A II Z Rock star, Entrepreneur & TIA founder Gary Owens explains how Neurophone can enhance our consciousness & how Masons & Transhumanist Agenda misuse V2K Voice to Skull/artificial telepathy to mind control & enslave humanity
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
You Tube https://youtu.be/sKZD18IlOT4
VANCOUVER, BC – In a breakthrough interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, A II Z Rock star, Entrepreneur & TIA founder Gary Owens explains how the Neurophone, invented by Dr. Patrick Flanagan, can enhance our consciousness, and how Masons & Transhumanist Agenda misuse V2K Voice to Skull/artificial telepathy to mind control & enslave humanity.
How the Neurophone & Microwave Audio Effect are used in Tandum with modern Telco data delivery systems like microwave emitter beams and broadcasts, as a V2k (Voice to Skull) device in Gang Stalking and theft of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights).
V2k (Voice to Skull) 28/03/2017
Targeted Individuals Association – Author: Gary Owens
You can receive a copy of this research paper by Gary Owens, President of the Targeted Individuals Association [TIA] by joining the TIA at:
“Mr. Gary Owens wrote the collated article and broke down the technology, we used every available source over the internet to collate and compile every piece of information out there that was needed to break down the technology, we have listed the sources of information at the bottom, if anyone’s been left out let us know and we will amend.”
“They represent the Masons, the security services in the USA and UK are a private Mason army for the establishment. The Masons are behind the Gang Stalking, using drug dealers and criminals to do the dirty work. We are going to sue them, join us.”
In Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s own words:
“There were many Neurophone discoveries not made public. On occasions the device stimulated perfect telepathic contact between one or more persons, often with startling results. These telepathic incidents were kept under wraps for fear of ridicule.”
In the original Neurophone literature it states “Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s revolutionary ultrasonic neural stimulation instrument for Brain Entrainment.” This is another subject relating to the NSA/CIA use of the Neurophone for mind control experiments relating to Brain Entrainment.”
How The Neurophone Works:
The Neurophone is an electronic telepathy machine.
“Thanks to Dr Patrick Flanagan for his openness and help in the construction of this article. Thanks to Dr Barrie Trower MI6, Dr Nick Begich, Robert Duncan CIA, Dr John Hall, Magnus Olsson, William Binney NSA, Kirk Wiebe NSA, Dwight Mangum. Who have all spoken to me and contributed information leading to the understanding needed to put the technology together. We can now build the device and demonstrate it in court.”
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A II Z Rock star, Entrepreneur & TIA founder Gary Owens explains how Neurophone can enhance our consciousness & how Masons & Transhumanist Agenda misuse V2K Voice to Skull/artificial telepathy to mind control & enslave humanity
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
WATCH VIDEO on ExopoliticsTV: https://youtu.be/sKZD18IlOT4
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
Courtesy of Targeted Individuals Association, below is a full copy of the V2K research paper by Gary Owens for the benefit of readers of NewsInsideOut.com
How the Neurophone & Microwave Audio Effect are used in Tandum with modern Telco data delivery systems like microwave emitter beams and broadcasts, as a V2k (Voice to Skull) device in Gang Stalking and theft of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights).
V2k (Voice to Skull) 28/03/2017
Targeted Individuals Association – Author: Gary Owens
Mr Gary Owens wrote the collated article and broke down the technology, we used every available source over the internet to collate and compile every piece of information out there that was needed to break down the technology, we have listed the sources of information at the bottom, if anyone’s been left out let us know and we will amend.
Voice to skull is a complicated affair, the reason no one has broke it down is because its not one thing! It is comprised of different technologies! In order for you to understand V2k you WILL have to read all of the text! The good news is that the answer is there, clear as day!
The Neurophone Inventions & Patents:
1958 Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented and named the Neurophone in USA, and the process it operates by Neuroception. You may obtain copies of his two Neurophone patents by writing to the U.S. Patent Office and ordering Patent No. 3,393,279 granted July 16, 1968 and Patent No. 3,647,970 granted March 7, 1972.
The rights to the original Neurophone Patent No. 3,393,279 are owned by Intelectron, Inc. of New York City. The FDA will not permit it to be marketed because it uses a low frequency RF Carrier Wave, and they are very sensitive these days about the biological effects of RF Radiation. In reality the National Security Agency placed the patent application under a top secrecy order.
Pat Flanagan is an inventor. With his original patent rights in the hands of another company and with an FDA ban on its production, Flanagan developed the second Neurophone device covered by Patent No. 3,647,970 which does not use an RF carrier and does not involve high voltages. Dr. Flanagan has made impressive technical contributions. In February, 1968, he applied for a patent on a device for translating human speech into dolphin language and vice/versa. This was a result of studies with dolphins in the lagoon of a small island off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii. A vocabulary of 30 words was discovered before a startling intervention. Studies with earlier versions of the Neurophone by Tufts University for the US Navy go back to 1966.
This device, was so radical in approach, that he applied for a patent on it as a specialized speech processor. Six months after applying for the patent, at the behest of the NSA, the Department of Commerce placed Flanagan’s new device under secrecy order No. 756,124 dated August 28, 1968. In an agonizing infringement, the NSA sealed the patent and a national security order forbade Patrick from working on, or even talking about this invention. The order said that the invention was being suppressed in the interest of National Security. It further stated that he could be tried for treason and shot by firing squad if he revealed its working nature to anyone other than an authorized government representative. In other words they stole it! Needless to say he was very disappointed in the system.
Five years later and nearly 300 inventions later, it took three law firms to sue for release of his invention, another hard-fought legal battle rescinded the secrecy and suppression order and patent #3,647,970 was granted on March 7th 1972. This speech processing patent is actually used as the circuit in the present version of the Neurophone.
So, in a triumphant court case, the secrecy and the seizure of the device by the NSA, was overruled, and, the genie was out of the bottle!
The one piece of information that gives away how the Neurophone is used for Targeting People to steal their ideas and destroy their lives is in the original patent. The key was the low frequency RF Carrier Wave, the original patent had this information included, but was held under secrecy while the NSA developed it for 10 years, when they granted his second version of the Neurophone patent, the information regarding the RF Carrier wave was emitted.
