Ella LeBain Interview: CONNECTING THE DOTS TO DISCLOSURE AND END TIMES PROPHESIES Feature Interview with Exopolitics Creator Alfred Lambremont Webre of https://Omniversity.net WATCH ON OMNIVERSITY TV: [1:25] https://youtu.be/hgbHjSMnLKg› NewsInsideOut.com https://newsinsideout.com/2024/11/ella-lebain-interview-connecting-the-dots-to-disclosure-and-end-times-prophesies-feature-interview-with-exopolitics-creator-alfred-lambremont-webre-of-https-omniversity-net/ BACKGROUND & QUESTIONS: [ELLA WRITES – FOR HER FULL INTERVIEW, PLEASE WATCH INTERVIEW ABOVE] QUESTION: IF THE STARS ARE SO CENTRAL TO COSMIC MEANING, […]
Trump is a Disclosure President: Astronomer Ella LeBain Interview/Nibiru flyby as soon as 2046 [22 years]. USA, Israel & Galactic Federation are in contact now
Trump is a Disclosure President: Astronomer Ella LeBain Interview/Nibiru flyby as soon as 2046 [22 years]. USA, Israel & Galactic Federation are in contact now OmniversityTV Interview on You Tube [33 minutes] https://youtu.be/V_rZghIEXO0 NewsInsideOut.com https://newsinsideout.com/2024/11/trump-is-a-disclosure-president-astronomer-ella-lebain-interview-nibiru-flyby-as-soon-as-2046-22-years-usa-israel-galactic-federation-are-in-contact-now/ QUESTION Ella LeBain, you have written that in his First Term [2017-2021], President Donald Trump became The Disclosure President. “Trump’s […]