BBS Radio taken off-air as James Gilliland & Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss September 23, 2015 Jade Helm False Flag MT. ADAMS, WA [Extraterrestrial Portal] – BBS radio lost both of its T1 lines and was taken off air on Friday May 8, 2015 when their 3:50 pm PST program “As You Wish” with James […]
Panel: 9/28/15 Tetra Lunar Eclipse global false flag/ET invasion for Jade Helm, Pope, Congress, Obama, UN Post 2015 “Development Agenda”?
Panel: 9/28/15 Tetra Lunar Eclipse global false flag/ET invasion for Jade Helm, Pope, Congress, Obama, UN Post 2015 “Development Agenda”? By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – A 2-hour Panel of author and hermeneuticist Peter Kling and author and futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre has concluded that there may be […]