Patty Greer & Chris Burres: C60Evo-ESS60, slows aging, heals, strengthens sleep, focus, immune system, and libido. WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: Order ESS60: USE SPECIAL CODE: Use Coupon Code – ALWSPEC – to receive your Special 5% Discount, with 15% of your purchase going to sustain the work of ExopoliticsTV. NEWSINSIDEOUT: HOUSTON, TEXAS – […]
Chris Burres: C60 has doubled life span of mammals. C60Evo, a super-anti-oxidant, slows aging, strengthens immune system, focus, sleep, and libido.
Chris Burres: C60 has doubled life span of mammals. C60Evo, a super-anti-oxidant, slows aging, strengthens immune system, focus, sleep, and libido. WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: HOUSTON, TEXAS – In an introductory interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Chris Burres, co-owner and scientist at, introduces C60/ESS60, an Evolution of C60 that received the Nobel Prize […]