Magnus Olsson survives massive DEW attack, launches World Coalition against AI-CIA-NSA DEW transhumanist agenda, shows how 6 million+ Europeans are entrained into HAARP supercomputers, 80% of humanity have chemtrails implants
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – In a interview from Spain with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Magnus Olsson, director and founder of EUCACH, describes the launch of the World Coalition Against Covert Harassment (WorldCACH) against a Transhumanist Agenda based on directed energy weapons and other neural advanced technologies (including HAARP and nanotechnologies) for altering the morphology, DNA, and operation of the human brain and mind.
This Transhumanist Agenda is under the operational control of Artificial Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and, according to Magnus Olsson as of two years ago had already fully entrained a pilot program of 6 million individuals in Europe and others in the United States into banks of supercomputers programmed via HAARP and run via remote mind and personality entrainment.
DEW attack against Magnus Olsson – Hospital scene
In his interview, Magnus Olsson describes a harrowing episode during the weekend of 27-28, 2016 when he was targeted by remote neural weapons and nearly died, saved by intensive care of 12 physicians in a local hospital in Spain. The attending physicians were at first puzzled as Magnus Olsson’s symptoms were contraindicated by standard medical tests, which shown normal body functioning.
After WorldCACH Vice President Gary Owen and others explained to the physicians that Magnus Olsson was under attack by remote neural directed energy weapons and showed them a number of Magnus websites, the physician team was able to take more effective measures to save Magnus life as they now understood a more advanced medical paradigm for healing.
World Coalition against Covert Harassment (WorldCACH)
In his interview, Magnus Olsson describes the launching of the World Coalition against Covert Harassment (WorldCACH) initially in numerous nations including India, Spain, Sweden, Belgium , USA, Canada, Poland, and UK. Magnus Olsson indicated that a number of prominent whistleblowers who have brought to public light this covert agenda that the CIA, NSA, and other intelligence, corporate, and other organizations are carrying out, including William Binney and others former NSA, MI5 and MI6 personnel who are familiar with the technology, methods and aims of the Transhumanist Agenda and have turned against it, are joining World CACH efforts as well.
Goals, Legislation, War Crimes Tribunal
In his interview, Magnus Olsson indicated that the goals, mission and activities of the World Coalition against Covert Harassment (WorldCACH) including providing education, medical and legal assistance to individuals in each country that have been targeted by the Transhumanist Agenda.
WorldCACH also plans to promote the adoption and enforcement Legislation banning the use of these directed energy weapons and advanced remote neural technologies at the international, national, and local levels. Members of the group have already developed a Model Statute banning Transhumanist, Artificial Intelligence, DEW, and remote neural weapons that can be adapted at the international, national and local level.[1]
Magnus Olsson indicated that WorldCACH plans the establishment of a War Crimes Tribunal to prosecute war crimes and crimes against humanity carried out by individuals and organizations against the human population in the course of attempting the Transhumanist Agenda.
WorldCACH Support Platform and Website
Magnus Olsson indicated that the WorldCACH Support Platform and Website is now under construction and would be operational later in the Spring. Mr. Gary Owen, who has been responsible for website construction for major corporations such as Coca Cola in his business career, has now joined World CACH as Vice President to assist the organization achieve its program.
RT: Mind Control & Remote Neural Monitoring: Daniel Estulin & Magnus Olsson [English subtitles]
World Coalition against Covert Harassment (WorldCACH)
It was Sunday 28th of February 2016, Magnus Olsson was staying at my house in Spain, I had been appointed the Vice President of World CACH 2 days before. We were planning the roll out of the World CACH, deciding the agenda of the organisation, we had a great day on the Saturday, we appointed the technical director, spoke to one of our legal team Alfred Lambremont Webre, he’s the guy that won the war crimes tribunal against Tony Blair and George Bush. We explained that what we wanted to do with World CACH was to set up a Global Intelligence Service that acts for the people against the Governments and security services that no longer represent the people, and take the Masons who have infiltrated all levels of the government and security Services to the war crimes tribunal for genocide and racketeering against the population of earth. He thought both ideas were sensational and invited us to go on his show the following day, which would go out to 250,000 people.