So when you combine the possibility of beaming in to anyone’s mind which is the Neurophone, with the microwave beam technology of the Microwave Auditory Effect as explained to me by Dr Barry Trower of MI6. Flanagan could place the Neurophone electrodes so that the sound was perceived as coming from one side of the head only, many Targeted Individuals will understand this and is due to the Two out of phase transducer focused microwave carrier beams, being on the same side of the head, this can be because there is an RFID implant (TIA also have a full report on the developments in RFID implants on the website) that can also produce this effect most likely running the same Neurophone software.
The high pitch whistling noise that sounds like Tinnitus that comes in the head that a TI hears, is the modulated output microwave signal hitting your head, its the gain on the emitter. The auditory symptoms the Microwave Auditory Effect include those of constant buzzing, clicks and what is called ‘ringing in the ears’. If utilised for extended periods of time the loudness and variation in noise causes lack of concentration, distress and high irritability. So its clearly a form of torture as its instigated by the Gang Stalkers and we will be adding this to our class action lawsuit.
Voice to skull brings into focus the growing number of psychics, alien abductees, witches and psychiatric schizophrenia patients, people who hear god, people who kill people because a voice in the head told them too, ones claiming they can speak to extra-terrestrials, or can contact ghosts and liaise with the devil on a frequent basis. These people all need to be brought in to the fold for the lawsuit of the millennium against every government in the world by every citizen Targeted.
Add to this information modern Telecom data delivery systems and its possible for anyone to make one! I will be adding videos of how to self make the system soon, and will include Neurophone self build links. The idea of releasing the information from the Targeted Individuals Association is that if the information is in the public domain openly, we can demonstrate it publicly to the press and to the courts, which we are going to do!
We think this will be enough once publicised, to force select committee hearings and withdraw the budgets of the security services and other organisations, for the débâcle they have caused and to use the funds to pay the Targeted Individuals who’s lives and ideas have been destroyed by these out of control security services that no longer represent the public.
They represent the Masons, the security services in the USA and UK are a private Mason army for the establishment. The Masons are behind the Gang Stalking, using drug dealers and criminals to do the dirty work. We are going to sue them, join us.
In Pats own words:
“There were many Neurophone discoveries not made public. On occasions the device stimulated perfect telepathic contact between one or more persons, often with startling results. These telepathic incidents were kept under wraps for fear of ridicule.”
In the original Neurophone literature it states “Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s revolutionary ultrasonic neural stimulation instrument for Brain Entrainment.” This is another subject relating to the NSA/CIA use of the Neurophone for mind control experiments relating to Brain Entrainment.
When reading this, bear in mind this boy of 14 built this device the Neurophone from a stereo player, a muscle relaxing device, TV parts and an TV Ariel. I can sympathise with this as I also took electronics apart and built things as a child. However in this case the outcome was that when he invented the device, the military stopped the patent. We now know that DARPA took it up along with many other organisations. The boy himself would work for Navel intelligence with new versions of his invention, he used the Neurophone system to allow humans to talk with dolphins, the Navy were using this for mine location training, explosive planting and retrieval.
The Neurophone in its current configuration is one element of voice to skull, the original patent had the answer hidden within it, and in fact was the reason given for the rejection of the patent initially, although it later became clear that the NSA banned its disclosure. After 12 years he was allowed a patent on the same device but with one significant difference. The difference was the second part of V2k, voice to skull called Microwave Audio Effect which was carried out using RF signals sent as a focused beam of microwaves to the auditory canal, cochlear. As carried out in 1969 and explained to me by Dr Barrie Trower of MI6 (Scientist not agent).
These are the words of the inventor Dr. Patrick Flanagan:
In 1958 Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone in Bellaire, Texas USA. He was 14 years old. This electronic device transmits sound through the skin, by-passing normal hearing. A family friend who was a patent attorney for Shell Oil, helped Patrick submit a patent application. The patent examiners thought that this was just sound transfer through bone conduction and refused to issue a patent for 12 years.
In a rare meeting in 1970, the patent office agreed to examine the Neurophone for themselves and meet Patrick and his attorney. They both encountered a surprise.
The examiner had a deaf employee attend the meeting to test the device. The man was totally nerve deaf in one ear and almost totally deaf in the other. Patrick showed him how to use the Neurophone and played a record of the famous Maria Callas singing an opera. As he was able to hear the undistorted beauty of her voice, the tears of joy streamed down his face.
When we listen to music or human speech through the Neurophone we are hearing sounds through two distinct channels. One channel is heard normally by the ears by means of the cochlea and the other channel is sent through the skin and/or bone to the Saccule. One can easily tell the difference between the two modes of hearing by plugging up the ears while listening to the Neurophone. The Neurophone bypasses normal hearing that is conducted through bone conduction to the cochlea, the Neurophones 40 KHz ultrasonic carrier wave bypasses the cochlea and activates hearing channels in the Saccule.
How The Neurophone Works:
The Neurophone is an electronic telepathy machine.
The sound source for Neurophone listening can be a CD player, MP3, a radio, or a stereo HI Fi system, you can also use a microphone with mixing desk and effects, ringing any bells yet! The Neurophone should be driven from a headphone or a speaker output jack.
In using the Neurophone, you generally adjust the sound level of the music to a comfortable listening level as heard through the built in loudspeaker of the machine. You then plug the mini plug into the earphone jack of the player, and plug the standard phone plug into the input jack on the Neurophone. Plug the electrode phone plug into the Neurophone output jack. Rotate the Neurophone volume control slowly clockwise. The switch on the control will turn the unit on. The small LED panel lamp should glow at this time. Slowly turn the control up until you begin to hear the music from your player through the Neurophone electrodes.
As a result of his research, Dr Flanagan has designed the ideal meditation environment. This environment is a special room shielded from electromagnetic pollution (Faraday Cage). In this room are placed: an ERG (earth resonance generator about), Ion Generator (caution-some ion gen produce pollution as well), an 8HZ pulsating high voltage field (sync to the ERG), and a Neurophone.
Several tests prove that it bypasses the eighth cranial nerve, the hearing nerve, and transmits sound directly to the brain. This means that the Neurophone stimulates perception through a seventh or alternative sense.
We now know that the skin transmits ultrasonic impulses to an organ in the inner ear known as the Saccule (bundle of nerves that control your head movement in the inner ear among other things). The skin vibrates in resonance with the ultrasonic (40 KHz) Neurophone modulated carrier wave and transmits the sound from the carrier through multiple channels into the brain. The hearing is conducted through bone conduction to the cochlea. In order for bone conduction to work, their needs to be a 40 kHz ultrasonic carrier wave to activate the Saccule. When the Neurophone transducers are connected, the ultrasonic carrier wave bypasses the cochlea and activates hearing channels in the Saccule.
