Trump is a Disclosure President: Astronomer Ella LeBain Interview/Nibiru flyby as soon as 2046 [22 years]. USA, Israel & Galactic Federation are in contact now OmniversityTV Interview on You Tube [33 minutes] QUESTION Ella LeBain, you have written that in his First Term [2017-2021], President Donald Trump became The Disclosure President. “Trump’s […]
PLEASE SHARE WIDELY: SATURDAY NOV. 5, 2022 – 7PM UK TIME/ 12PM Pacific time/ 8PM CET/ 3pm EST WATCH LIVE FROM UK! “HEAVEN” – Musician-Artist & Cosmologist Mateyus Lyras Winters new musical creation
NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: PLEASE SHARE WIDELY: SATURDAY NOV. 5, 2022 – 7PM UK TIME/ 12PM Pacific time/ 8PM CET/ 3pm EST WATCH LIVE FROM UK! “HEAVEN” – Musician-Artist & Cosmologist Mateyus Lyras Winters new musical creation WATCH ON EXOPOLITICSTV WATCH ON OMNIVERSITY WATCH ON TWITTER https://www.twitter/alfredwebre LISTEN ON NEWSINSIDEOUT:
International Press Conference (30 participants)/Conferencia de prensa internacional (30 participantes)/Conférence de presse internationale (30 participants)
International Press Conference (30 participants)/Conferencia de prensa internacional (30 participantes)/Conférence de presse internationale (30 participants) AUG. 21, 2021 NEWSINSIDEOUT: EXOPOLITICS.COM: Documento para medios y periodistas que deseen participar: Tenga en cuenta que la versión en inglés contiene una bibliografía exhaustiva de publicaciones recientes sobre divulgaciones gubernamentales, militares y científicas de la existencia de ovnis. “La […]
On 2nd Anniversary of Xico Xavier July 19-20, 2021 prophecy fulfillment that (1) there will be no WWIII and (2) humanity will join galactic federation of peaceful world, vindictive conspiracy of Conference organizers and Lakota powerbrokers attempt to censor public report of Prophesized UFO sightings over July 20, 2019 Lakota Sundance and worldwide UFO flap
On 2nd Anniversary of Xico Xavier July 19-20, 2021 prophecy fulfillment that (1) there will be no WWIII and (2) humanity will join galactic federation of peaceful world, conspiracy of vindictive Conference organizers and Lakota powerbrokers attempt to censor public report of Prophesized UFO sightings over July 20, 2019 Lakota Sundance and worldwide UFO flap […]
Kraftwerkian Trance: E.T. Contact with Les Murzsa in Vancouver UFO Skywatch Field Notes
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media August 9, 2019, shows skywatch highlights from Canadian UFO videographer Les Murzsa’s recent UFO documentary road trip to Vancouver, British Columbia. The self-documenting Extraterrestrial Contact experiencer who played a substantial role in forecasting Contact incidents involving additional videographers and witnesses returned to […]
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Veteran Witnesses ‘Massive’ UFO over Lake Michigan in ‘Manitowoc Incident’ Short Film
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – An exclusive short film published to social media on April 10, 2019, offers viewers an inside look at what one U.S. Marine Corps veteran described as a “massive” UFO incident that took place near a Lake Michigan nuclear power station the night of March 24, 2019. A bizarre cluster […]
Andrew D. Basiago – American hero, time traveler, Mars explorer. Please give support & restore his vision
Andrew D. Basiago – American hero, time traveler, Mars explorer. Please give support & restore his vision FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN Donations can be sent to Andy’s PayPal address, which is: Thank You! WATCH STATEMENT Andrew D Basiago: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Andrew D. Basiago is an American hero. In childhood, Andy served as […]
Phoenix@Home: Domestic Counterinsurgency Program U.S. President’s Endgame Solution to Government Shutdown, QAnon CIA Phoenix Program Cheerleader
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on January 14, 2019, reveals the U.S. President considering a CIA Phoenix Program-emulating domestic counterinsurgency initiative focused upon raids, occupations and arrest of political “enemies”. co-editor Jon Kelly broke the story while covering last Tuesday’s Oval Office Address as co-host for Sunday’s episode 142 […]
U.S. President Nixon Wanted to Nuke Vietnam in 1968 says Secret Message, Nuclear Ambition’s Role in Johnson Peace Talks ‘Betrayal’ Exposed
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on November 23, 2018, exposes the role of U.S. President Richard Milhous Nixon’s evident nuclear ambition in a reportedly treacherous subversion of the 1968 Johnson Vietnam peace talks. Granular audio analysis of a Face the Nation interview from later that year […]
Pilot’s Irish UFO ET Crash Recovery Secret Messages Anticipated Four Years Earlier during BC Wilderness Night Vision Contact Event
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on November 12, 2018, reveals how granular audio analysis of a 2014 Canadian wilderness starlight skywatch anticipated findings from a UFO incident that took place off the coast of Ireland this past Friday. Roswell-like citations of a “pilot” and death of […]
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