On the Sunday, I started hearing the high pitched noise again in my ear I had not heard it for a few days, since Magnus arrived, and all of a sudden it was back along with the voice to skull. We were to meet for lunch with some people and later talk on Skype with William Binney and then do the show with Alfred where we would break the news to the world about what we were doing. It was only 30 minutes to the lunch meeting and I had heard nothing from Magnus, so I went down to the apartment he was staying in below my house. I knocked on the door and he answered saying he needed medical help, he was in a terrible state. He was physically shacking none stop, and his face was bright red with a high temperature.
After some phone calls we decided to go to the emergency Chemist and get some pain killers and antibiotics as it looked like a virus. The Chemist said we should go to the emergency doctors in the town, by this time I was having to support Magnus while he walked, he was on the verge of passing out none stop.
Four doctors in the emergency room at Torrox looked at him and did all the tests they could and found nothing wrong. But they agreed something was wrong, so we were dispatched to the main hospital in Valez. I arrived at the emergency entrance, Magnus was no longer able to walk, they put him in a wheel chair. He was fading in and out and incoherent. After 2 hours we got to see a very proficient doctor, he was very thorough. Magnus had come round a little after drinking two litres of cold water. I thought the worst was over, Magnus was dispatched for X-rays and 12 blood tests, we did the X-rays first, no problems, then we went to do the blood tests, half way through taking the blood, they took a lot of blood, about 6 tubes, all of a sudden Magnus took a severe turn for the worse, it started by Magnus telling me that he was going to pass out. I tried to explain this to the Spanish nurse. Then he went as white as snow, all over, his face was pure porcelain white and I noticed that his hands were the same. I was instructed by the nurse to wave his hat in front of his face to try and revive him, his eyes rolled back into his head and you could only see white eyes and a white face it was shocking. By this time the nurse was in a sheer panic and the doctor that had seen him was called.
Before the doctor could arrive, Magnus started to have muscle spasms all over his body, they started on his spine, and spread all over, he was put on a gurney and was contorted and jerking all over the place with his eyes rolled back in his head. It was clear he would die of a heart attack if they did not stop it, they pressed the emergency button and doctors came from everywhere, he was wheeled at speed to the ICU Critical Emergency ward. They stripped of his cloths and by now there was a dozen people trying to figure out what was wrong.
I heard the original doctor tell the others that Magnus was working with CIA whistle blowers, we had explained a bit about the organisation to the doctor during the initial examination. They dismissed it and moved on, they could find nothing wrong. They injected him with Diazepam a strong muscle relaxant. He was in critical for two hours, during the first part I took a picture, I had taken several others, so I could put them on the World CACH facebook site later.
The last photo I took one of the doctors went crazy and threatened me to take no pictures and if any of the pictures I had taken were made public I would be charged by the police. This escalated and security arrived, one more sensible doctor said would you be OK to delete them, as you’re not allowed to take photos in a Spanish hospital. There were no signs saying you couldn’t.
I agreed to delete them rather than be arrested, I was taken to the public waiting room, three hours went by. A man arrived and told me I could visit Magnus, I was taken through, he was looking better but had an oxygen mask on, and was drained. I was told that in a few hours provided he remained stable he could leave, he was put on an intravenous antibiotic and saline drip. They dosed him up with the anti-biotics and gave me a prescription for a weeks long course and some diazepam in case the spasms started again.
After 7 hours in there we left, Magnus was back but very weak. The doctors told me that every test they did showed nothing, everything was exactly normal through the whole process. They agreed something was wrong but they did not know what it was. The whole day I had a strong high pitched noise whistling in my ear that is part of the Gangstaklking they are perpetrating on people now.
You have to ask yourself about the coincidences involved.
1/ Magnus and I were not being attacked like normal until we decided to Form a Global Intelligence Service for the people against the governments. Then we were both attacked.
2/ Nothing was found to be wrong with Magnus at all.
3/ That day we were to go on video and announce the plan to the TI world.
4/ We were making significant progress on the roll out of World CACH, talking to the leaders around the world of the individual country CACHs. Appointing the technical director. Getting the war tribunals accepted by a judge.
On the way home I started to wonder if we could not get the images back from the camera so I asked a young tech guy Alex Axon to see if it was possible, and a few hours later he had recovered three images and all the thumb nails. They were a bit degraded but we now have the images.
Magnus in ICU Critical Unit
Magnus when he came round a bit
What a day!
