Belgian Green Party President MP seeks incarceration of EU Citizen’s Group leader Melanie Vritschan for lawfully visiting TI targeted individual unlawfully imprisoned 20+ months as “psychiatric prisoner” after constituent Facebook argument with MP
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
NOTE: This news update begins with an exclusive interview between Melanie Vritschan & Felipe Silva Moldes in a Belgian psychiatric prison facility, with Felipe telling his own version of events of how he has been railroaded and unlawfully imprisoned for 20+ months after contacting his Belgian Member of Parliament at her virtual online office on Facebook.
VANCOUVER, BC – In an interview with’s Alfred Lambremont Webre, Brussels-based Melanie Vritschan and Luc Vervliet, directors of ICATOR [International Coalition Against Electronic Torture And Robotization of living beings], reveal that Belgian-Turkish MP Meyrem Almaci [Belgian Green Party President [Flemish Belgium] and Belgian Parliament MP] had initiated an apparently retaliatory criminal proceeding against EU Citizen’s Group President Melanie Vritschan for lawfully visiting TI targeted individual Felipe Silva Moldes whom MP Meyrem Almaci had prosecuted and falsely imprisoned for 20+ months as a “psychiatric prisoner” after an online argument at the MP’s Facebook virtual office where Felipe Silva Moldes had gone for employment advice. Melanie Vritschan is President of ICATOR, a Belgian organization that mandates her to support TI targeted individuals in psychiatric, prison, home or work settings.
Former Belgian MP Laurant Louis, a supporter of Melanie Vritschan’s work, advised her to send a January 7, 2016 email attempting offering to meet with MP Meyrem Almaci and see if an amicable resolution could be reached that would result in the release from 20 months of Felipe Silva Moldes false imprisonment, Moldes had been told by his first lawyer he should be “out in 2 weeks.” At the trial, the prosecutor and judge railroaded Felipe into an indefinite incarceration, clearly unlawful under the EU human rights legislation.
Melanie Vritschan ordered to May 19, 2016 Police interrogation without a Lawyer
In mid-March & April 2016, as part of her continuing duties supporting TIs, Melanie was denied visiting privileges with Felipe after he had been mysteriously transferred from a psychiatric facility to a prison.
On May 2, 2016, MP Meyrem Almaci initiated criminal proceedings against Melanie Vritschan making a series of fraudulent and perjurious allegations, accusing Ms. Vritschan of “stalking, assault, defamation, and damaging her [the MP’s honor]” has concluded that the timing of MP Meyrem Almaci’s criminal complaint and her access to apparently confidential prison and psychiatric information regarding the denial of Melanie Vritschan’s visit appears reasonably related to an attempt to take down ICATOR as an effective Belgian and EU citizen’s organization, drawing the MP’s abuse of official authority in this matter further into question.
Police : address in Antwerp, Belgium
Data (?) of Melanie Vritschan
You have to come to our office etc. (e.g.) on the 19th of May. If you prefer another day, call us.
You will be interrogated concerning the following facts :
threatening to assault(the plaintiff),
defamation (means as well “laster” as “eerroof” : “laster” =
spreading of evil rumours about a person – “eerroof” :
damaging his or her honour).
You cannot be compelled to accuse yourself.
You may answer the questions or keep silent.
You have a right to consult a lawyer previously.
You are not deprived of your liberty for the moment.
The public prosecutor (,however,) might order your arrest.
No evidence to substantiate false allegations has reviewed substantial written statements, documentary and other prima facie evidence that completely exonerates Melanie Vritschan of ICATOR, EUCACH [European Coalition Against Covert Harassment] and World CACH of any criminal violation. Melanie Vritschan and ICATOR properly following its mandate and charter under Belgian and EU law to visit and support TI targeted individual Felipe Silva Moldes in a psychiatric or prison setting and to reasonably negotiate with Belgian Green Party MP Meyrem Almaci ultimately responsible for his incarceration to secure an early release of Mr. Silva Moldes from his unlawful imprisonment.
Because of the pending legal actions, cannot release that written and documentary evidence publicly at this time. This evidence will be released as soon after May 19, 2016 as possible upon the speedy resolution of this matter.
Please help keep Melanie & ICATOR doing its mission to protect TIs in Europe!
Melanie & ICATOR are now forced to pay legal fees for a lawyer to defend her on charges of which she is innocent.
Please help keep Melanie Vritschan & ICATOR doing its mission to protect TIs in Europe! You send a contribution, no matter how small, in one of two ways:
GOFUNDME: ICATOR – International Coalition Against Electronic Torture And Robotization of living beings
- Bank transfer
Account holder : ICATOR
IBAN number : BE22 0017 8406 7547
References & Resources
World CACH
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Rogue Belgian Green MP Almaci spurns meeting with citizen group advised by former Belgian MP, continues her coverup role in unlawful 20 month imprisonment over Facebook dust-up with innocent constituent
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
From Spain, we send all our support to Melanie Vritschan for her fight against injustice in its broadest sense. Mrs.Meyrem Almaci shouldn’t forget she is in politics to serve people not to prosecute them. We, as citizens cannot allow this unjust situations to happen. And must get rid of this kind of politicians that lost the norht using power to pursue their personal interest’s and ego problems in detriment of our civil rights. No state or legal system should accept this acts of arrogance, or guarantee IMPUNITY for anyone like Meyren Almaci.