International Press Conference (30 participants)/Conferencia de prensa internacional (30 participantes)/Conférence de presse internationale (30 participants) AUG. 21, 2021 NEWSINSIDEOUT: EXOPOLITICS.COM: Documento para medios y periodistas que deseen participar: Tenga en cuenta que la versión en inglés contiene una bibliografía exhaustiva de publicaciones recientes sobre divulgaciones gubernamentales, militares y científicas de la existencia de ovnis. “La […]
Should ET disclosure letter suggested by Trump/Putin Advisers be debated in UN General Assembly without Public plebiscite?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre PEACE PORTAL, BC-WA- Dr. Steven Greer, MD, director of the Disclosure Project that on May 9, 2001 brought together a critical mass of credible whistleblowers – including this reporter – regarding an Extraterrestrial-related presence in the Earth’s environment, has released a draft speech [See below] reportedly written at the request of […]
WEBINAR: Dead Sea Scrolls show Sanhedrin may have executed Jesus as an ET Disclosure activist – Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre
WEBINAR: Dead Sea Scrolls show Sanhedrin may have executed Jesus as an ET Disclosure activist – Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH WEBINAR ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH WEBINAR ON OmniverseTV Streaming WEBINAR: Peter Kling – Dr. Frank Stranges, Dead Sea Scrolls & Prophecy WATCH ON FACEBOOK AT December 27, 2017 DEAD […]