The Exopolitical Origin of the Hebrew People as a driver of current “AntiSemitism”: ET Disclosure Soulutions
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
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Vancouver, BC, Canada – December 18, 2023: One version of an Exopolitical origin of the Hebrew people is set out in:
Michel Desmarquet, Thiaoouba Prophecy
Universe. Sometimes the inhabitants of certain planets are obliged to evacuate as
their planet is dying. Now, as Arki also explained, you can’t change planets as you
might change houses. You must conform to a cycle that is well-established;
otherwise, catastrophes can be the consequence. This is what happened 12 000
years ago. Human beings left the planet Hebra in order to visit the galaxy in
search of a new planet of the same category as their own, for they knew that, in
the millennium to come, their planet would become totally uninhabitable.
‘A spacecraft, capable of extremely high speeds, experienced serious problems
during its reconnaissance flight and was obliged to land on your planet. It landed
in the region of Krasnodar, a town in Western Russia. Needless to say, at the time
there was no town, no people, no Russia.
‘On board the spacecraft were eight astronauts: three women and five men.
These people were approximately 170 centimetres in height, with black eyes, fair
skin and long brown hair. They made a successful landing and began repairs to
their vessel.
1. Alternate spelling : Akhenaten (Editor’s note)
132 Thiaoouba Prophecy
‘They found the gravitational force stronger than on their own planet
and, initially, had some difficulty moving about. They established a camp near
their spacecraft, expecting repairs to take some time. One day, during work, an
accident occurred causing a terrific explosion that destroyed half of the vessel
and killed five of the cosmonauts. The other three, being some distance away,
were unharmed. They were Robanan, a man, and Levia and Dina, two women.
‘They knew well what was in store for them. Coming from a planet of a
superior category, they did not belong on Earth, where they were in fact
prisoners, and thus they anticipated the misadventures that befell them. The
accident came as no great surprise.
‘For several months, the three remained at the spot for the season was warm.
They had some weapons and they were able to procure game – their provisions of
manna and roustian having been lost in the explosion. Eventually the cold arrived
and they decided to move further south.
‘The gravitational force made walking long distances extremely difficult for
them, so that their trek south to warmer climates became a veritable ‘Road to
Calvary’. They passed by the Black Sea heading in the direction of today’s Israel.
The journey took months but they were young people and, astonishingly, they
made it. The weather became more clement, and even hot, as they reached lower
latitudes. They stopped by a river, establishing there a permanent camp – all the
more permanent since Dina was several months pregnant. At full term, she gave
birth to a son whom they named Ranan. By then, Levia too, was pregnant and
some time later, she also bore a son, Rabion.
‘These people from Hebra acclimatised in this spot which was rich in game,
honey and edible plants – and there they founded their line. It was quite some
time later that they made the acquaintance of some nomads passing by. This was
their first contact with Earthlings. The nomads numbered ten and, having found
Robanan’s women to their liking, they wanted to kill him and take all that he had,
including the women.
‘Robanan still had his weapon and, although a pacifist, he was obliged to use it
and killed four of his attackers who fled in the face of such power.
‘These people were greatly saddened that they had to resort to such a measure,
and saw in it yet another sign that they were on a planet that was forbidden to
them by Universal Law.
‘I don’t understand,’ I interrupted. ‘I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump
categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior
‘No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding
Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse
conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic
A different alien and my former lives 133
‘If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish
comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks
and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres
deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his
hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished.
‘Nonetheless, our group of extra-terrestrials founded their line that became the
ancestors of present-day Jews.
‘The Bible was written later by scribes who retraced the history of these people,
distorting it, as legend became mixed with reality.
‘I can affirm for you that the Adam of the Bible was, not only, not the first man
on Earth, far from it, but he was called Robanan and he didn’t have a wife called
Eve but two wives named Levia and Dina. The race of Jews developed from
these three, without mixing with other races because, by atavism1, they felt
themselves superior – and indeed they were.
‘However, I must assure you that the (original)2 Bible is not the product of the
scribes’ imagination – nor is it embellished. There was much truth in it. I say ‘was’
because in the various councils of the Roman Catholic Church, the Bible has
been greatly revised, for reasons which are clear: to serve the needs of
Christianity. This is why I said yesterday, that religions are one of the curses of
Earth. I must also enlighten you in regard to several other biblical points.
