Sébastien Martin: Directed energy, neurotech, scalar, pulsar, chemtrails, portal Extraterrestrial interdimensional weapons, AI & Archonic weapons, Reptilian weapons attacks and how Souls can ascend by creatively confronting these weapons, attacks & perpetrators WATCH on https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ExopoliticsTV/ Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GqBUtGQC4HDE/ Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV https://gum.co/hqwNC FREE – ExopoliticsTV – [Enter $0 – You can also […]
Pulsar Recon X870 sets ‘incredibly high bar’ for digital night vision
By Jon Kelly NewsInsideOut.com Vancouver, BC – Industry sources stated on July 10, 2015, how the Pulsar Recon X870 digital night vision monocular is now available in limited quantities for North American buyers. A product review published to the UFONV.com website on October 5, 2014, offered an exclusive first look at current advances in prosumer […]