Gary Carlson, predicted Trump Presidency, says Nibiru/Planet X flyby in 2018, then Golden Age
Reasons why a Nibiru/Planet X flyby is not probable. 1971 DARPA chronovisor probe of 2013 Washington DC & 2010 Farsight Military-trained Remote Viewers. Predicted Global Coastal Event of June 2013 did not occur.
Gary Carlson’s prediction of a Golden Age & the Ascension Hypothesis
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – On March 8, 2016, Gary Carlson came on ExopoliticsTV and predicted that [1] Trump would be elected US President [2] There would be a Nibiru/Planet X flyby and 7 years “Mild Tribulation”.
Gary Carlson “Mild Tribulation” Trump presidency, Brown Dwarf flyby, Karma, then Golden Age
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Following Gary’s successful prediction of Trump’s Nov. 9, 2016 election, we asked Gary to state why he thinks a Nibiru/Planet X flyby may occur in 2018.
Gary Carlson prediction – Nibiru/Planet X flyby in 2018
GARY CARLSON: So the question is, is the brown dwarf star coming through the solar system and are we on a positive timeline. Well first let me say the negative timeline is, it comes when hardly anyone realizes it. It causes incredible damage, with Earthquakes, Tsunamis and volcanos, billion die mostly in coastal cities.
The positive timeline is either it doesn’t come or doesn’t come near Earth or it comes as expected and Humanity is prepared for it’s arrival. The Illuminati which seems to be in control of Humanity wants the negative timeline so to greatly reduce Earth’s population as it says on the Georgia Guide stones. They have killed many astronomers that were ready to go public and tell Humanity that it’s coming and the media is not allowed to talk much about it either. It is supposetly is behind the sun right now, but some of it’s 7 planets & moons are constantly sighted near the sun at dawn and dusk, so it is very likely coming soon.
My sources tell me we will 1st be able to see the 2nd sun in December 2017 and it will go into the kill zone in March 2018 for 90 days. This will reduce Humanities bad karma and cleanse the Earth of radiation and other pollutions. We are supposed to get is divine intervention before hand and take the evil out of control and guide Humanity to prepare for it’s arrival by building inland and releasing the suppressed technology. The wars will be stopped and poverty eradicated and all the races will be sent back to there places of origin, some of the peoples of inner Earth that have high technology will come and live on the surface. Even the evil leaders of the secret space programs will get taken out, so the program and their technology will be shared with the public.
So the surface of the earth will have free energy, food replicaters and portal travel. This will be the basis of the Golden age. So the Asians will have to live in Asia, the blacks will live in the lower 2/3rds of Africa, the Middle easterners will have to live in the middle East, the Hispanics will live in Mexico, Central America and south America and the Whites will live in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, but Many Whites from inner Earth will come to the surface to live in the White areas. I’m told there are 7 groups in inner Earth 5 White, 1 Asian and 1 Black
Anyone would be able to portal travel to other areas as long as they haven’t caused problems and mixed marriage people would have a choice of where to live. This should stop all race hatred. This is maybe part of how the Golden Age would look.
Gary Carlson, Nov. 20, 2016
Reasons why a Nibiru/Planet X flyby is not probable.
A 1971 DARPA/CIA chronovisor probe to 2013 and a 2010 Farsight Institute Remote Viewing of June 2013 both predicted a 2013 Earth global coastal event of a celestial body like a Nibiru/Planet X flyby. No such global coastal event took place in 2013. It is presumed the global coastal event took place in another timeline, and not the timeline that Earth accessed starting on December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar “Great Year” of ~25,920 years.
See: Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
2010 Farsight Military-trained Remote Viewers
Predicted Global Coastal Event of June 2013
In the course of research on potential impending transitional changes during the 2012-13 time horizon, I identified in 2010 what can be described as two parallel realities, each buttressed by independent sets of data and personal and institutional decisions – a 2012-13 catastrophic timeline and a 2012-13 positive future timeline.
The two parallel 2012-13 timelines were quite opposite in nature.
The cataclysmic timeline envisioned 2012-13 as a time when the Earth is hit by destructive “solar flares, large meteors, tsunamis, world-wide coastal inundations, mega-catastrophe.” This was congruent with the Edgar Cayce remote viewed global coastal event, as well as hermeneutic interpretation of prophecies of Earth Changes.
As evidence of a possible 2012-13 catastrophic timeline, researcher Dr. Courtney Brown pointed to the results of a recent Farsight Institute remote viewing study of global climate change 2008 – 2013. Expecting to find marginal effects of global climate change on coastal areas in 2013, Dr. Brown reported instead remote viewers found a catastrophic 2013 timeline, and a global coastal event for June 2013 that devastated global coastal cities, with the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC under water.