Gary Owen
Vice President
World Coalition against Covert Harassment (WorldCACH)
[1] Model Statute banning AI Artificial Intelligence/directed energy technologies to entrain or torture humans
Magnus Olsson’s websites
Mind Control
Nano-Brain Implant Technologies
Remote Neural Monitoring
Recommended reading
Legislate & Enforce ban on AI Artificial Intelligence /directed energy technologies to entrain or torture humans – How Dr. Rauni Kilde’s work can stop the Invading AI Artificial Intelligence Transhumanist Agenda
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
EUCACH Director: Dr. Rauni Kilde radiated for four days with DEW. Remotely assassinated by NSA?
EUCACH.ORG Melanie Vritschan: NSA is remotely assassinating me as it did EUCACH Director Dr. Rauni Kilde last month.
Melanie is the 2nd active director of EUCACH to be assassinated or threatened with assassination in less than a month.
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:
check this thread¬if_t=note_reply
all the best
Thank you Alfred & Magnus! Please stay safe in your journey & keep us posted. Alfred, you & Lauren could do a show on the remedies you have both found to be helpful during these attacks & their aftermath? Thank you again.
Your Scientific explainations on the Transhuman Agenda and Entraining via Chem Trail Implanting and Activation Via Harrp etc.. are very well written!! Many people will wake up from this work of yours.. I have been recently gifted with more Spiritual Sight… . I can actually see this Fabric of life… or spirit Cloud everywhere.. I can also visually see The Entraing process and can gove you a very clear understanding of how it all comes together.. The Whole System is aimilar to a million Pecies of invisible Fibresthat carry energy…Like A million Micro strands pf hair… When Spirit enters ito this fabric – at the beginning of the Entraining process – Everything in this fabric Changes… If you would ever like A spiritual explaination of what triggers this reaction and What II am witnessing – I eould be very happy to explain you how this whole Phenomena actually Comes together – I visually undertand this whole process Very well… . If youre interested Let me know… God Bless xo I live In Comox – on Vancouver Island
hi paula i would very much like to hear what you have to say about this If you would ever like A spiritual explanation of what triggers this reaction and What II am witnessing – I would be very happy to explain you how this whole Phenomena actually Comes together – I visually understand this whole process Very well… . If you’re interested Let me know… God Bless xo I live In Comox – on Vancouver Island
thanks in advance , i am in Australia
Going through the same stuff. Hit in the chest with dew and being gang stalked after I started writing a book on government corruption and covert programs. You guys are Heros. I know the feeling of going to the er and them telling you nothing’s wrong with you when your in extreme pain. These technologies are more dangerous than the atom bomb. Because you can’t see them or where they’re coming from.
I am Targeted Individual. All American should educate themselves to know what is and who are Targeter Individuals, just do not pay attention to this term on Wikipedia as the criminal FBI made that article ih order to cheat the American people and decieve them from the horrible truth. On March 4th, 2016 There was a serious attempt by agents of the FBI to kill me with Directed Energy Weapon DEW, in San Jose in the Silicon Valley in Northern California. At first, when I was in Target store on Steven Creek Blvd. I saw a chinese guy sitting beside me in the little eating corner beside the pizza place. The guy coverd his neck and head with a hood came and set close by and and started using his cell phone. The cell phone can function as a remote control to activate devices that the FBI plant near by that when activated they send radiation beams to the microchips that the FBI implanted previously in the Targeted bodies as the do always to all targeted Individuals. He was sending massive radiation to my body as I felt strong fadiation, also my microwave detecting device show clearly that radiation start attacking me from two directions. I got up, stepped two steps forward and told him to stop whatever he was doing. As usual, he pretended to be innocent and walked directly out through the store doors. As all the criminals FBI assassins, he was a good actor in pretending to be innocent. This Chinese American person working for the FBI just try to kill me, walked away free from a murderer attempt. At hat time there were many other FBI agents walking around in Target, old people and criple people and black and young and more. One ot the FBI criminals there was a tall slim woman with a special evil wall like face. She seems to me as one that injoy every single assassination she is participating in, I call her The Giraff Creature. I saw her the previous day also following me and told her that she is Criminal. After this attack I closed my Tablet and walked out to Steven Creek blvd toward Whole Food Market. While I was sitting in Whole Food Market I was suddenly attacked with DEW directed to my heart. I got up and started walking in the store but the attacks continue none stop. The criminals FBI agents continue to attack me from the second level in their attempts to assassinate me. The alluminum around my torso did not help because the radiatin beams that were direcred to my heart through my head aimed at me from the second floor. I know that Whole Food Market uses external security agencies to secure their stores. There are FBI affiliated employees among the employees of these agencis. The FBI affiliated security employees in this store attempted to kill me in the store. They knew my exact location inside the store as they watch the store surveillance cameras. Targeted Individuals and all the citizens of America should know that all the many FBI agents that surround the assassination scin are there in order to cheat the regular naive shoppers after the assassihation and to decieve and cheat the police and anyone else. Their job is to provide false statements after the murder as “just before she died she told me she is not feeling well” and to say and do other tricks in order to give the impression that it was a natural death and not a murder. This is how the FBI decieve this nation for years. Here, in the ” USA citizens are murdered in broad day light by the FBI that pretends to protect the citizens. The fBI is funded by our tax money. This is the FBI, a criminal entity that must be wiped out from the face of the earth. My name is Judith my phone is 408 442 8030. I provide my phone even though I Know in advance that FBI, using all kind of excuses and even mimics of my own voice, block any attempt to contact me. I am not sick and when I will die it will be the work of the criminal manipulating snakes of the FBI. Feel free to share.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger helps people in the U.S. who are targeted individuals She’s a former military insider and scientist.
