WATCH Roundtable with Author & Hermeneuticist Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre:
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Roundtable Update from Peter Kling:
“Alfred Hi!
“Came across some additional information regarding our future timeline and the Zionist-Vs-Jesuit agenda, which will bring the “Antichrist” and eventually will end with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords returning with the Armies of Heaven.
“2020 we should see the end of Religion as we know it, due to exposing the Church for the Child Trafficking Empire of the Planet and Islam as a death cult. Under United Nations Law, those religions will be exposed as being a danger to “Society” and be outlawed. We know Knight of Malta, Bill Clinton and wife are being exposed for corruption and next will be child trafficking, which will lead to the exposing of the Whore Babylon for what she really is! March 1 2018 Trump updated the handbook for “Laws Martial”, so the Military Courts will have many of their laws updated as of 1-1-2019. I would expect major upheaval as all this is exposed throughout 2019 and into 2020.
“2021 We should see the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon, maybe a bit sooner if the Vatican tries to bargain to retain some of its power, by turning the real estate over to Israel before 2020. After the Temple is rebuilt and Religion as we know it ends, expect to see the “King of a One World Government”, or Prince William to take power. “If” I have this right and I believe I do, we should expect that “Power” rule for 3.5 years, before we face the “King of Kings and Armies of the Heavens” to show up.
“The Prophecies support the events, it is Revelation 11 which may give us the timeline, counting from when the world got its first illegal Pope on 3-13-13, “The Man of Lawlessness” which is exposed in the prophecy in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.
“Someone asked me a question last week which made me go back and reread Revelation chapter 11. I realized a miscalculation on my part. What can I say? The light grows brighter the closer we get, just as it is written! It falls under Revelation 11:7 where the 2 witnesses are dead. As you know, without 2 witnesses an event can not truly be established. Under Mosaic Law, there had to be 2 witnesses to get a conviction.
“These “Witnesses” are the Prophets of Yahweh and Jesus, whom after they finish their work lay dead for 3.5 days (years). End religion and ALL talk about Jesus, Yahweh, or what we are doing now, will most likely be banned! However after the 3.5 days (years), they are brought back to life, in time to witness the return of Christ.
“I might add there is a variable! We are in a timeline rift and evidence also indicates we are in a time warp too. However one thing is for sure, never before have we seen such discord and division in the country over a Presidency, as we have with Trump and what he is doing.
“The “seeds” are being planted and watered!
Just an after thought regarding the Synagogue of Satan.
Because Hebrew is a “Living Language”, the Zionist, whom have hijacked Judaism, believe they can twist the Scriptures and attain the Covenant of Abraham, to usher in their own Messiah on their timeline. Half of Abraham’s “Seed” is the “Woman’s Seed”. That “Seed” gets split once again with Esau and Jacob/Israel, then from 12 Tribes to 2 Tribes down to the Tribe of Judea. By establishing their “Messiah” they feel they will have attained their goal of fully capturing the Woman’s Seed and the Abrahamic Covenant. Basically Yahweh’s Chosen Nation, would become the Synagogue of Satan. The Real “Woman’s Seed,” those who are awake, or being awakened and embrace their place as Children of Father Yahweh and gain true “Christ Consciousness”, will be protected, we will be “tested”, but we are protected. We are the ones who are the subject of Revelation 3:9 “Look! I will give those from the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, and yet they are not but are lying—look! I will make them come and do obeisance before your feet and make them know I have loved you.”
So the Zionist will believe they have full control and have Satan’s blessings, just before their kingdom is fully destroyed and brought to an end, right before our very eyes!
We have a ways to go yet and allot more to expose and teach the people. Thought you would appreciate the information.
“Love and Blessings to you and yours!
“In Light ?
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Recommended Reading
Peter Kling: 2020-21 End of Religion exposes Vatican planetary Child Trafficking Empire and Islam as a death cult, followed by 3.5 years of 666 Antichrist King of the World Prince William, as a Nibiru event and “King of Kings and Armies of the Heavens” show up around 2025 and 1000 years Divine Rule on Earth.
WATCH Roundtable with Author & Hermeneuticist Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre
ACCESS FULL ARTICLE & LINKS Peter Kling – Upper Theatre Hermeneutics Update – Prince William is the Antichrist, future king of one world government.
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ACCESS FULL 34 PAGE NEWS ARTICLE & LINKS – Upper Theatre Hermeneutics Update
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“The pen is mightier than the sword.” Thanks for all your insight and revelations and educations.
With Love and Blessings!
Stop following the bread crumbs and cut to the chase…..
The Bible was written by the Eqytians and the World has been RUN by the Swiss Nazi Templars…Pharoastocracy., Masons and Octogon. and IHS is part and parcel.
Small hint….Genesis really means the Genes of Issis.