Pateo Radio (NL): Alfred Lambremont Webre opens up on Truth, Reconciliation, Restorative Justice & a Positive Future
In this April 1, 2015 interview with Johan Oldenkamp of Pateo Radio (Netherlands) and CCN,’s futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre opens up with a wide-ranging discussion on Wikipedia, 9/11, JFK assassination as Coup D’Etat in America (CIA), pedophilia and ritual child sacrifice in the Dutch monarchy, Draco reptilians, CIA MKULTRA program, and Transhumanist Agenda worldwide; Positive Timeline and Truth, Reconciliation, and Restorative Justice process starting with the Dracos, Orion greys, Illuminati, Restorative justice (for example, Donation by Rothschilds and the 13 Families of their $113+ trillion illicit fortunes to humanity), and Truth & Reconciliation with Michael Tellinger and Kevin Annett.
Johan Oldenkamp is a journalist with Pateo Radio & CCN.
Quasimodo Kerry says
Great interview. A nice round up of all the agendas against humanity and the importance now of moving forward to bring in paradise on earth. The focus now is to spread the word, help others see the truth, support healing so people can find their power and bring their true qualities out – allowing them to contribute to our positive future.
Strength, hope and love to all xx