offers Books & Free Courses in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Spiritual Sciences that Universities Suppress offers Books & Free Courses in the science & study of Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, & Spiritual Sciences, subjects universities suppress.
Conventional universities burden their students with life-long debt. Omniversity education platforms have priced tuition at an affordable $0.00 USD per class, or FREE Courses.”
BLAINE, WASHINGTON, USA, July 13, 2024 / — “Conventional universities burden their students with life-long debt. Omniversity education platforms have priced tuition at an affordable $0.00 USD per class, or FREE Courses.”
— Omniversity founder Alfred Lambremont Webre
NEW! OMNIVERSE BOOKS COURSE – is now offering the OMNIVERSE BOOKS COURSE, patterned on the “Great Books Course” in conventional universities
FREE TUITION: Tuition at the Omniverse Books Course is Free [$0.00], except for the modest cost of eBook or Paperback versions of Omniverse books covered in the Course, which itself is virtually taught in free, video-based lessons that you can watch at your leisure. Omniverse Books can be reviewed and are accessible at: Omniversity: Multi-Dimensional Learning Platform in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, Spiritual Sciences & AI Artificial Intelligence
ENROLL NOW FOR FREE at and enjoy your free Courses.
Omniversity Free Courses:
• Courses in Exopolitics deal with Relations among intelligent civilizations in the Multiverse, technology taught by human contactees with Extraterrestrial civilizations and U.S. Secret Space Program explorers of the planet Mars.
• Courses in ExoSciences deal with Time Travel, Teleportation taught by former US Chrononaut time travellers, and Quantum Access energy sciences.
• Courses in PsiSciences deal with ESP, telepathy and PsiSciences
• Courses in Spiritual Sciences deal with the scientific study of Life After Death [the Interlife], reincarnation, Spiritual beings, the Soul and God/Source], Sciences that are being suppressed by conventional universities except at outliers such as the University of Virginia Medical School.
Founding Faculty
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
is a Futurist and Author of 25+ Omniverse Books [in multiple languages] in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, Spiritual Sciences, and AI Artificial Intelligence that you can access for Omniversity Classes & Courses on these Omniversity Book Platforms
What Omniversity Offers You
1. A Learning Platform & Social Media in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences & Exopolitics, a platform that you can use to develop a social relationship with others with similar thoughts and personal interests, backgrounds, real-time connections or career activities in Multidimensional Knowledge;
2. An Introductory Subscription Course in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Spiritual Sciences with 24+ classes in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Spiritual Sciences;
3. Exclusive Subscription Courses by our world-class Faculty in Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Spiritual Sciences
What Are Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences and Spiritual Sciences?
Exopolitics: Relations among intelligent civilizations in the Multiverse, and Med Bed wellness technology taught by human contactees with Extraterrestrial civilizations and U.S. Secret Space Program explorers of the planet Mars;
ExoSciences: Quantum Access Time Travel, Teleportation, former US Chrononaut time travellers, Quantum Access energy sciences;
PsiSciences: ESP, telepathy and Psychic Development,
Spiritual Sciences: Scientific study of Life After Death [the Interlife], reincarnation, Spiritual beings, the Soul and God/Source], Omniverse Sciences and More…
Why Omniversity as a Social Network and Learning Platform?
Omniversities are chartered to share the knowledge of our multidimensional reality and sciences. Universities are gate-keeping this new knowledge. Universities are chartered to study the establishment sciences of the Universes of time, energy, space, and matter.
Universities gate-keep the scientific study of the Spiritual Dimensions of the Omniverse such as the soul, life after death, the Interlife, Spirit, reincarnation, Spiritual Beings, and Source [God] as well as ExoSciences such as quantum access, teleportation, and time travel, and PsiSciences such as the study of psi, ESP, telekinesis, and telepathy.
The Equation describing the Omniverse is:
Multiverse [All Universes]
Spiritual Dimensions
An Omniversity is chartered to study the realities Universities gate-keep
About Founding Faculty
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre is A graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School, and a Fulbright Scholar, Alfred has taught at two universities (Yale & U of Texas), served as General Counsel of the NYC EPA, War Crimes Judge, United Nations Outer Space & Peace representative, and directed the 1977 proposed Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study while a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute. Alfred has been host on WBAI-FM and Vancouver Coop Radio and he has been featured on CBC, CBS, CNN, TruTV, PressTV, and other networks.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
+1 604-733-8134
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