#OUTLAWVACCINES #NOVACCINEIN2018 How HPV Vaccine, Munchausen & Vaccine Court maim & depopulate children
WATCH ON TrueTube.co: https://youtu.be/ir8k18GP_3Y
- Christina England, vaccine journalist and Munchausen by Syndrome expert
- Tracy Wolf, HPV Vaccine Expert, by necessity since her teen had severe and varied injuries from HPV vaccine
- Sallie Elkordy, Vaccine-free NYC
A Votre Sante, Cheers, Salem, Salute, Slainte ,
To Your Health!, Sallie O. Elkordy
- http://BrightFuture83. wordpress.com~
- http://tinyurl.com/ VaccineFreeVideos
- http://tinyurl.com/ VaccineFreeRadio~
- http://tinyurl.com/ VaccineFreeNYC
Sallie’s HPV blog: http://Tinyurl.com/LegacyHPV
Sallie O. Elkordy can be reached at www.Facebook.com/VaccineFreeNYC
Vaccine Court https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine_court
CONFERENCE – Spotlight on HPV Vaccines
Sun 11 Nov 2018 9:30 am – 7:00 pm
TBC, West London
Conference discussing the possible dangers of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV). Hosted by Research Journalist and Author – Christina England BA Hons and Author – Amanda Dew BSc Hons
Speakers for the day are:
Keynote speaker – Leslie Carol Botha – Womans Health Educator and Hormone Expert – USA
Brandy Vaughan – Ex-Merck pharma rep turned REAL HEALTH advocate. Founder of LearnTheRisk.org #beBRAVE #betheCHANGE
Dr. Graham Downing – Consultant healthcare practitioner with areas of expertise in Neuro-musculoskeletal & Functional Medicine, with special interest in infection, fertility, endocrine & neuro-developmental disorders.
Dr. Jayne Donegan MBBS DRCOG DCH DFFP MRCGP MFHom – GP & Homoeopathic Physician with Certified Specialist Accreditation in Medical Homeopathy from the Faculty of Homeopathy, London.
Claire Dwoskin – Founder of the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI)
Anthony Hughes – B.Sc Dip.Chem.Eng., Dip.Stats. & O.R. Licentiate in Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Certificate (Nanjiing) China Traditional Chinese Medicine Council of Ireland
Juliette Scarfe – Lawyer and Entrepreneur, Organic Formulator, Writer, Speaker, Healer, Holistic Nutritionist UK
Professor Christopher Exley PhD – Keele University – Expert in Aluminum UK (filmed interview with Christina England)
Steven Hinks – representing the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID), who will be speaking about their work and introducing Ruby Shallom and Christy Cormack, two young ladies who have been severely injured by the vaccine.
Christina England BA Hons – Research Journalist and Author
Amanda Dew BSc Hons – Mother of HPV Vaccine Injured Child
Tickets £30 to include tea and coffee
Link: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/freelancejournalist/164899
Recommended reading, listening watching,
WEBINAR: “No Vaccine in 2018!” with Dr. Viera Scheibner, Madame Ghis, Dr. Rebecca Carley & Sallie O Elkordy
WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/u4mndbVsI-0
WATCH ON OmniverseTV Streaming https://gum.co/Apkz
WEBINAR: “No Vaccine in 2018!”
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