The cochlea or inner ear that connects to the eighth cranial nerve first must function. People who are nerve-deaf cannot hear through bone conduction because the nerves in the inner ear are not functional. In the process of bone conduction, sounds are transmitted through bony skeletal structures to the inner ear, where the small bones normally vibrated by the ear drum are activated by skeletal vibration. This vibration is then encoded by the inner ear, and transmitted to the brain by means of the 8th cranial nerve.
If the Neurophone electrodes are placed on the closed eyes or on the face, the sound can be clearly ‘heard’ as if it were coming from inside the brain. When the electrodes are placed on the face, the sound is perceived through the trigeminal nerve.
We therefore know that the Neurophone can work through the trigeminal or facial nerve. When the facial nerve is deadened by means of anaesthetic injections, we can no longer hear through the face. In these cases, there is a fine line where the skin on the face is numb. If the electrodes are placed on the numb skin, we cannot hear it but when the electrodes are moved a fraction of an inch over to skin that still has feeling, sound perception is restored and the person can hear! So when your targeted this is one of the areas to cover, they use a triangulated system of beams so you can cover it and will notice the drop in volume, then as the beam tracks in it fades back in.
This proves that the means of sound perception via the Neurophone is by means of skin and not by means of bone conduction. We are sure that the Neurophone does make use of another biological channel, due to the fact that people with 8th cranial nerve damage do hear with the device.
The skin is our largest and most complex organ. In addition to being the first line of defence against infection, the skin is a gigantic liquid crystal brain. The skin is Piezo-Electric. When it is vibrated or rubbed, it generates electric signals as scalar waves. Every organ of perception evolved from the skin. When we are embryos, our sensory organs evolved from the folds in the skin. Many primitive organisms and animals can see and hear with their skin.
We now know that the skin transmits ultrasonic impulses to an organ in the inner ear known as the Saccule. The skin vibrates in resonance with the ultrasonic (40 KHz) Neurophone modulated carrier wave and transmits the sound from the carrier through multiple channels into the brain.
When the Neurophone was originally developed, Neuro-physiologists considered that the brain was hard-wired and that the various cranial nerves were hard-wired to every sensory system. The eighth cranial nerve is the nerve bundle that runs from the inner ear to the brain. Theoretically, we should only be able to hear with our ears if our sensor organs are hard-wired.
The holographic brain theory states that the brain uses a holographic encoding system so that the entire brain may be able to function as a multi-faceted sensory encoding computer. This means that sensory impressions, like hearing, may be encoded so that any part of the brain can recognize input signals according to a special type of signal coding. Theoretically, we should be able to see and hear through multiple channels not just our eyes and ears.
The key to the Neurophone is the stimulation of the nerves of the skin with a digitally coded signal that carries the same time-ratio code that is recognized as sound by any nerve in the body.
All commercial digital speech recognition circuitry is based on so-called dominant frequency power analysis. While speech can be recognized by such a circuit, the truth is that speech encoding is based on time ratios. If the frequency power analysis circuits are not phased correctly, they will not work. The intelligence (including sound) is carried by phase information.
The frequency content of the voice gives our voice a certain quality, but frequency does not contain information. All attempts at computer voice recognition and voice generation are only partially successful. Until digital time-ratio encoding is used, our computers will never be able to really talk to us. So now we could use a Neurophone to to allow us to speak with the computer, this will surely come in the next few years.
The computer that Flanagan developed to recognize speech for the Man-Dolphin communicator used time-ratio analysis only. By recognizing and using time-ratio encoding, we could transmit clear voice data through extremely narrow bandwidths.
In one device, we developed a radio transmitter that had a bandwidth of only 300 Hertz while maintaining crystal clear transmission. Since signal-to-noise ratio is based on bandwidth considerations, we were able to transmit clear voice over thousands of miles while using milliwatt power.
Improved signal-processing algorithms are the basis of a new series of Neurophones that are currently under development. These new Neurophones use state-of-the-art digital processing to render sound information with much greater clarity.
Our Skin:
The skin is embryonic-ally the source of all special senses. Our skin contains more sensors for heat, touch and pain than any other part of the human anatomy. The human ear evolves embryonic-ally out of the convolutions of the skin of an embryo in the mothers uterus.
Basically, the skin is the oldest evolutionary nervous system sensor. The skin then, since it is the precursor of the ears, should also be capable of hearing, or to put it another way, it should be able to transmit the sense of hearing to the brain by a means other than the 8th Cranial Nerve. The skin is both Piezo-Electric and Opto-Electric.
When the skin is stimulated by an electric or photon field, it vibrates. When it is vibrated or rubbed, it generates electric signals as Scalar Waves formed in the skin. The Neurophone is really a Scalar Wave device since the out-of-phase signals from the electrodes mix in the non-linear complexities of the skins dielectric field.
The research indicates that the skin itself has the latent potential of performing all functions of perception. If the skin is mechanically stimulated, it will generate its own electric and photon fields this is in the form of standing Scalar Waves. In Russia, blind people have been trained to see with their fingertips and in Czechoslovakia, deaf people have been trained to hear with their fingertips due to this effect. This is because the fingers have more Pacinian Corpuscles (PC) in than any part of the body.
So the Neurophone uses Piezo-Electric electrodes/transducers, two of them, 180 degree phased shifted electrodes, sound is carried by 180 degree phased shifted information. The transducers are fabricated of zirconium titanate embedded in acrylic plastic tiles to provide maximum impedance to match to the skin itself.
The key to the Neurophone is the stimulation of the nerves of the skin with a digitally coded signal that carries the same time-ratio code that is recognized as sound by any nerve in the body.
The Pacinian Corpuscle:
The skin contains many energy sensing mechanism, one such mechanism is known as the Pacinian Corpuscle (PC). The PC is a special nerve ending that transforms mechanical vibrations or pressures into nerve impulses.
Until 1980 very little was known about the transducer, and it was thought that the device could only work at low frequencies of stimulation.
Recent research by Fernando Grandori and Antonio Pedotti of Milan, Italy has shed a whole new light on this mechanism. (IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering,, Vol BME-27, #10, Oct 1980) It now seems that the PC can react to very high frequencies, and responds best to a square wave stimulus.