‘Shortly after the arrival of the Hebrews on Earth, we helped them on several
occasions. We also punished them. For example, the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah was caused by one of our space vehicles. The people of those two
towns were presenting a bad example and acting dangerously for the people in
contact with them. We tried various means in an endeavour to put them back on
the right track, but in vain. We had to be ruthless.
‘Each time that you read in the Bible: ‘And the Lord God said this or that’ – you
should read ‘and the inhabitants of Thiaoouba said…’.’
‘Why not save them in the beginning and take them back to their planet or to
another of the same category?’
‘That is, of course, a reasonable question, Michel, but there is a snag. We can’t
predict the future more than 100 years in advance. We thought, at the time, that,
being such a small group, they might not survive and, if they did, they would mix
with other races and thus be absorbed by other peoples and rendered ‘impure’.
We guessed that this would occur within a century – but such was not the case.
Even now, as you know, the race is still almost as pure as it was 12 000 years ago.
‘As I told you, by means of religious councils, priests erased or changed many
things in the Bible, but others survived and can easily be explained.
1. ‘atavism’ – here – aiming to maintain/reconstruct the original characteristics. The first
generations of people described in the Bible lived up to 900 years. (Editor’s note)
2. Editor’s comment in agreement with the Author.
134 Thiaoouba Prophecy
‘In Chapter 18, verse (1) the scribe refers to our appearance at that time, saying:
‘The Lord God appeared unto him among the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the
entrance to his tent in the heat of day.’ The scribe is speaking of Abraham in this
‘(2) He, Abraham, looked up and saw three men standing nearby.
When he saw them he ran to them and fell to the ground before them.
(3) And he said, ‘Lord and master, if I have found grace in your eyes, I beg you
not to go far from your servant.’ Abraham invites the three men to stay. The
scribe refers to them as men one minute and yet one of them is also called ‘the
Lord God’. He speaks to them and each time, it is the one referred to as ‘the
Lord God’ who replies. Now, the priests of the Roman Catholic Church find this
in formal contradiction with their views, as do many other religions, for they will
tell you that no one can imagine the face of God – that one would be blinded by
it. In a sense they are right, since the Creator, being a pure spirit, has no face!
‘According to the scribe, Abraham converses with the Lord God as he would
with a high ranking lord on Earth. And the Lord God answers him and is
accompanied by two other ‘men’ – the scribe does not speak of ‘angels’. Isn’t it
odd that God comes down to Earth in the form of a man, accompanied, not by
angels, but by men? Actually, there, and in many other places in the Bible, it is
easy for someone of good faith to see that God has never spoken to any human
‘He could not have done so, since it is astral bodies which aspire towards Him
and not God who leans towards them. That would be like a river flowing
backwards – you have never seen a river flowing from the sea to the
mountaintop, have you? A passage from the Bible, two pages further on from the
one just mentioned, is also quite amusing: Chapter 19, verse (1): ‘The two angels
arrived in Sodom, and Lot was seated at the gates to Sodom. When Lot saw them,
he rose to go and kiss the ground in front of them’ – then he manages to get them
to go to his house, and suddenly, in verse five, ‘They called Lot and said to him:
‘Where are the men who entered your house?’. Now the scribe is referring to them
as ‘men’. Next, in verse (10), ‘The men reached out, made Lot come inside and
closed the door.’ (11) ‘And they struck blind everyone at the entrance to the
house, from the smallest to the largest person, so that it was useless for them to
try to find the door.’
1. ‘God has never spoken’ – In the oldest available, the Hebrew version of the Bible Yehova
is one of many names for ‘God’. All other translations mix them up completely – replacing
the exact names by ‘Father’,‘Lord’ or ‘God’. From the Hebrew version it is clear that it
was Yehova who talked to people, appeared in human form, made ‘miracles’ – not God, the
Creator. From the information contained in this book it is clear that God is God (The
Great Spirit) and Yehova = Thiaoouba. In the context of this single detail – the entire
Bible makes much more sense and becomes fascinating reading. (Editor)
A different alien and my former lives 135
‘It is easy to see the lack of precision in this passage, where the scribe begins by
speaking of two angels, then speaks of two men, and then describes two men
striking people blind. According to the Bible, such a ‘miracle’ requires at least an
angel! There my dear, is another good example of confusion in Earthly scripts.
