#NOMOREABUSE Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre stand up for Constitutional Free Speech
WATCH ON TrueTube.co https://youtu.be/l89Zhm7Zx70
Background for Roundtable
PUBLIC NOTICE: TrueTube.co by NewsInsideOut.com appears to be under organized unconstitutional surveillance and threat to its Bill of Rights & Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms protections against utterance of Hate speech against the Public expression of free speech & opinion on independent public media like www.truetube.co. Such unconstitutional and unlawful organized threatful surveillance and Hate speech includes Salena Shakti Radford SSR and at least two other verbally aggressive commenters on TrueTube.co’s webinar with Peter Kling intentionally misquoting Peter Kling who condemned LGBT PEDOCRIMINALS ONLY! Not LGBT people as a whole during a recent Hermeneutics Roundtable Update 2018-2025.
Peter Kling wrote me to confirm that he condemned Pedocriminals who are also LGBT – as well as all pedos – on our ROUNDTABLE, not LGBT people as a social class.
To attempt to jump on their own false HATE BANDWAGON, SSR and her Co-conspirators are continuing their own campaigns of attempting Intimidation of TrueTube.co & the Public media in violation of First Amendment US CODE ANNOTATED media Freedoms.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD MEd
August 24, 2018
Vancouver, British Columbia
Peter Kling: 2020-21 End of Religion exposes Vatican planetary Child Trafficking Empire and Islam as a death cult, followed by 3.5 years of 666 Antichrist King of the World Prince William, as a Nibiru event and “King of Kings and Armies of the Heavens” show up around 2025 and 1000 years Divine Rule on Earth.
WATCH TrueTube.co Roundtable with Author & Hermeneuticist Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre https://youtu.be/Xze3BtHa6mc
Salena Shakti Radford-“Your material is now under investigation”
TrueTube.co: This is Unconstitutional & unlawful organized surveillance and threat against Public media Freedoms of www.TrueTube.co uttered on Facebook.
Salena Shakti Radford 1 day ago (edited)
I have reported this video for hate speech against LGBT people and I have also made a legal complaint as certain content demonstrates a clear and direct infringement of the universal declaration of human rights. I refer to comments from and after the 29:00 time stamp mark.
Salena Shakti Radford 1 day ago
by the way I have a child who has now grown up and I do know the parent/child bond because that child is my NATURAL child not an adoption but born from me!
Alfred Lambremont Webre 1 day ago
IMHO you are abusing the “Hate Speech” meme. This guest of TrueTube.co is exercising his religious beliefs as protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Alfred Lambremont Webre, former Adjunct Prof. Univ of Texas, “Bill of Rights” in US Constitution.
Alfred Lambremont Webre 1 day ago
I reject your unconstitutional attempts to shut down TrueTube,.co with your programmatic abuse of the “Hate Speech” Meme.
King’s Harem 1 day ago
Salena Shakti Radford I truly hope you are not serious. You will not like the outcome.
Lawanna Ard 1 day ago
Then don’t listen. You are the problem to free speech. I find you offensive.
frankenpope 1 day ago
rather consentrate on saving your soul than rights for sin that GOD hates.
plz savethebeez 23 hours ago
The LGBT comment was related directly to the potential dangerousness of “normalizing” pedophilia….which MOST of us think is abominable! The term “adrinachrome” came out this year….I had never heard of it…didn’t want to tell my mate…he would be mortified at this concept! I believe creepy “spirit cooking” related? Sick stuff! Many, many missing children!!! So information needs to be shared related to all of this. Shame on you….you could have just disagreed and moved on! Useless self absorbed whining!
Rose 23 hours ago
Salena do you know that the whole LGBT agenda is a mind control program we had people of that way of life since the beginning of the world you can be with who you want but do not participate to the agenda of destroying a society humanity and a replacing by a non gender populace as they are teaching kids that they do not have a gender as they are preparing a robot society LGBT are being used please think about it you feeling less than other it is your problem if someone do not treat you right by who you are just let them go as you know you are a wonderful human being
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ralph a. applegate says
What , besides money do you want from me . rapplegate48@gmail.com ….. Only savvy pro se plaintiff against Monsanto .