The PC consists of a sensitive nerve ending surrounded by a cylindrical-like core structure consisting of closely packed membranes called lamellae. The core is surrounded by a second set of lamellae, in which the distance between each one increases from the innermost lamella toward the periphery of the corpuscle. The space between all the lameae is filled with a liquid who’s mechanical properties can be considered similar to that of water. When a displacement of the outermost lamella is caused by exerting an appropriate pressure, this stimulus is transmitted to the core, and in turn, causes a compression of the innermost lamella. This system acts as a differentiating mechanical amplifier.
What is significant here, is that the PC responds best to a Square-wave. Tests reveal that rate of change is more important than the amplitude of the pressure applied to the corpuscle. This indicates that this highly refined receptor is designed to detect time significance first, and pressure significance secondly.
If we take the Neurophone electrode disks and feed a 50 volt sine wave audio signal into them while placing them on the temples, the signal will be perceived weakly. If we feed the same signal as a square wave, the perceived is 10 times as loud as the sine wave. This tends to substantiate Dr Flanagan’s theory regarding the Neurophone perceptual mechanism as being time-rate of change encoded.
PC are located over the entire skins surface, with greater concentrations on the fingertips and sexual organs.
How does the Neurophone relate to the nervous system:
Lets now analyse a 30 KHZ carrier sine wave as applied to the nervous system and see what the nervous system sees. The sine wave is clipped at a point along the curve and the width of the top of the clipped wave is 15 usec. Now, if the nervous system at this instant has a CRT (Critical Reaction Time) of approx 15 usec perfect loading will occur.
Now, if the CRT of the nervous system at this moment should change to 20 usec, the carrier would have to be shifted to 25 KHz to obtain the same response. This increase in CRT would indicate that the person had gone into a state of colinergia. The new CRT of the neuron would now cause the neuron to be improperly loaded at 30 KHz, but properly loaded at 25 KHz.
The original device had a carrier RF wave of 3000 volt signal that produced an electric field of extremely low power density. As the carrier frequency was in the vicinity of 50 Khz, and the capacitance of the electrodes was therefore extremely low. The above electrical conditions of low power density indicate that the original device was safe for use. However, if the electrode surfaces were scratched, the user would experience a mild, but annoying mild electric shock.
The development of the present Neurophone Mk XI, the finest Neurophone to date, and it does not require the use of a radio frequency carrier wave. The newer versions have an electric field (approx 20 Volts RMS) interacts with the skin ceramic electrode combination to create a molecular vibration in the skin. The 20 volt average RMS signal does not require a radio carrier to work. As stated earlier, the original Neurophone design had to actually work by brute force, due to the fact that the modulation signal was not processed to increase the time domain signal properties. As previously stated, the original Neurophone produced typical voltages on the order of 3000 at a carrier frequency of 50000 Hz. As the skin is Piezo-Electric, and has a dielectric constant in the range of 12000 Hz, the Neurophone electrodes are made of a ceramic material designed to provide a maximum impedance match to the skin itself. The Neurophone time processed signal is then fed to the pair of high dielectric constant ceramic electrodes, which are placed in contact with the skin of the head. The electric field (approx 20 Volts RMS) interacts with the skin ceramic electrode combination to create a molecular vibration in the skin.
He reasoned that the true carrier of information was a radio signal due to the oscillation produced by shock excitation of the combined circuit of the transformer and the parallel tuned circuit formed by the electrodes and the human body. He started experimenting with the unit using a high frequency oscillator of his own design and discovered a resonance in the circuit around 40,000 cycles per second.
He soon found that the resonant frequency would change abruptly with emotions and general body changes. The capacitance of the electrodes, therefore the dielectric constant of the skin, changed abruptly from the slightest outside stimulus. The dielectric constant of the skin would change by several orders of magnitude in a fraction of a second! After preliminary measurement of parameters, I designed the original Neurophone which is illustrated in my patent on the device. (#3,393,279). The device was essentially a high voltage frequency modulated radio transmitter of low power. Its frequency was adjustable to correct for changes of resonance. The original unit was hand adjustable. Later units were automatically tuned for maximum resonance.
The addition of the resonant radio carrier wave made the difference. The sound from the device was fantastic, like sound from another world. The normal frequency response of the ear was extended beyond normal boundaries and there was no distortion.
The modulation can suitably be effected by means of either an amplitude or frequency modulation of such electromagnetic waves. These waves preferably have a frequency in the range of about 20 kilocycles per second to about 200 kilocycles per second. The output of the source of modulated electromagnetic waves is preferably at least about 1 watt where the field generator comprises a pair of insulated electrodes placed on the head of a person.
Holographic Sound:
In the Dolphin Project Flanagan developed the basis for many potential new technologies. We were able to ascertain the encoding mechanism used by the human brain to decode speech intelligence patterns, and were also able to decode the mechanism used by the brain to locate sound sources in three dimensional space.
These discoveries led to the development of a 3-D holographic sound system which could place sounds in any location in space as perceived by the listener. In other words it would be sent in a way where the sound appeared to be coming right out of thin air! The human ear is limited to about 16,000 Hz (vibrations, pulses or cycles per second) while dolphins generate and hear sounds up to 250,000 Hz. Our special Neurophone enabled us to hear the full range of dolphin sounds.
When his digital Neurophone patent application was sent to the patent office, the NSA slapped it under a secrecy order. He was unable to work on the device or talk about it to anyone for another five years. This was terribly discouraging. The first patent took twelve years to obtain and now, after all of his work, he had his work locked up in a national security order.
The information on this image is accurate except the V2k date, that was 1958 by Flanagan.
The digital Neurophone converts sound waves into a digital signal that matches the time ratios codes understood by the human brain. These time signals are used not only in speech recognition but also in recognizing the location of sounds in 3-D space . The digital Neurophone is the version that he eventually produced and sold as the Mark XI and the Thinkman Model 50 versions. These Neurophones were especially useful as speed learning machines due to their entrainment efficiency.
The first Neurophone device was constructed by attaching two Brillo pads to insulated copper wires. The wires from the pads were connected to a reversed audio output transformer that was attached to a Hi-Fi amplifier. The output voltage of the audio transformer was about 1,500 volts peak-to-peak. While listening to the sound, the signal was perceived as being loudest and clearest when the amplifier was over-driven and square waves were generated. At the same time, the transformer would ring or oscillate with a dampened wave form at frequencies of 40-50 kHz.
