NewsEvolution: Instinct, intuition & intelligence vs. transhumanism & AI infestation – Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer & Louisa (Goldfish Report)
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On The GoldFish Report No 276, Louisa welcomes returning guests, Researcher, Alchemist, Intuitive Astrologist and Great-Granddaughter of Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Laura Eisenhower and 8 Time Award Winning Crop Circle Film Maker and Researcher, Patty Greer to The GoldFish Report to discuss, among many topics, how combining our intuition, instinct and intelligence to create the anti-dote to trans-humanism and the infestation of the nanotechnology and GMO foods etc. Additionally, we discuss the camouflaged New Age Deception and how it may be unwittingly leading people to support a dark agenda, how to access our multidimensional selves by aligning our chakra’s, ET Treaties and the problem with oversight and accountability, new and advanced technology, and how we need to change our relationship with Nature, Life and Ourselves and much more. A great big Thanks to Laura and Patty for sharing their divine wisdom.
To find out more about Laura Eisenhower please visit : and for more information about Patty Greer and her Crop Circle Films please visit:
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