Kimberly Meredith, Medical Intuitive, Psychic Surgeon & Spiritual Teacher with “gifts of the Holy Spirit and a self-proclaimed a vessel for the healing energy of God” LIVE FEED with Alfred Lambremont Webre at: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – On Tuesday August 21, 2018 @2pm PDT, 3pm MTN, 4pm CST, 5pm EST, Kimberly Meredith, a self-taught […]
‘How I knew my Spirit Guide was with me’: Exclusive preview from Dwanna Paul
By Jon Kelly Bluffton, SC – In a exclusive from CBS Television’s “Haunted Lives” Trance Medium Dwanna Paul shares tales from the road as this spiritual nomad and her group travel the South in search of adventure from beyond this world. Her new book “Circle of Lights” is scheduled for publication sometime next […]