1971 DARPA Chronovisor Probe of Washington, DC – 2013 Global Coastal Event. US Supreme Court Building under 100 ft of Bracking Water
In a remarkable coincidence (or synchronicity), both the Farsight Institute and a chronovisor probe in the early 1970s by DARPA’s Project Pegasus chose archetypal targets in Washington, DC right across the street from each other. Project Pegasus chose to view the U.S. Supreme Court building in 2013 via chronovisor and Project Pegasus participant and whistleblower Andrew D. Basiago “found that the Supreme Court building was under 100 feet of stagnant water” in a chronovisor probe. U.S. chrononaut Basiago adds, “There were second, third and fourth dimensional chronovisors. I went to Washington, DC in 2013 bodily. They poured water out of my boots. That particular chronovisor was not a screen or a template. It was a cube of light in the nature of a time-space hologram that enveloped us with the result that we physically went to the time-place they had tuned in.” The chronovisor was originally developed by two Vatican scientists in conjunction with Enrico Fermi and later refined by DARPA scientists.
The 2010 Farsight Institute probe targeted the U.S. Capitol building in 2013, and some remote viewer reports viewed the U.S. Capitol in ruins along side deep water.
Predicted 2013 Global Coastal event occured along another, catastrophic timeline dimension
The June 2013 global coastal event predicted by Edgar Cayce remote viewing, 1971 DARPA chronovisor probe, 2010 Farsight Institute probe in fact occured in another timeline dimension, according to Dr. Courtney Brown, director of the Farsight Institute.
In a video update, Dr. Brown concludes that 15 February 2013 meteor event over Russia, the largest since the Tunguska event, coupled with the close approach of the roughly 50 metre asteroid 2012 DA14 that occurred about 15 hours later may constitute the meteor or asteroid event referenced in the Farsight Institute study, which predicted a global coastal event destroying most coastal cities on the planet in June 2013. Dr. Brown states he does not expect any other meteor or coastal event between February 16, 2013 and June 1, 2013 based on the Farsight study. Dr. Brown refers to the holographic nature of reality and to the his remote viewers having possibly viewed a global coastal event happening in June 2013 on Earth in some other timeline or holographic version of Earth or parallel universe.
Planet X and the Catastrophic timeline
Some have speculated that a Planet X (Nibiru or Second Sun type flyby) would be responsible for the June 2013 global coastal event predicted by the Farsight Institute study.
Dr. Brown’s interim update appears to suggest that Dr. Brown does not expect any other meteor or coastal event between February 16, 2013 and June 1, 2013 and that the Farsight Institute report states that no global coastal event caused by Planet X can be expected through June 1, 2013.
Why the global coastal event DARPA foresaw did not materialize
U.S. chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago writes that the 1971 DARPA probe was actually to an alternative catastrophic time line. He states, “We are now starting to discover why the global coastal flooding event that I saw when DARPA sent me to 2013 via chronovisor in 1971 didn’t eventuate on this time line. NASA is now reporting that in 2012, a solar flare almost destroyed Earth. According to my source to the secret US agency the Department of Physicists, had the huge solar flare occurred six to seven days before it did, when the Earth was one degree of tilt in another position, it would have “wreaked havoc” on Earth. Apparently, the probe I was involved in at ITT Defense Communications in Nutley, NJ on November 5, 1971 for the Office of Naval Intelligence took us to an alternate time line where the devastating effects of such an event in 2012 were evident in 2013, including Washington, D.C. being 100 feet under water.”
Dr. Courtney Brown’s February 16, 2013 interim update on the Farsight Institute report and Andrew D. Basiago’s conclusions regarding DARPA’s 1971 chronovisor probe of 2013 appear both to conclude that the respective catastrophic timelines viewed in each study are not the actual (non-catastrophic) timelines that Earth is actually experiencing in 2013.
Gary Carlson’s prediction of a Golden Age & the Ascension Hypothesis
Gary Carlson’s prediction of a “Golden Age” following abrupt cosmic disturbance is congruent with the Ascension Hypothesis, which predicts a 4/5th density-like Golden Age on Earth following a planetary cosmic density shift.
See: VIDEO LECTURE: The Ascension Hypothesis – Is Mother Earth’s coming planetary density shift a reality? by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Gary Carlson website
Recommended Reading
Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Gary Carlson “Mild Tribulation” Trump presidency, Brown Dwarf flyby, Karma, then Golden Age
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VIDEO LECTURE: The Ascension Hypothesis – Is Mother Earth’s coming planetary density shift a reality? by Alfred Lambremont Webre
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