Taygetan Pleiadian Galactic Council Federation mission to Earth plays interactive dual role as they open direct contact though social media, revealing ET presence, and simultaneously pull back from a “non-receptive Earth human population” via Prime Directive By Alfred Lambremont Webre NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/04/alleged-taygetan-pleiadian-galactic-council-federation-mission-to-earth-plays-interactive-dual-role-as-they-open-direct-contact-though-social-media-revealing-et-presence-and-simultaneously-pull-b/ APPEAL OF DECISION to COMMANDER IN CHIEF SWARUU BY ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE https://exopolitics.blogs.com/files/appeal-of-decision-to-commander-in-chief-swaruu-by-alfred-lambremont-webre.pdf Originally […]
Conference: Out of Australia’s Steven & Evan Strong share an Aboriginal world-changing Pleiadian prophecy for Dec. 21, 2020
Conference: Out of Australia’s Steven & Evan Strong share an Aboriginal world-changing Pleiadian prophecy for Dec. 21, 2020 WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/BrOAlfiljGg WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/07/conference-out-of-australias-steven-evan-strong-share-an-aboriginal-world-changing-pleiadian-prophecy-for-dec-21-2020/ Australia’s Steven and Evan Strong share an Aboriginal prophecy of a world-changing Pleiadian event on December 21, 2020 that will require the conscious Ascension energies of over 100,000 fellow […]