The next Neurophone consisted of a variable frequency vacuum tube oscillator that was amplitude-modulated. This output signal was then fed into a high frequency transformer that was flat in frequency response in the 20-100kHz range. The electrodes were placed on the head and the oscillator was tuned so that maximum resonance was obtained using the human body as a part of the tank circuit.
Later models had a feedback mechanism that automatically adjusted the frequency for resonance. We found that the dielectric constant of human skin is highly variable. In order to achieve maximum transfer of energy, the unit had to be returned to resonance in order to match the dynamic dielectric response of the body of the listener. The 2,000 volt peak-to-peak amplitude-modulated carrier wave was then connected to the body by means of two-inch diameter electrode disks that were insulated by means of my-ar films of different thickness’s. The Neurophone is really a scalar wave device since the out-of-phase signals from the electrodes mix in the non-linear complexities of the skin dielectric.
Imagine this image as the two electrodes or transducers or two microwave focused beams!
The signals from each capacitor electrode are 180 degrees out-of-phase. Each signal is transmitted into the complex dielectric of the body where phase cancellation takes place. The net result is a scalar vector. This fact was not known at the time he invented the device. This knowledge came later when we learned that the human nervous system is particularly sensitive to scalar signals. The high frequency amplitude-modulated Neurophone has excellent sound clarity. The perceived signal was very clearly perceived as coming from within the head. We established quite early that some totally nerve-deaf people could hear with the device.
For some reason, however, not all nerve-deaf people hear with it the first time, it took time for their brains to adjust to the new input data, during this process the mind actually builds the receiver system or rather expands it rather like a muscle being exercised after a while it gets bigger.
Electronic Telepathy:
The Neurophone is an electronic telepathy machine. Several tests prove that it bypasses the eighth cranial nerve, the hearing nerve, and transmits sound directly to the brain. This means that the Neurophone stimulates perception through a seventh or alternative sense. All hearing aids stimulate tiny bones in the middle ear. Sometimes when the eardrum is damaged, the bones of the inner ear are stimulated by a vibrator that is placed behind the ear on the base of the skull. Bone conduction will even work through the teeth. In order for bone conduction to work, as previously stated the cochlea or inner ear that connects to the eighth cranial nerve first must function. People who are nerve-deaf cannot hear through bone conduction because the nerves in the inner ear are not functional.
This proves that the means of sound perception via the Neurophone is by means of skin and not by means of bone conduction. There was an earlier test performed at Tufts University that was designed by Dr. Dwight Wayne Batteau, one of Flanagan’s partners in the United States Navy Dolphin Communication Project. This test was known as the Beat Frequency Test. It is well known that sound waves of two slightly different frequencies create a Beat note as the waves interfere with each other.
For example, if a sound of 300 Hz and one of 330 Hz are played into one ear at the same time a beat not of 30 Hertz will be perceived. This is a mechanical summation of sound in the bone structure of the inner ear. There is another beat, sounds beat together in the corpus callosum in the centre of the brain.
This binaural beat is used by the Monroe Institute and others to simulate altered brain states by entraining (causing brain waves to lock on and follow the signal) the brain into high alpha or even theta brain states.
Corpus Callosum the Human sound box.
These brain states are associated with creativity, lucid dreaming and other states of consciousness otherwise difficult to reach when awake. All the sort of people that are being targeted are all creative people, musicians, artists, scientist etc.
The Neurophone is a powerful Brain Entrainment device. If we play alpha or theta signals directly through the Neurophone, we can move the brain into any state desired. Batteau’s theory was that if we could place the Neurophone electrodes so that the sound was perceived as coming from one side of the head only, and if we played a 300 Hertz signal through the Neurophone, if we also played a 330 Hertz signal through an ordinary headphone we would get a beat note if the signals were summing in the inner ear bones. When the test was conducted, we were able to perceive two distinct tones without beat. This test again proved that Neurophonic hearing was not through bone conduction. When we used a stereo Neurophone, we were able to get a beat note that is similar to the binaural beat, but the beat is occurring inside the nervous system and is not the result of bone conduction.
The Neurophone is a Gateway into altered brain states. Its most powerful use may be in direct communications with the brain centres, thereby bypassing the filters or inner mechanisms that may limit our ability to communicate to the brain. If we can unlock the secret of direct audio communications to the brain, we can unlock the secret of visual communications. The skin has receptors that can detect vibration, light, temperature, pressure and friction. All we have to do is stimulate the skin with the right signals. Flanagan is continuing Neurophonic research. He has recently developed other modes of Neurophonic transmission. We have also reversed the Neurophone and found that we can detect scalar waves that are generated by the living system. The detection technique is actually very similar to the process used by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama in Japan. Dr. Motoyama used capacitor electrodes very much like those we use with the Neurophone to detect energies from various power centres of the body known as Chakras.
More Neurophone Information:
The Neurophone is a device that, contrary to all present theory and knowledge, will directly “pump the brain” and reproduce sound and information directly in the brain and mind system, without going through the auditory system at all. A simplified diagram how the Neurophone works is shown in Figure 1
Figure 1. A simplified diagram of the improved Flanagan Neurophone
The device takes a complex sound signal like music, and electrically processes it as shown in figure 1. First the signal is passed into a section that clips everything into a series of square waves, remarkably analogous to the sort of clipped waves Lisitsyn confirms are the information carriers of the human brain. Reproduction of the voice communication can be accomplished only if the receiving decoder matches the transmitting encoder. The encoders and decoders can be easily interchanged in order to maintain secure transmissions.
From “Excalibur Briefing” definitions:
The Neurophone is an instrument for direct electromagnetic input of signals into the human brain and nervous system. Invented by Dr. Pat Flanagan. His latest version clips an input signal into square waves, differentiates it twice, then feeds the resulting noisy spikes into the human sensory system. The original signal is impressed into the brain and directly into the mind. According to Bearden, an adaptation using more than 11 independent frequencies and built in accord with work by the Soviet Lisitsyn could conceivably be used to accomplish human mind linkage.
Lisitsyn paper is said to refer to 11 independent channels in the brainwaves (namely, in the mind-life-consciousness connection to the waves of dendrite firings that make the brainwaves) and these were specifically referred to clipped signals (not sines). For those who don’t understand the differentiation process, it means that the output is proportional to the variation of signal strength at its input. (the diagram below shows how the signal is altered and fed into the electrodes)
Complex Square Waves Differentiator #1 Diff. #2 Brain
Signal Generator Electrodes /-\ _ _ / \ _| |_| |_ _|_ _|_ _ _”_ _’_ ==> | | | Square waves Spikes Noisy Spikes.
