TLS: Solomon Banks – “TLS organization urgently shares the next pandemic: weaponized AVIAN FLU H5N1 WATCH ON EXOPOLITICSTV RUMBLE: NEWSINSIDEOUT REPORT: Mon, Apr 10, 2023 9:58AM • 5:52 SUMMARY KEYWORDS pandemic, avian flu, micro organism, plan, number, masses, share, tls, part, sinister agenda, intention, message, vaccine, nebulizer, video, global economic collapse, host, diversion tactic, passports, […]
Melania Trump’s Prophetic ‘Pandemic Dream’ Leaked in 2018 Suggests Parallel Universe at Haunted White House
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on April 9, 2020, reveals how U.S. First Lady Melania Trump’s encrypted sleep talking-like messages disclosed specific “Pandemic Dream”-like foreknowledge of COVID-19 over one year before the virus became a national public health emergency in America. Encoded futuristic remarks discovered within the President & First […]