I am asking for the attention of Bernie Sanders: The CIA and FBI are making cruel experiments on thousands of American citizens. They inject microchips in their bodies, and from their hidden places, they radiate the Targets with electronic weapons continuesly 24/7, every second. The microchips in the Targets bodies respond to the electronic beams, causing a great deal of pain. FBI agents are aiming electromagnetic radiation at my body as well. I am a Targeted Individual, one of many thousands in the USA. I want Bernie Sanders to know about the criminal activity of the FBI against good Americans that the FBI selects randomly for their cruel experiments, sadistic games and assassinations. Anyone can be selected as a Target for the FBI for no reason at all. We want Bernie Sanders to STOP the FBI from their criminal activity against American people. The FBI assassinates the people they target after they are done radiating them and performing cruel experiments on their bodies. It is impossible to hide from radiation. Electronic beams travel through air, passing through buildings and other massive structures, reaching targets in distance afar. FBI agents try to assassinate me with laser beams pointed to my heart every single day. Today, agents of the FBI attempted to murder me several times. In what country are children, women, mothers and men of all ages subject to constant murder attempts by their own government’s entities? On February 22, 2016 FBI agents attempted to kill me with their electronic weapons on a Delta DL267 flight from San Francisco to New York. They made sure to have their seats not far from me, pretending to be regular passengers. The same happened on my return flight from New York on American Airlines flight 15 (Alaska1279). The FBI/CIA are using the invisible properties of radiation and beams to serves them well in concealing their crimes. Several days ago FBI agents broke into my home again after they put me into deep sleep using special gases whith unscented properties. They added more microchips into my body: this time I feel the microchips are very close to my heart. There is no doubt that the FBI’s intention is to cause heart failure when an electronic beam they will send from their hiding place in a distance, will impact the heart through the microchips. This is a No Touch murder. A perfect murder. The NANO microchips are made of silicon and are invisible to X-Rays. In any case, every single time a Targeted Individual goes through an imaging test of any sort, trained FBI agents will secretly follow and artistically remove any image of microchip from the original, or will steal and exchange the copy given to the Targeted or his doctors. Read and see Pictures of these NANO microchips at the website of David A Larson: “Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation. David A. Larson” or :…I surround my body with pieces of aluminum foil and I sleep on sheets of steel in order to block the electronic beams from penetrating my heart. Such electronic weapons are used by FBI agents from their hiding places against Targeted Individuals wherever they are. This is happening today 2016, to thousands of people in USA, where ONE FACTION OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY IS ALLOWED TO COVERTLY TORTURE AND MURDERE ANOTHER FACTION OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY on a regular basis and in broad daylight. DR. Robert P. Duncan, a gifted scientist that worked at one time for the CIA, explained the science behind this technology. He warned against the use of this technology on civilians. (DR. Robert Duncan recently disappeared and we are concerned for his safety and his life. It is possible that he is held somewhere against his will or has already been assassinated.) Watch on you tube: “Jesse Ventura interview with Dr Robert Duncan”. The British scientist DR. Barrie Trower presented this technology as well, as may be seen on Youtube: “MICROWAVE WEAPONRY’S USE ON PEOPLE EXPLAINED BY DR. BARRIE TROWER.” I am asking Bernie Sanders to please save us from the criminal hands of the FBI. Please forward this message to Bernie Sanders. Please check the term Electronic Harassment or Electronic Torture on Youtube and Google and remember NOT to pay attention to this term on Wikipedia as the article there was made by the CIA/FBI with their intention to deceive the readers and mislead the American people from the horrible truth. President Obama created a committee headed by Amy Gutman in which Targeted Individuals presented their cases. Please see on youtube: “2012 Indigo Ribbon Campaign Activism Series – Targeted Individuals Address US Bioethics Committee”. President Obama did not stop these atrocities. The CIA and FBI continue to torture US citizens with advanced electronic weapons, make experiments on their