Next the square waves are differentiated, yielding a series of sharp spikes (note that these spikes retain the pulse-time content of the clipped signal). These spikes are again differentiated, and since these are finite spikes with real non-zero rise times and decay times rather than theoretical constructs, a series of noisy spikes results from the second differentiator section. From here, the noisy spikes are introduced to special contact electrodes, one of which is normally placed on the forehead, while the other may be placed almost anywhere.
The square-wave clipper section reduces the complex signals, their overtones, and their complex modulations to square waves, retaining the temporal content of the wave mix but not the waves themselves. The first and second differentiators heighten or filter through the temporal content of the higher-order differentiations, that is, they serve as a band pass filter unit to accent the time keying of the neutrinic and mind-field portions or aspects of the signal.
When these time spikes are then introduced across the body as pulsed voltages, they are modulated directly on the dendrite firings of the brain and nervous system, providing direct and pulsed modulation of the neutrinic and mind-field component channels of the mind-brain-consciousness-life loop itself. Thus the Neurophone directly inputs information into the brain and nervous system, bypassing all the normal sensory systems that lie between the mind-brain loop and the outside environment.
Indeed, a similar development has been reported by two University of Missouri researchers. Dr. Donald York, a neurophysiologist, and Dr. Thomas Jensen, a speech pathologist, have recently reported identifying and decoding twenty-seven words and syllables in specific brain wave patterns and correlating these electroencephalographic patterns with both the spoken word and the silently thought word in about forty subjects. At present, Dr. York and Dr. Jensen are programming a computer with a brain wave vocabulary, to monitor and read the EEG of a stroke victim’s brain and help stroke victims who have lost their powers of speech to communicate. Pat Flanagan’s Neurophone proves that complex information can be implanted directly in the brain and mind, bypassing the normal isolating barriers. Dr. York and Jensen have shown that the brain wave does indeed contain recognizable, decodable information analogues. Lisitsyn has already reported measuring the number of independent channels involved and has documented the importance of the clipped brain waves as opposed to the sine-wave content.
History of the Neurowave Signal Development
- A step up audio transformer was attached to a Hi-Fi amplifier. The output voltage of the audio transformer was about 1,500 volts peak to peak. The perceived sound quality was very poor,highly distorted and very weak. The signal was perceived as being loudest and clearest when the amplifier was over driven and clipped square waves were being generated. The O’scope signal had ringing spikes or oscillations of a dampened wave at frequencies of 40 to 50kHz. (Flanagan, Life Magazine 14 Sep 1962)
- An amplitude-modulated signal was then fed into a high frequency transformer that was flat in frequency response for an adjustable frequency in the 20-100kHz range. The output was a 2,000 volt peak to peak amplitude modulated carrier wave. (Flanagan Patent No. 3,393,279 (1968)
- The audio signal is pulse width modulated on to a 50KHz square wave carrier. Output is stepped up to a 50 volt square wave. This signal is applied to the body by means of Piezo ceramic disks.(lead zirconium titanate) (Flanagan Patent No. 3,647,970 (1972)
- The audio signal is pulse width modulated on to a 45KHz square wave carrier then double differentiated (processed in line through 2 differentiator circuits). Output is stepped up to a 60 volts RMS. This signal is applied to the body by means of Piezo ceramic disks (Radio Shack Type)(Brass side to skin, red leads connected to circuit). (Info obtained from various researchers)
- The audio signal is differentiated and passed into a section that clips everything into a series of square waves and then converted to 40 volt pulses which is then run through a zero crossing detector (comparator). The sensor electrodes are one inch diameter plates made from lead zirconium titanate (Piezo-Electric discs). (Extrema, US Patent No. 4,545,065)
- Audio signal is modulated on to a 100KHz carrier and power amplified then sent to an antenna. Those near the antenna perceives the sound if like through earphones while those further away hear nothing, no contact with the antenna is made. (approx 1970’s) Laser Sound System, Inc., 438 W. Cypress, Glendale, Ca 91204. Also Intelectron Corp that own the original banned patent, 432 W 57th St., New York, NY, 10036).
- Another unit is based upon a miniaturized hi-power amplifier, amplifying the audio information directly, no square waves or carriers are used. The sensors are Piezo-Electric transducers on ceramic bases. Good quality sound (not quite high fidelity headphone sound) is experienced coming from the middle of your brain, more or less.
Hive Minds:
Dr Nick Begich describes the Neurophone phenomenon as an electronic ‘corpus collosum’ between the minds of 2 people. The corpus collosum is the semi-permeable bridge between the 2 hemispheres of an individual’s brain. The intricacies of how the Neurophone is constructed, along with it’s bio physical interactivity, is provided in the book, Towards A New Alchemy, by Nick Begich. With the Neurophone it creates Induction of information to the brain without contact (e.g. sharply-pulsed magnetic fields around the head such as Persinger’s work).
Retired Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden is a nuclear physicist from George Washington University. He is one of the foremost experts in warfare strategy, and is an expert in the field of Soviet Psychotronics Research. Tom Bearden and Flanagan have made two mind links by means of the Neurophone. Details of the brain mind link will be given in a later edition of the Innergy News, or the Neurophone research journal. (These we don’t have, if anyone can find them let us have a copy of any information).
Col Bearden has developed a mathematical formula that indicates that the combined mind power of a group of people will multiply exponentially if these people are linked in a unitary consciousness. A small group of people could actually alter the entire course of mankind in an instant of time, if they were perfectly linked in a unified field of consciousness. Col Bearden believes that the Neurophone is the key to linking consciousness.
This linking could be done in a number of ways. The Soviets have established that an EEG machine of only 16 channels could pick up the entire consciousness of an individual. All that is then necessary, is to feed the data into the mind of another by means of a multi channel Neurophone. The Neurophone would then become an electronic corpus collosum between the minds of two or more people.
Brain Entrainment Carrier System As Used by the Rusians (Woodpecker Experiment)
The biologically significant modulation is around 10 hertz. The earth’s back-ground magnetic field is oscillating at approximately 7.0 to 7.5 hertz.
Certain specific ELF frequencies can rapidly disable or even kill, and for wartime use those frequencies can be directly implanted in the captured brains themselves by entrainment methods, for example as used by the soviets Woodpecker signal program.
