Aurora Light: Prepare for the Landings!
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The Galactic Council will intervene to stop nuclear conflagration!
In Part I, Physicist Bill Alek, in a referenced scientific paper, explains a breakthrough understanding of Perpendicular Universes [not parallel universes], in which Time is running backward in one universe, whereas future Time exists in a perpendicular universe – A zero point of free energy is available at the intersection of these 2 Perpendicular Universes.
Our current string theory’s Meme of Parallel Universes, according to Bill Alek, can be traced to an intentional coverup by a cabal of scientists in the 1920s including some big names like Einstein, Oppenheimer, Heisenberg & others. This reporter know relatives of Oppenheimer, who is quoted as having stated “I am become Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds” at some point of his participation in the Manhattan Project and the creation of nuclear weapons.
William Alek is President and CEO of AuroraTek, Inc. AuroraTek was officially incorporated in Nov. of 2013 as a C-Corp in the State of Nevada and is dedicated to bringing forth advance and exotic Anti-Gravity and FREE Energy Self-Sustaining Technologies to the world. William is an Nikola Tesla energy researcher and developer with over 20 years experience and has recently been granted a patent on the SmartPAK / SFT FREE Energy / Overunity Energy Management System (US9620280B2) Two other patent apps have been filed, US62/465948 and US62/535831. William’s professional life has more than 30 years of experience as an embedded computer hardware, electronic hardware and software engineering consultant, and has a BSEE degree from IIT Chicago, Illinois (1979).
Aurora Light is Vice President of Investor Relations and Special Projects at AuroraTek. She brings with her over two decades experience as a keynote speaker at conferences, lectures and seminars, and as a radio and television talk show host and guest. She is also known as Aurora Light, and is an author, producer and director of documentaries on the cutting-edge topic of UFO’s and Extraterrestrial contact. Aurora’s interest in self-sustainable energy, anti-gravity and accelerated healing and plant growing technologies guided her to co-create the AuroraTek Corporation in 2013 with William Alek. Her objective is to develop and bring to market transformational technology for a cleaner, healthier tomorrow.
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AntiGravity Technology
This paper was published on the website and has over 1800 other researchers referencing it. Download here:
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