EXPERT PANEL: Forced Adult vaccinations are component of extermination program. Refuse all vaccines
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – An Expert panel of American Sallie Elkordy, director of Vaccine Free New York and Shiv Chopra, formerly of Health Canada, conclude that forced adult vaccinations are a component of an intentional depopulation program, and urge the public to refuse all vaccines for themselves and their loved ones.
Shiv Copra
Sallie Elkordy
Petition to Congress:
Facebook Page:
COMICS who push the vaccine agenda or ridicule parents against vaccine mandates for their children:
~ Two nights on Disney-owned ABC television, comic Jimmy Kimmel derides parents of vaccine-injured children. Ronnie Prine, Father of a Severely Vaccine Damaged and Dead Child responds to comic Jimmy Kimmel:
~ Article from Natural News by Mike Adams:
~ Samantha B on the Daily Show with John Stewart (Dr. Offit interviewed, the man who patented the rotavirus vaccine who says 10,000 vaccines are safe for children)
~ John Oliver pays HOMAGE to Drug Companies and their Agents in Government:
~ Whoopi Goldberg bullies from the Disney owned ABC pulpit. Wish I had an extended link, but you do at least hear her say, “If your child gets something and goes to school, other kids may get sick too and you may end up killing somebody. Vaccinate your damn kids… don’t be ridiculous”
~ Penn & Teller PUSH vaccines:
~ Al Franken, now Senator, but formerly a writer and comic on SNL makes incorrect statements about Measles and Herd Immunity to Dr. Schuchat of the CDC (at 56 minutes in) and asks for information and he thanks her. ~ Where was the CDC Whistleblower William W. Thompson? *** IMPORTANT: Gov. Caught Lying About Vaccine Dangers ***
~ What do they say about RIDICULE HERE?
COMICS, The Good Guys: Rob Schneider tells truth, loses his job with State Farm Insurance
~ Autism Moms <3 Rob Schneider!
Honorable mention: Bill Maher and David Letterman. Back in the Swine flu push of 2009/2010 Dave Letterman said on air he would NEVER take the Flu Shot because he took it in the 70s and got really sick. Within 3 days of that statement, Dave’s affair (which ended a year earlier), made “front page” news. BUT correlation does not mean causation, right?
National Adult Immunization Program, HHS requested Comments from the Public:
~ Catherine J. Frompovich, FORCED ADULT VACCINATION article: and interview
~ Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Planned since the 1980s:
~ Dahboo7:
~ NVIC video & article
~ Medical Fascism and the March toward Mandatory Vaccines:
~ The American History of Compulsory Vaccination and It’s Ties to Eugenics
My response to the HHS about the National Adult Vaccination Plan:
To: (designated comment recipient, away during this period)
SUBJECT: Federal Register Document 2015-02481-NAIP comment due date 3/23/15
March 23, 2015 at 8:23 am EST (extended deadline for responding from 3/9/15)
To whom it may concern:
Having seen the National Adult Immunization Plan, I reject it.
This plan misses the greater issue in vaccinating people. Toxins are being injected into the bloodstreams of children (and in this case, adults) which are creating every disease in internal medicine. I could list all the toxins and all the diseases, or I could tell you that the theory of herd immunity was based on natural immunity, which cannot be derived from poison, but you probably know that already. I could tell you that the benefits of vaccines are merely theoretical and that the damage, diseases and death which result are real, but again, I am sure you know.
What I would like to ask you is this, “Which side of history do you want to be on?”. This question, of course does not extend to you, the reader alone. It extends to everyone you work for and with. Vaccines violate every tenet of The Nuremberg Code and this you may not realize, but should.
To your health,
Sallie O. Elkordy
ACTIONS: Flood Congress and DEMAND a BAN on VACCINES with this legislation, due to the INGREDIENTS, DISEASES and INTENT: Download BANNERS and HIT THE STREETS! (plus instructions to get on TV) and CONTACT Sallie O. Elkordy for Mayor, “VACCINE FREE NYC, because poison should be illegal” Activists unite by organizing locally by State. Start an “AWAKE” group for your State on Facebook, here’s mine, “AWAKE New York” ~ Find Sallie on Twitter: @VaccineFreeNYC
National Adult Immunization Program, HHS requested a Response from the Public:
~ Catherine J. Frompovich, FORCED ADULT VACCINATION article: and interview
~ Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Planned since the 1980s:
~ Dahboo7:
~ NVIC video & article
~ Congress Moves to Step Up Vaccine Enforcement
~ Mandating vaccines all over the country, young and old: and possible solution (person by person organized per state) (see also
~ Medical Fascism and the March toward Mandatory Vaccines:
~ The American History of Compulsory Vaccination and It’s Ties to Eugenics
~ The American History Of Compulsory Vaccination and its Ties to Eugenics ~ See article here:
~ Mandatory Vaccination:
~ Is the CDC allowed to lie to Congress? Is Congress allowed to lie to the people?
~ Stop the Lies!
~ Stand Now or Roll up your sleeves with Ann Marie Carey (August 2015 deadline from WHO and more)
UN PEACE FARCE: ‘All fighters lay down their arms so we can vaccinate their children.’ –Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations. (start at 8 minutes to get that quote). UNICEF, WHO and coalitions of others are involved according to the founder of “Peace One Day”. ~ LOOK at Video from 9:20 to 9:35 you will see GUNS at the vaccination site. PEACE? They sent in 10,000 vaccinators and vaccinated 1.4 million children with the polio vaccine. Later in the video he states they vaccinated millions (plural). PEACE (but not through Annihilation!)
“The science works as long as the humans who are carrying out the science are ETHICAL.” -The Honorable Cynthia McKinney, LISTEN
Recommended Reading
stevor says
stupid sheeple will accept them and they’ll end up dead so we’ll be left with smarter people!
Marsha McClelland says
Sallie you are a rock & will go down in history as one of many real heroes who saved children for posterity. Love you & good luck winning the Mayor race in 2017.
Sallie O. Elkordy for Mayor, VACCINE FREE NYC says
Hi Marsha, I want to THANK YOU for your Call to Action to prevent CA and many other States from falling victim to BOUGHT legislators!!! I have written to Pan 4 times at your suggestion and will keep the pressure up. Shelley tells me 83% of vaccines are manufactured in China and I wonder how that plays into his ardent push to take away all vaccine exemptions from the citizens in CA since he appears to be Chinese, AND what the greater implications of vaccines being manufactured there has on us all, since we are in debt to that country.. Everyone is encouraged to join this fight for FREEDOM from vaccination. Please listen to Marsha’s interview and contact the legislator, Dr. Richard Pan directly under the screen. As goes California (when it comes to vaccines), so does the rest of the Country. If you live in the USA especially, this IS your fight! Happy Easter Marsha! As you said, this ONE issue will unite us all as I interview a Rabbi tomorrow and he. like you and I, will be “Comin’ Out Swinging”!
Helen says
Jane Burgermeister has done excellent work on vaccination as a secret weapon, She is a courageous speaker.
Have the sheeple not spotted how sick we are becoming as ‘medical techniques’ advance?
AIDS is another medical figment, it is caused by treatment for HIV which would otherwise be harmless. The so called epidemic in Africa arises from diagnosis without testing – diaorhea, wasting, TB, pneumonia are all registered as AIDS to swell the numbers.