bodies and assassinate them covertly. Wonderful American citizens are used by the CIA and FBI as lab rats. Many thousands are targeted by the FBI, among them: Targeted Individual attorney Geral Sosbee from Texas, (his website: “FBI/CIA ARE TERRORISTS”); the musician Targeted Individual Edward Kats from Palo Alto California (see him on youtube: “Ed Kats vs DOJ”); Targeted Individual Dr. John Hall from Texas; the author Targeted Individual H Michael Sweeney from Oregon; Myself Targeted Individual Judith from California, and thousands more. We often hear about Targeted Individuals committing suicide. Murder from radiation and laser beams do not leave much evidence of being a murder, often interpreted as death by natural causes. Radiation, as microwave radiation, cooks; some body parts as legs may be healed after attack of radiation, but if the heart is even slightly cooked it will stop beating. The FBI is also covertly involved in writing the death certificates according to their lies, for this reasons we have doubt about the cause of death as declared. We were told that Targeted Individual Jessica Davis Thompson committed suicide on Feb. 2nd 2016. We heard the same about other Targeted Individuals before her, such as Dena from California or Pamela Anderson (not the actress) and others. Many Targeted Individuals die quite young, such as Targeted Individual Sean Stinn and Targeted Individual Bruno Marchesani and not long ago we heard of the death of Targeted Individual Ron Gillman in L.A on January 2016. Also the physician Dr. Moss David Pozner was a Targeted Individual, he died a while ago in California. You can see him on Youtube trying to help other Targeted citizens. Please check all these names and terms. May they all Rest In Peace. Many Targeted Individuals flee to other countries in order to save their lives, such as the young Ryan Kincade (please check on Youtube) and others, but FBI agents follow them and continue to torture and assassinate them wherever they are. Please do the right thing as our lives are in constant pain and danger as the FBI assumes the power to torture us harder than that done at Guantanamo Bay. They destroy any semblance of our normal life while they continually radiate us before they end our lives. They radiate us with advanced electronic weapons from a distance, often working from a neighbor’s home. They break into our homes at any time, drug us into deep sleep, make experiments on our bodies or just torture us for no reason. They rape us while we are in deep sleep, inject our bodies with microchips and other devices often in our most private parts. They cause terrifying circuits of electrical currents inside our bodies using NANO microchips as explained in the US Patent mentioned in “the Larson Report – US Government Torture”. FBI and CIA agents can cause fast growing cancer whenever they wish to. FBI agents steal from us on a regular basis, they slander our name and reputation wherever we go, whether we are in stores, walking on the street, with friends, at work etc., saying we are prostitutes, thieves, liars, dirty, etc. The FBI does its best to complicate our lives, to sabotage all our wishes and destroy us in EVERY WAY, whether in the workplace or at home. One of the priorities of the FBI is to isolate all Targeted Individuals from their children. To achieve this, they put the children under Mind Control from a young age, manipulating them against their Targeted parent. Cathy O’Brien was under Mind Control, you may see her on youtube or read her free ebook in which she provide devastating information about our leaders: “TRANCEformation of America”. In many cases, the children of Targeted Individuals are experimented on from a young age as well, many of the children, unknowingly, are under deep mind control and many times they are implanted with microchips in their head. Also our death is used for experimental purposes, for the FBI to explore options to commit perfect murders. We have no place to turn to, as the police have been ordered to cooperate with the FBI in all kinds of evil ways or to ignore our pleas for help. Most Targeted Individual are afraid to mention that the FBI are behind these crimes in order to save themselves from further risks. The FBI/CIA do assassinate good Americans on American soil on a regular basis and they murder people who expose their crimes. This is exactly what they are attempting to do to me. We Targeted Individuals are very normal and good citizens facing crimes by our own government’s entities that torture us and assassinate us using advanced technology that is kept highly covert within the FBI, the CIA and the NSA. From what we know, the experiments are done for the military. Please do the right thing and inform Bernie Sanders and your representative of this message. We have no way