By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive TrueTube by video published July 18, 2018, exposes the unconscious confession of alleged Russian spy Maria Butina. Granular analysis of the soundtrack from an on camera interview recorded at FreedomFest 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada, reveals the suspect’s sleep talking-like disclosure encrypted within a resequenced time-reversed audio sample. The U.S. Department of Justice was said to have charged the gun rights organizer with felony conspiracy in Washington D.C. on Monday, the day of the 2018 Russia-United States summit in Helsinki, Finland. Press reports link Maria Butina to the National Rifle Association, the Republican Party and the 2016 Trump Campaign.
UPDATE: On December 13, 2018, Russian citizen Maria Butina pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiring to influence U.S. politics through her connections to the National Rifle Association.’s independent investigation identified the Russian secret agent status of Maria Butina in this article published six months earlier. 2011 coverage by this reporter named Anna Chapman’s youth accomplice in the Russian “Illegals Program” case. The Wall Street Journal confirmed citing official sources nine months later.
The U.S. president spoke at FreedomFest 2015 offering his perspectives on Russian-U.S. relations at the dawn of his campaign where he explained “I know Putin. And I tell you what. We get along with Putin. Putin has no respect for President Obama. Big problem. Big problem. And Russia has been driven. You know, I’ve always heard, for years I’ve heard, one of the worst things that can happen to our country is if Russia ever gets driven to China.”
“I believe I would get along very nicely with Putin,” the president continued, “Okay? And I mean, where we have the strength.”
The New York Times Wednesday described how “President Trump appeared to say on Wednesday that Russia was no longer targeting the United States, contradicting his own intelligence chief just a day after promising that his administration was working to prevent Kremlin interference in the upcoming midterm elections. “Hours later,” the report went on to say, “The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said that Mr. Trump was answering a different question, and that “we believe the threat still exists.””
In a separate news brief Reuters claimed “U.S. intelligence officials have said Russia’s efforts to undermine elections are continuing and now target the Nov. 6 congressional elections.” In court documents the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation was said to elaborate further how “Moscow seeks to create wedges that reduce trust and confidence in democratic processes, degrade democratization efforts, weaken US partnerships with European allies, undermine Western sanctions, encourage anti-US political views, and counter efforts to bring Ukraine and other former Soviet states into European institutions.”
In charges filed Wednesday prosecutors described a “Red Sparrow” (2018) scenario in which 29 year-old suspect Maria Butina is alleged to have attempted to trade sex for influence. has previously discussed an historic 2011 report that identified Russian SVR “Illegals Program” youth operative Tim Foley when his name appeared in granular audio analysis of Anna Chapman’s on camera interview at a New York human resources convention. Anna Chapman pleaded guilty in 2010 to conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the U.S. Attorney General in a case resembling Maria Butina’s. In 2012 the Wall Street Journal confirmed Tim Foley’s identity nine months after “Tim” was first named as an accomplice to a “Vegas drop”. coverage of Monday’s 2018 Russia-United States summit in Helsinki, Finland, considered how the U.S. President exhibited behaviors of a paternal incest survivor. According to granular analysis of his statements at that day’s press conference, the president was heard to pass sleep talking-like comments regarding “dildos” and “sex with daddy.” A report that appeared the following day on a local NYC website featured a July 17, 2018, photograph of a bare-chested Putin imitator astride the Wall Street Bull where the bronze tourist attraction is shown covered in dildos.
One possible interpretation of these overnight events suggests domestic intelligence insiders familiar with the president’s exposure weaponized that art display in a Kompromat dog whistle PSYOP.
Speech is a multidimensional stimulus where granular analysis can resequence locally time-reversed grains of speech to synthesize new meaning from digital reflections of the audio soundtrack. A series of reports (see links below) have described how this approach successfully determined facts of global wars, serial killer identities as well as Russian, Israeli and U.S. intelligence operations days, weeks, months and years before they were accepted as mainstream knowledge.
Below is a partial transcript of the secret message heard in the video ‘’’She’s a Spy’: Maria Butina Disclosed Russian Agent Status at FreedomFest 2015” where a message from a July 2015 conference video is indicated in bold followed by the context in which it was discovered.
She’s a spy: In Russia I’m the founder and now I’m a board member of the Right to Bear Arms. This is an all-Russian public organization. We promote gun rights. I made this trip because I think that freedom is very important and basic of any freedom is of course gun rights, economy. And I would like to know more and bring this knowledge to Russia. I’m travelling from Moscow, from Russia. And I hope it will be useful to my country.
According to one source “FreedomFest is an annual festival where free minds meet to celebrate “great books, great ideas, and great thinkers” in an open-minded society. It is independent, non-partisan, and not affiliated with any organization or think tank. Founded and produced by Mark Skousen since 2002, FreedomFest invites the “best and the brightest” from around the world to talk, strategize, socialize, and celebrate liberty. FreedomFest is open to all and is purely egalitarian, where speakers, attendees, and exhibitors are treated as equals.”
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