Navigating the Omniverse to Disclosure, Density Shift & Soul Development
Saturday, August 27, 2016 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM (PDT)
RESERVE TICKETS NOW! [10 eBook copies of Alfred’s book on discovery of The Omniverse will be given away to participants!
With Dr. Geri DeStefano-Webre PhD & Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
The Omniverse, the Great Year, the Yugas, Planetary density shift & Humanity’s Soul Development
Asked why this Interactive Intensive at this time, Alfred Lambremont Webre said, “Mother Earth’s and humanity’s ongoing planetary density shifts have been known mark the completion of a 25,800 year cycle around the equinoxes, known in the Western tradition of Socrates & Cicero as the “Great Year” & in the Eastern Tradition as the “Yugas” [We are now shifting from the Kali Yuga (‘one part virtue/three parts sin’) to the Satya Yuga (‘Virtue reigns supreme’). For those who follow the meme of the Mayan Calendrics, December 21, 2012 marked the formal end/beginning of a Great Year. Some Eastern traditions hold that a planetary density shift portal to the new Yuga or Great Year opens around 2025. The time between 2012 and 2025 marks an acceleration into the 2025 interdimensional portal into 4/5th density. We do not know if this planetary Shift will be a total planetary density shift with all Souls accompanying the New Earth in through the 2025 portal, or a Partial planetary density Shift or graduation of a portion of human souls now on the planet to 4/5th density and the rest recycled onto other 3rd density planets for another 25,800 year cycle. Even Wes Penre in his latest book on AI says the optimal strategy now is to “Abandon the reincarnation battlefield and opt into 4/5th density”. Planetary density Shift is occurring automatically an one has to willfully go into duality consciousness to avoid density shift.
RESERVE TICKETS NOW! [10 eBook copies of Alfred’s book on discovery of The Omniverse will be given away to participants!
The Universe, the Multiverse, the Omniverse.
These are the three principal cosmological bodies through which humanity comprehends the Cosmos.
The Universe, an organic singularity of time, energy, space, and matter, was discovered by the Sumerian astronomers in 3500-3200BC.
The Multiverse, the totality of all Universes, was discovered by the American scientist William James in 1895.
The Omniverse, the integrated whole of the Multiverse and the Spiritual dimensions of the intelligent civilizations of souls, Spiritual Entities, and Source, was first formally proven in 2014 in two independent science-based books, respectively by David Bertolacci and by Alfred Lambremont Webre.
Scientific discoveries are often simultaneously made in different parts of Earth by different people and the discovery of the Omniverse is such an example.
Learn more about the Omniverse at:
“The Omniverse: Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD
DustyFae says
This is a scary subject to me because l fully do NOT understand it all yet. I am sick of people using technology for evil uses
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
Ignorance fuels fear. Approach reality with Love and know you life in a safe and abundant Universe that gives you everything you want and need.
Jerry Clifford Kays says
Jerry Clifford Kays says
Randeau says
How much are tickets to the Ascension and can they be purchased at the door? Perhaps the character Jesus himself will tear my ticket stub. I, for one, will not participate in your 3rd dimensional “consciousness”. The ascension is within, not without.
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
I guess you have Learned the Lesson then and kn ow all there is to Know 😉
jfff says
Do you think we really give an INFORMED consent before reincarnating ? + Are some forcefully reinc. ? Thanks, Jfff, Co., usa
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
The replicable empirical evidence set out in THE OMNIVERSE suggests that incarnations are voluntary with informed consent, pre-sampling of bio-avatr lives, and pre-incarnation rehearsals with important soul partners. Find out more at:
The Omniverse: Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars (2015: Inner Traditions/Bear & Co.)
by Alfred Lambremont Webre (Author)
Kindle eBook
Jan says
In ” the Omniverse ” you do not mention greys who recycle souls & mindwipe people who have been captured after death & are processed in reptillian (but run by greys) recycling centers. – this is why we do not remember our past lives… earth is a prison planet & incarnations forced to have slaves here. Saying that incarnations are voluntary & for soul learning purposes is blatant disinformation…
Jan Doerlidoe says
I have just read your book ” The Omniverse” in it you do not speak a word about greys recycling souls & mind wiping them, while there is proof this is happening…I’am prepared to believe that there are positive greys (150 + species you mention ) but there are also negative greys who work for the reptillians.
If souls know what life is in store for them, why should they volunteer for a abuse filled life ?
we do not remember our past lives, because they have been blocked & wiped,.
humans on other planets live 2000 year lives & remember their past lives…What you say is downright disinformation…
Alfred Lambremont Webre says
Thank you Jan for your obsevation. The purpose of the book The Omniverse was to describe the 2014 discovery of the third major cosmological body – the Omniverse – through which humanity understands the cosmos, after the Universe [discovered 3500 BC] and the Multiverse [discovered 1895]. Regarding the dimensional ecology of the Omniverse with the Earth, the purpose of this initial volume was to provide prima facie science-based knowledge regarding the regularities of reincarnation from over 7000 cases of hypnotic regression of Soul memories of the interlife. In this mission, the Omniverse model succeeded.
Subsequent books and courses on the Omniverse and reliable replicable empirical evidence exopolitical influences on reincarnation factors wil be included in Omniversity, an online learnng environment launcning in the Fall-Winter of 2018.
Your remarks appear decidedly hostile, biased and non-academic, as well as informed by non-contactee cant I doubt you will enjoy Omniversity or much in my books at