By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on November 12, 2018, reveals how granular audio analysis of a 2014 Canadian wilderness starlight skywatch anticipated findings from a UFO incident that took place off the coast of Ireland this past Friday. Roswell-like citations of a “pilot” and death of […]
UFO on Facebook Live: Night vision broadcast may be historic first
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on December 5, 2016, purports to reveal a UFO that appeared in a Facebook Live broadcast the night before from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. In the new video night vision reveals a bright scintillating fast-moving low-altitude light (appearing at 1:49:50 in […]
UFO Video: Orange Orb over Vancouver Invisible to Thermal Night Vision
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video from Canadian skywatcher Charles Lamoureux reveals the flight of an orange orb over the Yaletown district of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, said to have taken place on the night of June 3, 2016. The object remained invisible to one far infrared thermal imager but registered […]
Advancing the Horizon of Human Understanding: MUFON Utah State Director Erica Lukes Interviews Jon Kelly
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to YouTube on February 28, 2016, captures Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Utah State Director Erica Lukes in conversation with’s Jon Kelly for an insightful 90 minutes exploring consciousness, anthropological, sociological and technical dimensions of experiential contact. The producer of such mini-documentaries as “UFO […]
Spiritual Psychology of UFO Contact: Meditation, Devas, Angels and Night Vision
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to YouTube on November 10, 2015, features’s Jon Kelly in conversation with host Canadian author Brian Ruhe. The producer for the NewsIO Plus channel’s 2015 mini-documentary series offered practical insight from years of field research on topics including UFO Contact, meditation, psychic phenomena, […]
Trailer: ‘UFO Canyon’ reveals secrets of off-grid backcountry Canadian contact
UPDATE: Exclusive new evidence for a previously unreported Columbia River Basin UFO crash and recovery incident is presented for the first time. By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on October 8, 2015, offers viewers a first look at a mini-documentary about high-tech starlight imaging of anomalous objects […]
Tom Sanger interview and new analysis of Independence Day UFO near Tucson
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on September 17, 2015, catches up with night vision videographer Tom Sanger to discuss his evidence of a UFO over the Santa Catalina Mountains near Tucson recorded on Independence Day. Fireworks weren’t the only bright objects in Arizona skies that July […]
FREE: Experiencers of ETs, Multidimensionals, OBEs, NDEs, Spirituality, Consciousness now have a home
FREE: Experiencers of ETs, Multidimensionals, OBEs, NDEs, Spirituality, Consciousness now have a home By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Rey Hernandez of FREE [Foundation into Research Extraterrestrial Encounters] explains how experiencers of extraterrestrials, multi-dimensional experiences, spiritual emergences, and other multi-dimensional […]
Pulsar Recon X870 sets ‘incredibly high bar’ for digital night vision
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Industry sources stated on July 10, 2015, how the Pulsar Recon X870 digital night vision monocular is now available in limited quantities for North American buyers. A product review published to the website on October 5, 2014, offered an exclusive first look at current advances in prosumer […]
Live UFO contact night vision skywatch in Vancouver with Jon Kelly
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on June 29, 2015, features Emotional Alchemist Laurie Morningstar discussing a live UFO Contact night vision skywatch event taking place in Greater Vancouver this summer.’s Jon Kelly will lead “Journey to Inner Space 2015,” a two-hour in-depth presentation covering his […]