YouTube Censors Andromeda Council Representative Tolec’s 7-minute video warning of Deep State False Flag ET invasion WATCH ON TRUETUBE@NewTube: NEWSINSIDEOUT TRUETUBE BLOG Vancouver, BC – In an unusual escalation of already Orwellian censorship of Free Speech on its platforms, You Tube has deleted a 7-minute informational video by Tolec, a Senior Member […]
Free NewsInsideOut Plus Summer NanoFilm MicroFestival Plays to Thousands of Social Media Viewers
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to YouTube on August 26, 2016, reveals entries to this year’s free NewsInsideOut Plus Summer NanoFilm MicroFestival. The spontaneous social media event began earlier this week on the NewsInsideOut Facebook page and has since reached over 20,000 viewers. Themes for this year’s festival highlight mysteries […]
UFO Classified coverage of US Presidential secret messages streaming to NewsInsideOut Plus subscribers
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Secret messages concerning three United States presidents were published to NewsInsideOut Plus on May 11, 2015. An exclusive new video explores Sasquatch contact in British Columbia, a sleep-walking exorcist in a haunted house, Spiritual Psychology of UFO Contact and secret messages of the UFO Contactees. The special video […]
Update: YouTube Cites UK Government Legal Complaint, Blocks ‘Ricky Dearman’s Satanic Messages’
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – YouTube issued notice on May 2, 2016, that a Ricky Dearman news video offering further evidence to the reported pedophile cover-up in Hampstead had been blocked from viewers in the United Kingdom. The notice, sent via email, cited the appearance of an anonymous “defamation complaint” upon which the […]