The ‘men’ were quite simply our men from Thiaoouba.
‘Thus we guided and helped the Jews, for it would have been a shame to let a
race so spiritually evolved sink back into ignorance and savagery only because it
had accidentally committed the error of coming to a planet which was not
appropriate for it. We helped them in the centuries that followed and it is this
that certain scribes have tried to explain by writing the accounts that have formed
the Bible. Often they were in good faith; at times, they have distorted the facts,
although not purposely.
‘The only times this distortion was purposely done, and for very specific
reasons, as I have said, was by the Roman Church during the councils of Nicein
AD 325, Constantinople in AD 381, Ephese in AD 431 and Chalcedoine in AD
451. There were others too, but of lesser significance. The Bible is not the Book of
God, as many people on Earth believe it to be; it is simply a document of ancient
history much modified and full of embellishments, added by writers different
from the original scribes. For example, let’s go back to Egypt and the time of the
Exodus, which interests people on Earth. I’m going to restore the truth
concerning this, for you and for others, before going further.
‘Let’s go back, then, to Egypt, where we find that the descendants of the
cosmonauts have become the Hebrew people (the name deriving from that of
their planet, Hebra). Since arriving accidentally on your planet, this race has
experienced great difficulties – it experienced them then and it experiences them
‘As you know, the Jews are very intelligent by comparison with other races; they
have a religion which is quite different; and they don’t mix with other races.
Marriages are almost always among their own kind. Because of inexorable
Universal Law, they have always suffered persecution, much of which has
occurred in recent times. As a result, their astral bodies were liberated and
therefore able to proceed directly to more highly evolved planets where they
‘As you also know, a group of Hebrews travelled with Joseph, son of Jacob, into
Egypt, where they established a line, only to end up being hated by the Egyptians
and always for the same unstated reasons – their intelligence and, particularly,
their solidarity in the face of adversity. Action was ne
ancestors of present-day Jews.
‘The Bible was written later by scribes who retraced the history of these people,
distorting it, as legend became mixed with reality.
‘I can affirm for you that the Adam of the Bible was, not only, not the first man
on Earth, far from it, but he was called Robanan and he didn’t have a wife called
Eve but two wives named Levia and Dina. The race of Jews developed from
these three, without mixing with other races because, by atavism1, they felt
themselves superior – and indeed they were.
‘However, I must assure you that the (original)2 Bible is not the product of the
scribes’ imagination – nor is it embellished. There was much truth in it. I say ‘was’
because in the various councils of the Roman Catholic Church, the Bible has
been greatly revised, for reasons which are clear: to serve the needs of
Christianity. This is why I said yesterday, that religions are one of the curses of
Earth. I must also enlighten you in regard to several other biblical points.
‘Shortly after the arrival of the Hebrews on Earth, we helped them on several
occasions. We also punished them. For example, the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah was caused by one of our space vehicles. The people of those two
towns were presenting a bad example and acting dangerously for the people in
contact with them. We tried various means in an endeavour to put them back on
the right track, but in vain. We had to be ruthless.
‘Each time that you read in the Bible: ‘And the Lord God said this or that’ – you
should read ‘and the inhabitants of Thiaoouba said…’.’
‘Why not save them in the beginning and take them back to their planet or to
another of the same category?’”
race so spiritually evolved sink back into ignorance and savagery only because it
had accidentally committed the error of coming to a planet which was not
appropriate for it. We helped them in the centuries that followed and it is this
that certain scribes have tried to explain by writing the accounts that have formed
the Bible. Often they were in good faith; at times, they have distorted the facts,
although not purposely.”
have a religion which is quite different; and they don’t mix with other races.
Marriages are almost always among their own kind. Because of inexorable
Universal Law, they have always suffered persecution, much of which has
occurred in recent times. As a result, their astral bodies were liberated and
therefore able to proceed directly to more highly evolved planets where they
‘As you also know, a group of Hebrews travelled with Joseph, son of Jacob, into
Egypt, where they established a line, only to end up being hated by the Egyptians
and always for the same unstated reasons – their intelligence and, particularly,
their solidarity in the face of adversity. Action was needed.’”
The “Christ” as shared by (a) Thiaoouba ETs; (b) CIA Time Travel documentary; (c) Urantia Book
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