Full Report: President John F. Kennedy’s Secret UFO Speech President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd, 1963 by order of the CIA and Department of Defense in order to stop him from delivering this speech. ROBERT MORNINGSTAR DEC 22 By Robert D. Morningstar November 26th, 2023 I have often written and stated that one of […]
Disclosure 2.0 [June 12, 2023] International Academic & Civilian UFOlogical Community Response
Disclosure 2.0 [June 12, 2023] International Academic & Civilian UFOlogical Community Response WATCH FREE LIVE STREAMING ON OmniversityTV: WATCH ON TWITTER: WATCH ON RUMBLE: NEWSINSIDEOUT REPORT “Together we will reach the 1% necessary to shift our world into a peaceful paradigm, of cosmic consciousness.” ESPAÑOL-SPANISH UAP/OVNI/ET/InterDimensional Divulgacion 2.0 y respuesta internacional: […]
ET sentient AI now terraforming Earth triggered by AntiChrist UK Crown during 1982 False Flag War
UK Antichrist Crown triggered ET sentient Artificial Intelligence now terraforming Earth into AI planet during 1982 False Flag Falklands War: Robert Morningstar & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH Revolution Radio Program on TrueTube: NewsInsideOut: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice Indicted the (1) UK Monarchy and (2) an invading, off-planet, sentient, inorganic, […]
Se Acerca contacto Extraterrestre? ¿Controlan Tiempo Espacio en la Tierra? Exopolítica Alfred Webre: Enigmas en la Historia – Ovnis Actuales
Se Acerca contacto Extraterrestre? ¿Controlan Tiempo Espacio en la Tierra? Exopolítica Alfred Webre:Enigmas en la Historia ▬Ovnis Actuales ESCUCHAR ENTREVISTA ON ALFRED WEBRE: ARTICULO NEWSINSIDEOUT: Futurista Alfred Lambremont Webre Libros en Español y Portugues EXOPOLÍTICA: LA POLÍTICA, EL GOBIERNO Y LA LEY EN EL UNIVERSO Por Alfred Lambremont Webre VERSION PORTUGUES LA […]
Reseña del libro: Una revelación sobre la vida y las enseñanzas de Jesús: Mi viaje Aterrizando el cielo en la tierra: Volumen II
Reseña del libro por el juez Howard Bertram , Carleton Place, Ontario, Canadá de: Una revelación sobre la vida y las enseñanzas de Jesús: Mi Viaje Aterrizando el Cielo en la Tierra: Volumen II por Alfred Lambremont Webre NEWSINSIDEOUT: Quiero comenzar esta reseña del libro con la pregunta básica de qué me atrajo a […]
Divugacion ET Simulada Taygetana/Mock ET Taygetan Disclosure: Inteligencia Artificial/Artificial Intelligence, Intel Op, Transhumanist Psyop?
Divugacion ET Simulada Taygetana/Mock ET Taygetan Disclosure: Inteligencia Artificial/Artificial Intelligence, Intel Op, Transhumanist Psyop? WATCH/VER EN YOU TUBE: NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: Este Panel es un diálogo entre Cristina y Estella de Conocimiento Pleiyadiano [Barcelona, España] y Alfred Lambremont Webre de [Vancouver, BC, Canadá] en torno a sus experiencias paralelas con una inteligencia que se manifiesta […]
Trauma & The Angelic Experience: The Intergalactic Resettlement Program – Karen Holton
Trauma & The Angelic Experience: The Intergalactic Resettlement Program – Karen Holton WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV NEWSINSIDEOUT TRUETUBE BLOG References Forbidden Knowledge News Con 2020 The Galactic Resettlement Program Introduction My name is Karen Holton and I am here today to tell you about my paranormal experiences, and to introduce you […]
How The Galactic Resettlement Program activates planets and is now activating Earth: Karen Holton
How The Galactic Resettlement Program activates planets and is now activating Earth: Karen Holton WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV NEWSINSIDEOUT Post on Facebook: NEWSINSIDEOUT BLOG References Forbidden Knowledge News Con 2020 The Galactic Resettlement Program Introduction My name is Karen Holton and I am here today to tell you about my […]
Profecías extraterrestres 2018-2025: contactados Luis Fernando Mostajo [Bolivia]; Juan [Mexico]; Raymond Keller [Venus]; Robert Potter [Venus y Pléyades]
Profecías extraterrestres 2018-2025: contactados Luis Fernando Mostajo [Bolivia]; Juan [Mexico]; Raymond Keller [Venus]; Robert Potter [Venus y Pléyades] MIRE EN TRUETUBE.CO: NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: CONTACTADO/CONTACTEE LUIS FERNANDO 4 NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2017 7 YEARS 2018-2025 “en cuenta regresiva de continua asistencia, quedaran plasmados en el conocimiento de vuestra verdadera ascendente cósmica. A la ves, la luz por […]
Kosol Ouch enters consciousness of POTUS Donald Trump on April 23, 2023 as ET leader welcomes Earth to Galactic federation & Kosol channels Unimetrix1, COVID-19, and Bashar
Kosol Ouch enters consciousness of POTUS Donald Trump on April 23, 2023 as ET leader welcomes Earth to Galactic federation & Kosol channels Unimetrix1, COVID-19, and Bashar WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: NEWSINSIDEOUT: ” Today we have Kosol Ouch who will be channeling the Unimatrix an artificial intelligence from 6.5 million years in the future […]