExopoliticsTV] I – Law of One: Donald J. Trump’s unilateral abrogation of the […]
WEBINAR: Mel Ve – Light & Dark-The South African Guide to the Global Conspiracy
WEBINAR: Mel Ve – Light & Dark-The South African Guide to the Global Conspiracy WATCH WEBINAR ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH WEBINAR ON OmniverseTV Streaming WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON FACEBOOK Who is Mel Ve? BOER WARRIOR: Who is Mel Ve? – Of Huguenot and Boer origin, Mel Ve left her friends and family […]
WEBINAR: Mass ET abduction: Disappearance of 37 DC African-American youths correlates with UFO/ET overflights – Former Air Force One Engineer
WEBINAR: Mass ET abduction: Disappearance of 37 DC African-American youths correlates with UFO/ET overflights – Former Air Force One Engineer WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON OmniverseTV Streaming WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON FACEBOOK WASHINGTON, DC – Will Allen, a former White House, Air Force One and Marine […]
Laura Eisenhower: Dissolving the Draco-Anunnaki Reptilian & Orion Grey Matrix by Letting go of the Negative Reptilian DNA and Brain-Portal & Abrogating-Renegotiating the Secret ET Treaties: Emerald Covenant Treaty – Greada Treaty (1954-Ike) – Tau9 Treaty (George HW Bush)
Laura Eisenhower: Dissolving the Draco-Anunnaki Reptilian & Orion Grey Matrix by Letting go of the Negative Reptilian DNA and Brain-Portal & Abrogating-Renegotiating the Secret ET Treaties: Emerald Covenant Treaty – Greada Treaty (1954-Ike) – Tau9 Treaty (George HW Bush) WATCH INTERVIEW WITH Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV [You Tube] WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV [You Tube] […]
The UFO/ET “Adductions” of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago
The UFO/ET “Adductions” of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago: Now the full hidden history behind 1980 October surprise by the shadow government & Deep State can finally be revealed A Path to A Positive Future for Earth Humanity in Our Galaxy A. Download & share free PDF article B. Read & […]
CCN’s Mel Ve: Africa’s Kalahari Atlantean civilization & technology fed 6 billion people
CCN’s Mel Ve: Africa’s Kalahari Atlantean civilization & technology fed 6 billion people By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW ON ExopoliticsTV You Tube: VANCOUVER, BC – In 2017, humanity now has tangible prima facie evidence of the size and scope of our pre-deluvial Atlantean civilization. CCN’s Mel Ve: Africa’s Kalahari Atlantean civilization & […]
Draco-CIA-NSA-MKULTRA drive ritual child sacrifice in Religions (Vatican/Jesuit/Talmudic)- Monarchies-Governments-Schools-Wars for Transhumanist Agenda
Draco-CIA-NSA-MKULTRA drive ritual child sacrifice in Religions (Vatican/Jesuit/Talmudic)- Monarchies-Governments-Schools-Wars for Transhumanist Agenda By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In a March 2, 2015 interview with New Zealand host Vinny Eastwood, Alfred Lambremont Webre reiterated the conclusions of a study of worldwide pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks. The […]
Investigator: CIA, Pope John Paul II, Bush Sr. & Jr., Bill/Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice
Investigator: CIA, Pope John Paul II, Bush Sr. & Jr., Bill/Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice, drink human blood. The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – correspondent and investigator Juan Lankamp, whose specialty is […]