David&Crystal Sereda: A Religious & Consciousness Freedom Rights Movement!
Religious & Consciousness Rights are protected by Canadian Charter, USA 1st Amendment & UN Declaration!”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
ExopoliticsTV: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5w9489
Nelson, British Columbia [BC Day-August 7, 2017] – The following sets the constitutional backdrop of David&Crystal Sereda’s story as its unfolds in this interview and in our collective future. The Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms guarantees fundamental freedoms and legal rights. Sections 2 and 7 of the Charter provide as follows: “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law: Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
Fundamental freedoms
- Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
Legal Rights – Life, liberty and security of person
- Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.[1]
David & Crystal Sereda – Canadian Filmmaker & Consciousness Researcher & American Religious & Christ Consciousness Singer
This interview with Canadian filmmaker & multi-dimensional Consciousness researcher David Sereda covers many facets of apparent Deep State targeting and multidimensional trials apparently intended to terminate or impede the Sereda family’s positive contribution to civilization by David Sereda and Crystal Sereda individually and as a creative couple. Researcher & author Dr. Michael E. Salla, PhD has termed this systematic targeting, deployment of covert state terror directed at Religious & Consciousness individuals, particularly UFO contactees, which David Sereda is, “Galactic COINTELPRO”.[2]
As you watch David’s interview, I am sure you will reasonably conclude that there is evidence that David, his family & his wife, American Religious & Christ Consciousness Singer Crystal Sereda have been targeted by an apparent “anti-Christ-consciousness” conspiracy of the American-Canadian Deep State that caused prima facie evidence of the following to transpire & occur.
The following are my reporter notes that I jotted down as I conducted the NewsInsideOut interview with David Sereda on British Columbia Day, August 7, 2017:
- In Spring 2017, parents David & Crystal Sereda were unlawfully separated from their two children aged 7 & 2 years, and mother Crystal Sereda was subjected to unlawful psychiatric incarceration, isolation & torture in Arizona, with AZ state alleging fraudulently that Crystal’s Christ-consciousness-based tonal Religious & Consciousness singing was a psychiatric disorder under the DSM-IV.
- Whereas such Singing is protected religious worship & speech under the USA 1st Amendment and not a danger to the Sereda children who were found by a Pediatrician to be in robust good health. A final AZ letter was issued closing this case for lack of evidence of any malfeasance by the Sereda parents.
- Around June 30, 2017, as a result of BC government unlawful surveillance of the Sereda family in the Nelson BC area, American citizen parent Crystal Sereda was unlawfully arrested by Nelson, BC police as she contemplated nature at the Nelson Bridge, practicing her Christ-consciousness-based tonal Religious & Consciousness singing.
- The unlawful arrest occurred without valid evidence & in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and parent Crystal Sereda was incarcerated without due process at the Daly Pavilion, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Trail, BC[3] on fraudulent DSMIV psychiatric grounds that “she was about to jump from the Nelson Bridge”, whereas there was no evidence to conclude such.
- Singer & Artist parent Crystal Sereda was enjoying a prime tourist-nature location of Nelson BC adjacent to her home [analogous to, although less-developed than the nature-attraction Capilano Suspension Bridge in North Vancouver, BC[4]].
- Crystal has remained at Crystal Sereda was incarcerated without due process at the Daly Pavilion, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Trail, BC to the present, for over 30 days and may be transfered to Nelson, and continues to be subject to unlawful violation of her fundamental rights.
- On July 5, 2017, the BC Ministry of Children & Family Development[5] presented parent David Sereda with criminally fabricated evidence distorting mother-daughter Light horseplay at Nelson beach into an assault by parent Crystal, blackmailing parent David into signing an unlawful document requiring Ministry-supervised parental visits by parent Crystal Sereda with her children. Ministry officials thereby committed knowing & criminal abuse of office and abuse of constitutional rights.
