Karen MacDonald, Ryan Williams, Dena Churchill: GENIUS Vibration Vaccination WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/ivRx6j2Izc4 WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO https://newsinsideout.com/2020/06/karen-macdonald-ryan-williams-dena-churchill-genius-vibration-vaccination/ Karen MacDonald, Ryan Williams, Dena Churchill: GENIUS Vibration Vaccination GENIUS Inventor Ryan Williams, Nurse, Healer, and GENIUS practitioner Karen MacDonald, and Former Chiropractor and GENIUS practitioner Dena Churchill explore the healing and vibration vaccination potential of the GENIUS […]
5G SOULUTIONS – 5G Educator Karen MacDonald on health and legal solutions to the impending 5G genocide
5G SOULUTIONS – 5G Educator Karen MacDonald on health and legal solutions to the impending 5G genocide WATCH VIDEO ON TRUETUBE.CO https://youtu.be/XkkXYZQ8IBg VANCOUVER, BC – On June 5, 2019, the very day that the Government of Canada outlined spectrum plans ahead of the planned “ultra-fast 5G internet rollout” in 2020, 2021 and 2022, Saskatoon-based […]
5G Educator Karen MacDonald scarified with DEW directed energy weapons, violating 4th Geneva Convention & ICC Genocide Article by Canadian telecom carrier, Saskatchewan & Canadian Governments, and RCMP/Saskatoon Police
5G Educator Karen MacDonald scarified with DEW directed energy weapons, violating 4th Geneva Convention & ICC Genocide Article by Canadian telecom carrier, Saskatchewan & Canadian Governments, and RCMP/Saskatoon Police By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd WATCH PANEL ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51_22UxsX0Y ACCESS FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT REPORT 5G Educator Karen MacDonald scarified with DEW directed energy weapons, violating […]
Resetting Earth’s Organic timeline & blocking parasitic timelines for 3rd density God Code DNA Healing & 5th density Ascension: Pattie L. Brassard & Karen MacDonald
Resetting Earth’s Organic timeline & blocking parasitic timelines for 3rd density God Code DNA Healing & 5th density Ascension: Pattie L. Brassard & Karen MacDonald NewsInsideOut.com By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW ON ExopoliticsTV You Tube: https://youtu.be/R49N8KBgk5o VANCOUVER, BC – In this interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Pattie L. Brassard & Karen MacDonald explore a […]