So Why Is The Neurophone So Dangerous to National Security:
In Flanegans own words “We have also reversed the Neurophone and found that we can detect Scalar Waves that are generated by the living system. The detection technique is actually very similar to the process used by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama in Japan. Dr. Motoyama used capacitor electrodes very much like those we use with the Neurophone to detect energies from various power centres of the body known as chakras.”
So now it was possible to have silent two way communications between solders and it could not be decoded, even more important the Security Services could listen in on politicians and spy’s. Dr Barrie Trower from MI6 told me he did this as early as 1969 using the Microwave Auditory Effect, it fits with the hold up of the patent and also the MK Ultra time-lines.
Now we get to some very serious national security issues! In the original US Patent # 3,647,970 (5 March 1972) Dr Flanagan states, The Neurophone pulses are then amplified which drives a transducer, the transducer may induce the pulses in water, using milliwatts, in water its possible to communicate over thousands of miles, nuclear subs communications, using a standing Scaler Wave using the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth‘s electromagnetic field spectrum.
Microwave emitter
Schumann resonance is a global electromagnetic resonance, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Through the earth, or in any other propagating medium. Or, if desired, the transducer can be replaced by a radio or other electromagnetic wave transmitter. So what Flanagan created was a low energy way to
communicate worldwide and secure with a standing Scaler Wave system that could not be detected. Add to that that even if someone stumbled on it, it would sound like tapping noises and could not be translated or decoded.
Since then the CIA, NSA, MI6 and many other security services are using the same system.
In the later versions of the Neurophone you no longer need a carrier wave, this means it could be broadcast using phone masts, satellites, in fact any data medium. Its going to get even worse with the emergence of Hive Minds.
The Security Services set up a Targeted Individual program and this equipment is used on those targets.
Much of it contrary to popular theory is done locally by Masons and Drug Dealers or the private eyes they have hired or conned into helping them. You take a normal Neurophone and add a carrier wave system. Similar to the one above, the only difference is that it needs two transducers.
So two beams are fired at the Targeted Individual to get the 180 degrees phased shift circuit needed to transmit and receive.
The Microwave Auditory Effect:
The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks (or, with speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/ modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II.
These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The microwave auditory effect was later discovered to be inducible with shorter-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the Cold War era, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon and was the first to publish information on the nature of the microwave auditory effect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect
Pulsed microwave radiation can be heard by some workers; the irradiated personnel perceive auditory sensations of clicking or buzzing. The cause is thought to be thermoelastic expansion of portions of the auditory apparatus. Competing theories explain the results of interferometric holography tests differently.
In 2003-2004, the WaveBand Corp. had a contract from the US Navy for the design an MAE system they called MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) intended to remotely, temporarily incapacitate personnel. The project was cancelled in 2005, so they say! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MEDUSA_%28weapon%29
This image has been around for years so I would like to correct some content on it, its a Neurophone that’s used and it can also be done by listening to the Cochlea with a direct beam of microwaves. Another thing is that Dr Barry Trower was doing this for MI6 de briefing soviet spy’s in 1969 using the Microwave Auditory Effect. Having said that it does state exactly right at the bottom, its just vague and inaccurate.
Dr Barrie Trower MI6
V2k, Voice to Skull and Microwave Auditory Effect, Voice to skull is a form of radio communication, which enables MCs (Targeted Individuals Handlers) to transmit conversation directly to the brain. The sound (as described by victims) appears to radiate from behind the head, the sound waves transmitting verbal conversation like a walkie-talkie.
The sound distance and intensity of radio signal remains the same regardless of the head’s orientation. The science behind its application is coveted by MI6 but now revealed in this document. The truth is that humans can hear themselves think in spoken word and perceive sound without the aid of their external ears, and it is the complexity of the brain which empowers this. When human ears detect acoustic sound frequencies from external sources the sound waves are funneled via the external ear, hit the eardrum and are translated into nerve impulses, which travel to the brain and are decoded by the brain as sound/verbal speech as described in more detail earlier.
When MCs transmit V2k Voice to Skull, they speak into a microphone, which transforms verbal speech/sound signals into encoded electrical pulses which is the same as the Neurophone technology. These radio-frequency pulses are directed at the auditory nerve (bypassing the human ear) directly to the brain, which decodes the electrical pulses into understandable spoken word and sound. Ensuring the encoded electrical pulses hit the auditory nerve directly guarantees that only the intended victim hears the contact and, like radio DJs (Disc Jockeys), MCs may increase or decrease the volume and communicate with a subject many miles away.
Academics Joseph C Sharp and Dr A Frey were actually the first scientists to transmit voice-modulated microwaves at the auditory nerve during their time at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. The transmission of sound via the auditory nerve has been practiced since the mid-twentieth century and has proven successful even in hard-of-hearing subjects. The employment of ESB (Electrical Stimulation of the Brain) enables targeted subjects to perceive sound depending on the frequency and amplitude of stimulation.
The auditory symptoms of Microwave Auditory Effect include those of constant buzzing, clicks and what is called ‘ringing in the ears’. If utilised for extended periods of time the loudness and variation in noise causes lack of concentration, distress and high irritability.
Voice to skull was intended for soldiers, ensuring headquarters had unlimited communication, thus enabling the abandonment of conventional earpiece/microphone headgear, which is a visible target on the battlefield.
Voice to skull brings into focus the growing number of psychics, alien abductees, witches and psychiatric schizophrenia patients, people who hear god, people who kill people because a voice in the head told them too, ones claiming they can speak to extra-terrestrials, or can contact ghosts and liaise with the devil on a frequent basis. These people all need to be brought in to the fold for the lawsuit of the millennium against every government in the world by every citizen Targeted.
The realisation that MCs may effectively talk themselves into a human being’s life and pose as supernatural powers seems ludicrous. What is clear is that intelligence agents and medics have tried hard to master this skill and that there are a growing number of MCVs confirming its deployment.
This is a UK Government Document:
Health Phys. 2007 Jun;92(6):621-8 .
Hearing of microwave pulses by humans and animals: effects, mechanism, and thresholds.
Lin JC1, Wang Z. Author information
The hearing of microwave pulses is a unique exception to the airborne or bone-conducted sound energy normally encountered in human auditory perception. The hearing apparatus commonly responds to airborne or bone-conducted acoustic or sound pressure waves in the audible frequency range.