to approach our leaders as many FBI agents follow each one of us covertly, wherever we go and wreck any attempt to achieve our goals. I wrote about the FBI criminal activity many times in Google but the FBI removes my comments immediately. Many FBI affiliated perpetrators are pretending to be Targeted Individuals on Facebook and other social media. They write false and misleading comments in their attempts to mislead American society and keep these tortures experiments and assassinations covert. Please research everything I write here but please be aware of people that will make false statements in order to keep these clandestine crimes going on. My name is Judith, I live in Northern California. Heavy electronic beams are sent to me right now as I am writing this. My telephone number is: 408 442 8030 in California. Please remember that the FBI controls our phones, snail mail, email and computers. They block incoming or outgoing calls or cut them short as they please. I always answer my phone at all hours, so any sort of automated response or other response of any kind including the use of my voice, gentle as it may be, for a negative response, will be the work of the FBI. If asked, I will be able to explain everything I wrote here. Thank you. The FBI blocks me from posting this, it is about my 500 attempt. Please repost if you see this.
Dear Magnus, I am very surprised that there is someone in the whole wide world who has been experiencing what U have been passing through for some years now. I broke down completely when I read about yr ordeal with DEW The only new dimension to my experience is that the person behind my problems is Mr Niklas Hedman of the United Nations Office for Outerspace , Vienna Austria. When the problem started, I was just asking around and someone told me that the man; Mr Hedman possesses Jinns, synthetic telepathy and other devices with which he afflicts his targets. He hacks into my email, hacks into my online bank details with his colleagues and after all my reports to his boss nothing came out of it and I am still very positive that the long arm of the law shall catch up with him.
I have lost a lot of things since I met and my prayers to God is that he must be exposed . I would prefer to remain anonymous since the man is very very dangerous.
Well! It looks like everyone has a lot of speculation and blaming that is going on with no evidence. But you have to realize that although “things” are really happening to all these people… because they feel it, but don’t understand it.
And then, of course you have disinformationists filling the TIs heads with “inside information” explaining what could be causing the “feelings.” You must realize, when a thug begins filling your head with suggestions, they are never… never going to be truth. The truth must be evaluated using critical thinking. Once you are a TI with remote technologies used against you… your survival depends upon your critical thinking and your integrity.
The thug network will never help you towards the truth. Hospitals are filled with authentic helpful people, but they also have the thugs calling the shots in the background, too. And of course there is the medical mafia network hiding itself in every hospital, too. They are the secret societies… all the secret-society branches of the Mystery School Cult are working against the TIs, because they will wipe out the bewildered ones afterwards.
First of all… all TIs get a thought monitoring brainchip so they can predict what you are going to do or say. None of you “TI” seem to realize how the brainchip is the central tool being used against you guys. The zombie brainchip is an even worse tool that will take over your consciousness… It knocks you out cold, instantly, and then the brainchip takes over your body movement. Have none of you figured this out yet?
Maybe DEW killed Dr. Killde… maybe just an assassin, maybe a poison sack inplant… nobody amoungst you will ever know for sure… only the Cult knows. And the only one amoungst you who points out who the biggest, secret-society, perpetrator of “the Cult” is Gary Owens… it seems.
The Cult thugs try to be illusionists… their “fun” is to mess you up. They direct your thinking in the wrong direction as a way to feel superior as well as to confuse your intellect. They use your lack of undertanding of the technology at their finger-tips to misdirect your assumptions. They monitor your thoughts and misdirect you with almost perfect timing when you go off track from what technology they are actually using upon you.
Sometimes, the TI is hypnotized to believe the “voice of god” or think it is a “friendly voice.” Don’t be a moron, it will always be a set-up, always a setup for something else… ignore the bs, or you will become hypnotized or suggested into something they want you to do.
