Report – Donald J. Trump is behind US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s call for the breakup of America. Fulfills future USA Balkanization revealed by CIA to SRI in 1971 NewsInsideOut: ACCESS REPORT NOW BY CLICKING: PEACE PORTAL, WA/BC, CANADA – On U.S. President’s Day, February 20, 2022, GOP US Congressional Representative Marjorie Taylor […]
Swaruu and “Taygetan ET” contact cult exposed as “fraud and scam” by inside members confirming 2019 Exopolitics/AI Artificial Intelligence report by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Swaruu and “Taygetan ET” contact cult exposed as “fraud and scam” by inside members confirming 2019 Exopolitics/AI Artificial Intelligence report NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: by Alfred Lambremont Webre Versión en Espańol: Swaruu y el culto de contacto “Taygetan ET” expuestos como “fraude y estafa” por miembros internos que confirman el informe de NewsInsideOut 2019 Exopolítica/IA Inteligencia […]