But the hearing of microwave pulses involves electromagnetic waves whose frequency ranges from hundreds of MHz to tens of GHz. Since electromagnetic waves (e.g., light) are seen but not heard, the report of auditory perception of microwave pulses was at once astonishing and intriguing. Moreover, it stood in sharp contrast to the responses associated with continuous-wave microwave radiation.
Experimental and theoretical studies have shown that the microwave auditory phenomenon does not arise from an interaction of microwave pulses directly with the auditory nerves or neurons along the auditory neurophysiological pathways of the central nervous system. Instead, the microwave pulse, upon absorption by soft tissues in the head, launches a thermoelastic wave of acoustic pressure that travels by bone conduction to the inner ear. There, it activates the cochlear receptors via the same process involved for normal hearing.
Aside from tissue heating, microwave auditory effect is the most widely accepted biological effect of microwave radiation with a known mechanism of interaction: the thermoelastic theory. The phenomenon, mechanism, power requirement, pressure amplitude, and auditory thresholds of microwave hearing are discussed in this paper. A specific emphasis is placed on human exposures to wireless communication fields and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) coils.
I have many scientific documents that go into every aspect, I will be adding these to the TIA website also, there are also free books on the subject that I will add.
There is so much evidence supporting this document that is must be the most exposed secret of all time, anyone can build it simply and cheaply, sure the government are planning big and manipulating everyone? My research says that very few in governments know what is going on in the security services and they hide the truth from them, so the target is the Security Services and as I have said earlier, these are controlled by Masons that have info on all the MPs to stop them acting. Its time to take the budgets of these lunatic no nothing idiots that have no idea what they are doing.
So what’s the next step?
All governments are planning big and all are using the system against their own citizens, this is a crime and allows the citizens to take action, if there is no law and order and no justice there will of course be anarchy. The aim at the TIA is to head this off and force governments and security services to come clean and pay up to the Targeted People.
In the short term the Targeted Individuals Association will be making a device that blocks the signal, we know two ways to do this already, one is using a frequency broadcast jammer, the other is using a counter system that totally negates the incoming signal, depending on which version of V2k is being used on you. We understand already how to build these devices and will publish the info or make the device available soon as we have it.
We need to be able to block the signal because in the near future, what is currently being used as a torture to Targeted Individuals will become a commonplace synthetic telepathy system like our current phone system, and from what I have learnt through the science of the Neurophone its more than likely that it will have visual and well as sound.
The use of the V2k Voice to Skull device without the permission of the person its being used on is already illegal. It must be enforced for the new technology to flower. The way its being carried out in Gang Stalking harms a person and can kill and cause cancers and many other conditions. I have scientific papers that support this and Dr John Hall is advising us as to the way forward.
So it is an assault on the person, attempted murder are the charges that the Targeted Individuals Association are bringing against all suspects of V2k Gang Stalking which in most cases is being done locally by people that are conned into it and are told its not illegal. We know the masons started Gang Stalking, starting out originally as Ring Fencing, where they used local criminals and drug dealers to Target people that they fell out with had a disagreement with or they wanted to steal their business.
This is now out of control big business with drug Mafia’s involved like in my case, run by the Freemasons who stole my business and did exactly the same to me what they did to Julian Assange, made up a false case to ruin my life because they stole my business worth 4 billion pounds.
The first person who told me about Gang Stalking was a senior Mason, he objected to being involved in the Gang Stalking of others and became a targeted individual because of it, I first knew him as Stan Cumons which turned out to be an anagram of Mason Cunts! He told me how they had bugged his phone stole all his business, talked to all his neighbours with false stories, see Mason Gang Stalking on the TIA website for in-depth details of the process.
It’s an abuse of microwave emission law and radiation emission laws already in the EU. We are in contact with all the people who invented the devices and people who have used them in the field from the security agencies and these people will be giving evidence at our first class action to get to the bottom of it. We may be teaming up with other groups also in a combined effort.
They target anyone who is smart, I’m talking about free thinking intelligence, like a musician, artist, scientist, inventors and just about anyone that speaks out about them.
The Masons through years of ring-fencing and Gang Stalking people using low level criminals, this got picked up higher up the food chain and now its big business for the Mafia’s of this world, recently, as in my case, the British Drug Mafia who in Spain are run from Masons lodges down to street guys. The masons run the drugs trade world wide using the security services that are all masons and no longer represent the people.
If you’re a Targeted Individual join the Association and talk with us, you may be able to join our legal action against every government and security service in the world, the Masons, and others who have been identified such as NATO. All these organisations and governments need reining in!
They are out of control unregulated lunatics on a false crusade to target anyone who opposes them or their establishment backers. We can now build the device and demonstrate it in court so its all over! Its just a question of when they are arrested!
Don’t assume that politicians and others know, the security services hide the truth, they will have so many legal cases to face soon they will have to sell the countries they live in to pay the bill. Join the Targeted Individuals Association and help us change the world. One World One Community!
Thanks to Dr Patrick Flanagan for his openness and help in the construction of this article. Thanks to Dr Barrie Trower MI6, Dr Nick Begich, Robert Duncan CIA, Dr John Hall, Magnus Olsson, William Binney NSA, Kirk Wiebe NSA, Dwight Mangum. Who have all spoken to me and contributed information leading to the understanding needed to put the technology together. We can now build the device and demonstrate it in court.
V2k (Voice to Skull) 28/03/2017
Targeted Individuals Association – Author: Gary Owens
Mr Gary Owens wrote the collated article and broke down the technology, we used every available source over the internet to collate and compile every piece of information out there that was needed to break down the technology, we have listed the sources of information at the bottom, if anyone’s been left out let us know and we will amend.
John Allman says
How can one have a LOW frequency “carrier wave”?
Since when did Barrie Trower hold a doctorate?
ghj says
Military outfits & secret societies are used as recruiting grounds by the cabal ; it does not mean that every member is aware of all this..
Shannon says
I contacted Mr. Owen about my experience with v2k since 2005. I am a rational intelligent human who has never suffered from paranoia and I truly am a Targeted Individual. Mr Owen dismissed me by saying that I didn’t have a physical implant therefore he and I did not have the same experience .I highly disagree with Mr. Owen as I do indeed have been experiencing v2k since 2005 without an implant. I am available to interview. I am NOT some crazy, idiot who believes in conspiracy theories but I do indeed believe I am a Targeted Individual. I am not to be dismissed.