- Because of these criminal, unlawful, fraudulent, and improper actions, parents David & Crystal Sereda have suffered irreparable economic damage. Indeed destroying the Sereda family’s economic viability appears by the evidence to be the covert purpose of the Canadian-American Deep State targeting in the first place. Parent David Sereda states, “Our business is slow right now at DavidSereda.net– I tried to get a construction job which they would hire me at $30 per hour but I have no way of doing that because I cannot leave them alone.”
- Parent David Sereda is now fundraising for a new film he can develop at home while parenting his two children. David says, “If I can get this film funded to its goal of $30,000, I can make this film and give it to YouTube for free with your loving support”!
- Support the Sereda Family Now: This Go Fund Me link
- is https://www.gofundme.com/davidsereda
- Deep State targeting of Sereda family: In this interview, David Sereda explains how his films, ideas, and creative products and intellectual property were stolen by a similar international syndicate that Charles Seven (UK) has described on NewsInsideOut.com.
- David Sereda says, “Yesterday Crystal told me in the forest where we hiked on a day pass that she wants to merge with Christ. She misses our daughters tremendously!”
- Religious & Consciousness Expressions that Singer Crystal Sereda practices as a harmonic scale on a daily basis are no different than public call to prayer in Islam or any other protected tonal sound or utterance protected as religious or consciousness speech under the Charter of Rights & Freedoms.
- In this case, Crystal Sereda is calling out in prayer to Christ in a tonal scale based on scalar values discovered in the multi-level geometry of the Egyptian pyramids. It is Charter-protected, holy sacred, Christ consciousness-based Speech and prayer to Christ under the Charter, Canadian Constitution Act, 1982
- American psychologist William James discovered the Multiverse in 1895.
- David Sereda point outs that William James was also a psychologist exploring the area of religious & consciousness experiences.
- William James published his experimental findings and conclusions in his book The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James. Among these experiences described by William James are religious and consciousness experiences similar to those of Singer Crystal Sereda. See”:
- http://amzn.to/2wCasma
- Community Impact: In his interview David discusses the root causes of these break-down-break-up assaults on Families by the Deep State using predatory social services and ax housing social policies as enforcers.
- In his interview, David describes how these predatory social services and lax social housing practices are key components of the Targeting of David&Crystal Sereda, leading to the unlawful detention of Crystal Sereda against her Religious and Consciousness Rights to practice Sacred Song under Articles 2 and 7 of the Charter.
- Community Action: David & Supporters discussed gathering Signatures for a Federal/Provincial Petition for
- Religious & Consciousness Freedom under the Canadian Charter of Rights in friendly centre of Nelson BC
- Parliament of Canada
- http://www.ourcommons.ca/MarleauMontpetit/DocumentViewer.aspx?Sec=Ch22&Seq=3
- BC Assembly
- https://www.leg.bc.ca/parliamentary-business/legislation-debates-proceedings/40th-parliament/6th-session/petitions
- Habeas Corpus & Other Legal Remedies including Tort and Criminal Damages Actions on behalf of David&Crystal Sereda – Contact public interest law Civil Society. Interested counsel can contact David Sereda at davidsereda@hotmail.com
- To free Crystal Sereda and reunite the Sereda Family; and
- Religious & Consciousness Freedom Rights – To create a zone of constitutional Order & Sovereignty that Religious & Consciousness Freedom Rights are enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and cannot be eroded through collusion by provincial and other agencies.
- GoFundMe-David Sereda – support David’s new film “God’s Great Pyramid”; Find out more at:
Go Fund Me – David Sereda
David Sereda Website
Contact: davidsereda@hotmail.com
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
[1] Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms –
[2] GALACTIC COINTELPRO – Exposing the Covert Counter-Intelligence Program against Extraterrestrial Contactees
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
[3] Daly Pavilion – Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital
[4] Capilano Suspension Bridge in North Vancouver, BC
[5] BC Ministry of Children & Family Development
David, we send you, Crystal, and your daughters, through you, the miracle of Love so that you might each achieve any goal you set.