Implants, implants, implants… these are their main tools. In Canada, the medical mafia just implanted a covert pacemaker into my heart via my wind pipe/lungs June 2018. My lungs flemed-up that evening after the covert surgury. Once the zombie chip can knock you out and walk you body into the medical mafia’s wicked clutches and a medical record has been thus fabricated against you… there is not much the thugs can’t get away with. Two years earlier they somehow damaged my heart valves during another zombie-brainchip covert surgery. The brainchip was being perfected by Sem-Jacobsen, Penfield and Delgato back in the 50’s
Going histerical: For example, you can see the comments of “Judith” could be a real TI, but goes on and on about being killed by DEW and foil here/there and agents radiating her from implants…. all disinformation…. Hysteria is the cycle of false thoughts that will destroy the TI. They want hysteria to set into you… they want you unrational and afraid of dieing… when they want you dead, you likely will be, like Kildegarde. With the zombie chip they can walk you off a bridge any day they want. It is a game for them as they practis how they will become “gods” with such technology, how pathetic!
So now you need to know that they are in trouble as much as the TIs seem to be in trouble.
Jane Roberts channeled in an authentic spiritual advisor naming itself “Seth” back in the ‘60s.
This secret-society Cult doing all these wicked things with technology is who Seth calls the followers of the “Remnant Lumanians.” The Lumanians were a failed genetic experiement following a successful earlier civilization that came from our solar system area. The Lumanians built the pyramids using mainly ancient sound technology that they developed. They genectically eliminated acts of violence out of their genetics, but as an unfortunate result they lost their courage and spiritual vitality… thus making them fearful or gutless as a civilization. They tried to succeed as a civilization by impeding the natives upon Earth. This is what the present day Cult is now doing… impeding others to make themself succeed.
Unfortunately, the brainchip is their ultimant downfall… their Cult depends on the synthetic telepathy to replace the natural evolution of the human mind to develop psychiclly. Their Cult and secrecy will dissolve once mankind develops this far… so the Cult is impeding human-nature, now. Thus they are doomed to extinction if they take control of Earth using the brainchip to replace true telepathy.
They are about to turn this probable-reality (“Seth Speaks” Chapter 15) into a repeat of the Lumanian genetic failure civilization through their hateful greed and self-righteousness. Watch the movie “Space 2001.” They see themselves as the tribe of monkey-men who grabbed the bones to kill other tribes… first, and thus they are dominant. They will then outwit their own AI and get the “big prize.” But they have chosen the path of the fake-gods and nature has no use for fakes… so this Cult will be extincted to make room for a non-fake civilization even if it takes a million more Earth years… what a joke! Seth tells them that this is where they are heading and they just want to kill the messangers… what a “tribe” of jokers and fakes.
This is why you are targeted, by the way; Somehow, someway, you stood out before the others… your neighbours. And now, you are personally tasked to defend your civilization of worthy humans (the ones with personal integrity) against the unworthy, transhumanist, soul-selling monster tribe worshiping their AI, hive-mind god… apparently called “Lucifer” (filled with artificial greed and hate and self-righteousness of course, this is obvious) directed by their Cult that would have no existence without all its spiritual-baby-thug-minions who donate away their own will-power and hide from their own individual responsibility toward true, spiritual value-fulfillment and the positive growth of humanity.
This is a spiritual reality where you will only “die” when that time has been chosen by your spiritual greater-self and your own beliefs.
Sincerely compiled by,
James Sidaway the Aquarian
I have been a TI. I was I helped by an FBI agent. My Targeter is a pedophile and sadist in Richland Co. ,Wisconsin. He can work but hood winks the gov’t for many thousands of dollars every year. He has been unemployed commiting fraud for at least 25 years. He uses all his time to stalk and torture his neighbors because it was easy to interface them with Remote Neural Monitoring .His spread spectrum signal is 3.5 KHz. It can travel to any unblocked spot on Earth. It reads all vortices with research grade EEG. It installs pain through the sensory homunculus ,probably through Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
The Targeter is Thomas Michael Wagner. He lives in the Town of Marshall. He is a prisoner to his mostly sexual sadism. He is functional,barely ,but insane.
Guilt and all memory of conduct is stored in the intra parietal sulcus. This is also known as the secondary visual cortex. It can be scanned with fMRI software imprinted on a radiowave. Wagner knows this,so does NSA and university researchers who invented this.
It is too late to have privacy now. The best gov’t can do is scan all…….all of us and see who did harm. Wagner tortured my eleven year old daughters body,especially her vagina. Personally I believe he will burn in a special hell. I intend to bring justice to him.