Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on April 9, 2020, reveals how U.S. First Lady Melania Trump’s encrypted sleep talking-like messages disclosed specific “Pandemic Dream”-like foreknowledge of COVID-19 over one year before the virus became a national public health emergency in America. Encoded futuristic remarks discovered within the President & First […]
Was Trump High? Pause in Iran Hostilities Address Slurred by Evident ‘Covert Drugging’
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media January 8, 2020, offers new evidence supporting claims the U.S. President is being “covertly drugged” by Deep State handlers. Granular audio analysis of Wednesday’s Address to Nation on Iran suggests evident mispronunciations plus modulations in spoken pitch, volume and cadence in the […]
Decrypt the Matrix like an Expert with ‘Cyberpunk 101: The Series’
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on April 4, 2019, offers a look at detecting future intelligence using a portable speech synthesizer. “Cyberpunk 101: The Series” is a collection of short films that decrypt comments from newsmakers of the past two decades to reveal future intelligence about the […]
Justin Trudeau’s Secret Messages: Protecting Suspect Canadian National Security Intelligence Front SNC-Lavalin
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on March 4, 2019, documents findings from a special anti-corruption investigation into the latest SNC-Lavalin maelstrom now threatening to consume the political reputation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Granular audio analysis of the Liberal Party leader’s statements denying political interference […]
Phoenix@Home: Domestic Counterinsurgency Program U.S. President’s Endgame Solution to Government Shutdown, QAnon CIA Phoenix Program Cheerleader
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on January 14, 2019, reveals the U.S. President considering a CIA Phoenix Program-emulating domestic counterinsurgency initiative focused upon raids, occupations and arrest of political “enemies”. co-editor Jon Kelly broke the story while covering last Tuesday’s Oval Office Address as co-host for Sunday’s episode 142 […]
Michael Avenatti Arrest: Secret Messages Suggest Paternity Dispute Played Role in Alleged Domestic Violence
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on November 14, 2018, examines the multidimensional speech of potential U.S. presidential candidate Michael Avenatti. The prominent Los Angeles attorney was arrested today after police received a domestic violence call from an as-yet unnamed plaintiff. Findings of the video’s granular audio analysis-based […]
Pilot’s Irish UFO ET Crash Recovery Secret Messages Anticipated Four Years Earlier during BC Wilderness Night Vision Contact Event
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on November 12, 2018, reveals how granular audio analysis of a 2014 Canadian wilderness starlight skywatch anticipated findings from a UFO incident that took place off the coast of Ireland this past Friday. Roswell-like citations of a “pilot” and death of […]
Pipe Bomb PSYOP Suspect Cesar Sayoc Advertised POTUS Hero Worship According to Secret Messages
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on November 3, 2018, explores the unconscious sleep talking-like remarks of suspected U.S. pipe bomber Cesar Sayoc, Jr. Granular audio analysis of a Boca Raton Police Services body cam video captured in early October amplifies claims of search data discovered on the […]
Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi Unconsciously Anticipated Death by Murder Secret Interview Messages Reveal
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on October 25, 2018, follows reporter Jon Kelly as he walks through a graveyard in Natchez, Mississippi, while investigating the reported murder by torture and dismemberment of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Granular analysis decrypts the Yemen War critic’s secret interview audio highlight released posthumously […]
ANALYSIS: Secret Messages Confirm Sexual Assault in Christine Blasey Ford Testimony, Suggest Brett Kavanaugh Allegations Factual
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on September 28, 2018, explores multidimensional facets of Senate Judiciary Committee testimony from Stanford University School of Medicine research psychologist Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Granular audio analysis appears to partially confirm this Palo Alto University professor’s allegations she was sexually assaulted during […]
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